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[BOOK SPOILERS] What your non-reader friends/family thought and their predictions

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It's my mother's first episode she's ever watched, and she's an Unsullied. And half the episode I was explaining to her about random info (who's this character, who are they related to, blah blah)

A funny thing she said during the episode:

"That boy king's a git"

"Yeah, you really wanna punch him no?"

"Yeah, but sadly he's the type of guy tv shows keep for all seasons".

Her face at the end of the episode :drunk:

She comments it was very well made and planned, due to so much focus on different characters at the wedding, with different interactions, and almost nobody seems to love "the boy king", it's hard to pinpoint exactly who did it.

Also, she's noticed about the poisoning, wondering if either the wine or the pie was poisoned (she goes more towards the wine). She wonders about the "cup exchange"...And she believes Sansa was the one who did it, or at least she's mildly involved along with the jester, because it's such a "coincidence" that at the moment Joffrey dies, Dontos comes over and takes her away...

Not bad for your first screening. :cool4:

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My wife's first words as the credits were rolling:

It was the grandmother, wasn't it?

She is pretty good at guessing things on TV, so I wasn't really surprised. I let her know that this is known as the Purple Wedding and asked if she noticed anything purple displayed prominently on screen, and if gramma was involved was it originally her idea or someone else's?

I am looking forward to the bomb being dropped at some point when we are shown just how many things Littlefinger is behind. That's something my wife wouldn't be able to guess because she doesn't spend much time thinking about it.

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I watch the show with 3-4 friends who havn't read the books. They are very interested and pay attention really well (remeber all the names etc) but I'd still label them as casual fans.
After Jeoffreys choking scene, they all high-fived each other and watched the scene a couple times over. Afterwards they were asking who did it and were discussing all possibilities:

- Tywin: because he things Jeoffrey is a lose canon
- "Old woman" (Queen of Thorns): because she know Jeoffrey is a prick. However they couldn't understand why they'd do it because it gives their family less power.
- The fool (Dontos): Because payback.

- Prince Oberyn/ Elaria Sand: because he's a bad-ass and hates Lannisters. "Didn't he come to kingslanding to do something like this?"

- Varys: because the is creepy and might "serve the realm" by killing Jeoffrey
- Tyrion: payback, although they let go of this idea I think.

- Sansa: Because she handed the cup to Tyrion, and has a good reason to kill him.

- Margaery: Because she knows Jeoffreys a monster and she might have ordered the cake (and fed him herself).

- Melisandre/Stannis: because she asked the lord of light.

They still havn't figured it out but they think Dontos, Tyrells or Oberyn is most likely.

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I watched it with my mom and while chatting with my best friend. They both had very different reactions…

Mom: was shocked with Joffrey's death, but what she was more concerned about was Ramsay and his opening scene. She said she hates the character, that the Red Wedding was horrible but that the Ramsay scenes don't seem to have a purpose. She hated it and said she doesn't know if she will be watching again, especially because if Joffrey dies all the "bully" scenes will now focus with Ramsay and she just can't take it.

Best friend: had no comments about the first part of the episode, but during the wedding she kept saying everything was too quiet and something bad was going to happen, when Joffrey finally died she was really, really happy, and she couldn’t believe it… later she got obsessed with who did it, she even asked me to tell her.. She thought the "jester" and the "grandma" had something to do with it, and I told her she was on the right track but, that there was someone else that had come up with the master plan… So she is really looking forward to the next episode.

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I've spoken with my best friend and his first thought was Cersei, but he immediately jumped to the Queen of Thorns. With some clues and a bit of guidance by me, he was able to guess the necklace thing: but he didn't mention Littlefinger. He's wondering if Margaery was involved or not.

By the way, he asked me who's gonna be in the throne now, because he/she would have benefited from the death of the king. I had to remind him of the existence of Tommen. Once he knew he was gonna be the new king, he predicted that now Margaery is gonna marry him (I didn't give him any clues there, I promise!) ^^

He loves Tyrion and fears for him, and he also keeps emphasizing how much he pities Theon.

PS: I didn't even think about the leeches... I'm assuming none of my Unsullied remember them. I might mention it to my best friend and see what he thinks, or maybe it's better if I wait until Balon Greyjoy's death.

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My brother thinks that LF was ultimately behind Joffrey's death but is torn over who physically poisoned him, he thinks Sansa or Cersei.

The only family he doesn't think did it are the Tyrells! Haha he can't see how they would have anything to gain from it.

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Just talked to my brother, he said he expected Joffrey to die but not so soon in the story...and he thinks "the fool dude" (Dontos) had something to do with it... he caught the necklace significance. He also thinks "the Inigo Montoya dude" (Oberyn) was involved.

(I told him he was partially right, but not about which part).

Also, he said that he missed "the dragon chick" in this week's episode. Having a relative love this series but reducing everyone to chicks and dudes is eye-opening to say the least.

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Finally was able to speak to two of my unsullied coworkers today.

One of them immediately fingered the QoT, but he was not entirely sure of himself and I steered him away for the time being. He then went on to list just about every possible suspect.

Another coworker thinks it's Sansa because she picked up the goblet from the floor and handed it to Tyrion (the other mentioned this as well). My response is always "You really think Sansa is cunning enough/her honorable Stark background would let her do that?" and they both were like "YES. ABSOLUTELY." Lolz.

Neither of them have an inkling of a clue that Littlefinger is involved. One asked me if we'd find out who did it sooner rather than later, and I said more than likely if they follow the books.

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