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A Skyrim Kind of Game for ASOIAF?


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Yes of course. Not sure if you are being snarky because we tend to not see eye-to-eye, but there is an element of respect for the peasants. Hard to believe, I know. But in order to have peasants fight for you and fight for you effectively, you need to at least consider their concerns and meet some or most of them. Otherwise they may flee the field. I wonder, however, would Gregor have stopped if that were Ned? Presuming Ned went on to fulfill his role as a protectorate?

Either way a Skyrim-type game, if that is a genre of games (if you play) like, would be fantastic. I still don't think it will be possible unless Bethesda makes the game......And for some reason I don't think they will. The problem is most fans would have certain expectations, but for them to do it right, they would have to pick a point in Westeros' history and run with it. For example the Wot5k. Pick a "job", pick a gender, etc, and instead of a system too much like Elder Scrolls, you chose a House to fight for. The immediate threat of the game would be the "usurpers" but ultimately the WW's and dragons are brought in. They can add some of the events, like the RW. I just don't see Elder Scrolls doing that....

No I'm not being snarky, I promise. I'm just saying that the open world set up doesn't work for Westeros because GRRM has made it clear he wants his class structure to be realistic and with open world games it seems like certain rules are... well, it seems like there are no rules sometimes. I mean, sure you can get in trouble and stuff but just travelling around for one person would seem dangerous even for a sellsword.

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A Skyrim style ASOIAF game is my ultimate fantasy. I agree it should take place before GOT but other than that I just wish it would happen. Bethesda is kind of the GRRM of video game developers. We spend more time waiting on the game to come out than actually playing it.

Say what? I just got done playing Oblivion on my lunch break. :)

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A true Westeros game would also need a Sim aspect for it to really be great. Working woith your bannermen, making sure the crops are planted/ harvested. Building Keeps and traing your men. Setting up marriage alliances and building ships and armies. A cross between Skyrim and Romance of the Three Kingdoms part 3

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  • 3 months later...

It couldn't work during the actual events, as they're more centered on the story rather than worldbuilding. However, it would make sense to play as Dunk and travel around completing quests for people such as Rohanne and Eustace, the difference being that you'd have Egg to carry your loot burdens instead of Lydia.

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I would love it.

The MInecraft Westeros project looks to be the only thing currently anywhere near that type of thing, and I have yet to be able to see it for myself, only pictures online.

An open World game is inevitable, believe that, but in the meantime the TellTale game coming out soon should be pretty great.

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I would love it.

The MInecraft Westeros project looks to be the only thing currently anywhere near that type of thing, and I have yet to be able to see it for myself, only pictures online.

An open World game is inevitable, believe that, but in the meantime the TellTale game coming out soon should be pretty great.

But that's just a big recreation of the world right? Don't get me wrong it's impressive, but I don't think there's an actual game you can play on the map. (Other than Minecraft.)

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Skyrim. Ugh. Great fun at first, but as I grew into a powerful fighter... So did the whole %$%? world! As the monsters started kicking my butt despite my martial skills being never better, I suddenly had to get into shit that were not part of my vision for the character, such as smithing and enchanting, in order to stay ahead of the curve. And to impove those, I had to start crafting a lot.

When I suddenly realized I had spent the last half an hour of my life gathering materials to craft daggers so that I could improve my smithing skill to make a better sword and compete with the improved monsters... I stopped in disgust.

I have chores to do in my real life, why the hell would I do some in a game!?

End or rant.

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A sandbox style RPG set in Westeros, ala Skyrim?

It would have to be set during the Dance of Dragons, or maybe a latter Blackfyre rebellion. Maybe even the war of the ninepenny kings.

I suppose it could be interesting, but alot of it depends on your favored style of gaming.

90% of games these days have RPG elements in them, where you are allowed to play a character, or characters, in a story setting. The difference of Skyrim, and the Elder Scrolls series itself, is the complete open-ended aspect of the main character. Alot of it depends on if you want to play IN a story or MAKE UP a story.

I understand what Bethesda is trying to do, but it's too old school in my opinion. Rockstar and Bioware is putting out better games with better and tighter stories with better voice acting that allows you to sometimes streamline the game by not allowing it to be so completely open-ended.

I guess Skyrim was just not my bag. I'd rather spend time being in a story then spend hours at a time forging rings, or traveling from village A to village B. If sandtable is the way you want to experience Westeros, I would rather it be similar to a Rockstar game then Bethesda. Not least of all because of all the damn bugs in Skyrim.

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Yeah the mInecraft deal is just a recreation of the world, but the size, scale and scope are damn impressive. King's Landing is amazing, check it out if you can. I'm still trying to figure out how I can commandeer my nephew's game and go traipsing about...

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Skyrim. Ugh. Great fun at first, but as I grew into a powerful fighter... So did the whole %$%? world! As the monsters started kicking my butt despite my martial skills being never better, I suddenly had to get into shit that were not part of my vision for the character, such as smithing and enchanting, in order to stay ahead of the curve. And to impove those, I had to start crafting a lot.

When I suddenly realized I had spent the last half an hour of my life gathering materials to craft daggers so that I could improve my smithing skill to make a better sword and compete with the improved monsters... I stopped in disgust.

I have chores to do in my real life, why the hell would I do some in a game!?

End or rant.


I'm an old man now. I got other things/people to do. Any game that takes me longer then 60 hours to finish isn't a game, it's a life sucking monster like WoW.

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I used the GoT mod at one point, but the inaccuracies actually bothered me more. I'm not sure an ASOIAF sandbox RPG would be healthy...I'd totally be that person collecting ALL the cheese wheels so I could chuck them out the Moon Door.

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When I suddenly realized I had spent the last half an hour of my life gathering materials to craft daggers so that I could improve my smithing skill to make a better sword and compete with the improved monsters... I stopped in disgust.

It's easier to make leather vambraces instead of daggers. You don't have to dedicate any amount of time for collecting leather because by wandering you end up having it anyway.

how bout a grand theft auto type of game? you can be one of three: ramsay snow, bronn, or sansa.

And you steal carts or something? Anyway I hope we'll have the option to be Cersei (it even rhymes with CJ) so we could throw from a tower missiles wildfire pots at people and make a star for each of The Seven.

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