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Nobody thinks the Others are pure evil, right?

Fool of a Took

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I don't know, maybe they think their human friends prefer to be undead rather then plain dead.

I guess that's why they laugh when they kill their human friends XD It's all a big joke!

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The reason why I don't think they are pure evil, a la Ramsay Bolton, is that they do not appear to torture or rape the people they kill. But surely they are the antithesis of human life. My only question is whether they are a creation of the Singers/Children or not.

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If The Wall was meant to protect the south from The Others then it wouldn't be made of ice. When Jon goes into the tunnels beneath The Wall used for storing meat in DwD he comments on how unnaturally cold it is and attributes this to the wards built into The Wall which would be the opposite of what you would want to ward off The Others. So it seems on its' face that the purpose of The Wall is more likely a protection for The Others rather than from them. So I am of the camp that The Others are not evil.

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not to sound condescending, but debating this topic is pointless as there is next to NO written evidence yet. especially the night's king. until further evidence is written, its pointless to debate and the thread SHOULD be a simple answer thread

so to answer, no, i dont think The Others are evil. in fact, if i recall correctly, and i could be wrong, i think the only time we saw an Other, was AGOT prologue, the rest is all heresay by character word-of-mouth, and they havent seen an Other in their lifetime either.

Yeah, in fact wildlings are coming south cause they want to enjoy a summer holiday at the famous water pools of Dorne..

.. Tormund obviously blatantly lies when he claims White Walkers are attacking the wildlings since a long time, that each night they get near their camps and some of their people disappear when fires burnt low, he lies when he says that some other of his people die and rise again... he lies, just like Mance Raider, Igritte and many others.

Also, Jon Snow did not see a white walker taking Craster's son, he was really having only hallucinations induced by weed smoking. Sam didn't meet nor kill Puddles, that was all made up to cover his sex affairs with his new fiancé.

The night watch members didn't run from the fist of the first men pressed by white walkers and undeads, that was all hallucinations for not eating nor sleeping for days while marching as crazy. No wonder they decided to kill their captain Mormont to repay him for this painful experience.

Definitely, absolutely, objectively no proof that these poor white walkers are not coming in peace, in fact they do not carry weapons with them.. those are kid toys, the real weapons they left in the lands of always winter. In fact, they do try to speak to people.. only they are using an outdated dictionary or can't spell words right, they are so misunderstood and always attacked first. Poor ones. They even try to behave politely with humans beings, too bad they misunderstood stabbing for hand shaking and slashing for welcoming friends.

Obviously all myths are all falsehoods, the others were never a treat in the first place. In fact, the truth is that Westeros is plagued with bad parenting, all these parents hating onto their children and enjoying scaring the shit out of them with bullshit on poor white walkers, the most peaceful race on the planet. Cause that will make them stronger and ready to deal with rape, mass murders and pillaging.. all respected activities.

can we get a bit serious around here, or will we stay in denial for ever onto the true nature of white walkers???

edit : how could I forget this! Bran, Meera, Hodor and Co. didn't meet and fight undeads, Brynden Rivers aka Three Eyed Crow is telling bullshit all the time, as much as Jojen.. they have gone too far with crack and eroine..

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can we get a bit serious around here, or will we stay in denial for ever onto the true nature of white walkers???

The White Walkers are not The Others (not in asoiaf at least, I believe they are in the HBO series but I have only seen the first two seasons). The Others lived in harmony as near as we can tell with tCotF as there was no Wall before the First Men arrived.

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The White Walkers are not The Others (not in asoiaf at least, I believe they are in the HBO series but I have only seen the first two seasons). The Others lived in harmony as near as we can tell with tCotF as there was no Wall before the First Men arrived.

According to this page referring to the books, you are wrong.


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If The Wall was meant to protect the south from The Others then it wouldn't be made of ice. When Jon goes into the tunnels beneath The Wall used for storing meat in DwD he comments on how unnaturally cold it is and attributes this to the wards built into The Wall which would be the opposite of what you would want to ward off The Others. So it seems on its' face that the purpose of The Wall is more likely a protection for The Others rather than from them. So I am of the camp that The Others are not evil.

...yet the Wall has spells built in it to keep dead people from crossing over but nothing at all to keep the living from crossing. Seems like a terrible defense mechanism to me.

And maybe, just maybe, the Wall is made of ice because it is built somewhere, you know...cold?

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The White Walkers are not The Others (not in asoiaf at least, I believe they are in the HBO series but I have only seen the first two seasons). The Others lived in harmony as near as we can tell with tCotF as there was no Wall before the First Men arrived.

If they lived in harmony, why did the CotF help the FM to defeat them?

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wtf? white walkers == others in my dictionary, if not, replace in my post according to right definition.

Perhaps I am confused in this. I thought that Sam found descriptions of the White Walkers always riding dead animals whereas The Others walk without leaving any trail in the snow. I do suspect there is an important clue in the story of the Night's King where The Other is described as a beautiful pale woman and the White Walkers all seem to be Craster's sons and are quite obviously not human. Not worth getting worked up over though. We'll find out in the seventh book most like. I do wonder, again, why The Wall would be made of ice and warded to keep it cold if it is intended to keep The Others out. You would thing it would be made of dragonglass if that were it's purpose. Also, dragons eat children so the good/bad fire/ice parallel is poor thus far.

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Perhaps I am confused in this. I thought that Sam found descriptions of the White Walkers always riding dead animals whereas The Others walk without leaving any trail in the snow. I do suspect there is an important clue in the story of the Night's King where The Other is described as a beautiful pale woman and the White Walkers all seem to be Craster's sons and are quite obviously not human. Not worth getting worked up over though. We'll find out in the seventh book most like. I do wonder, again, why The Wall would be made of ice and warded to keep it cold if it is intended to keep The Others out. You would thing it would be made of dragonglass if that were it's purpose. Also, dragons eat children so the good/bad fire/ice parallel is poor thus far.

It's not the ice that keeps them out, but the spells.

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Perhaps I am confused in this. I thought that Sam found descriptions of the White Walkers always riding dead animals whereas The Others walk without leaving any trail in the snow. I do suspect there is an important clue in the story of the Night's King where The Other is described as a beautiful pale woman and the White Walkers all seem to be Craster's sons and are quite obviously not human. Not worth getting worked up over though. We'll find out in the seventh book most like. I do wonder, again, why The Wall would be made of ice and warded to keep it cold if it is intended to keep The Others out. You would thing it would be made of dragonglass if that were it's purpose. Also, dragons eat children so the good/bad fire/ice parallel is poor thus far.

No, there's nothing about them 'always' riding dead animals:

"Some stories speak of them riding the corpses of dead animals. Bears, direwolves, mammoths, horses, it makes no matter, so long as the beast is dead. The one that killed Small Paul was riding a dead horse, so that part’s plainly true."

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Perhaps I am confused in this. I thought that Sam found descriptions of the White Walkers always riding dead animals whereas The Others walk without leaving any trail in the snow. I do suspect there is an important clue in the story of the Night's King where The Other is described as a beautiful pale woman and the White Walkers all seem to be Craster's sons and are quite obviously not human. Not worth getting worked up over though. We'll find out in the seventh book most like. I do wonder, again, why The Wall would be made of ice and warded to keep it cold if it is intended to keep The Others out. You would thing it would be made of dragonglass if that were it's purpose. Also, dragons eat children so the good/bad fire/ice parallel is poor thus far.

read this http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Others

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Interesting read. Thanks for the link. Assuming GRRM was working with the producers the number 13 is significant as that is the number of years the Night's King had his Other queen before he was killed by a Stark king and the King beyond the Wall (assuming one child per year that makes 13). Anyway, it does seem a bit anti-climactic if The Others/White Walkers are pure evil because they can be destroyed by obsidian and there seems to be so few and Dany can cross the sea any time to torch the wights with her dragons, Wall or no. Given what I have read about GRRM you would think there would be more to it than that.

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IAnyway, it does seem a bit anti-climactic if The Others/White Walkers are pure evil because they can be destroyed by obsidian and there seems to be so few and Dany can cross the sea any time to torch the wights with her dragons, Wall or no. Given what I have read about GRRM you would think there would be more to it than that.

There is. Rh'llor and the Great Other are in league, Dany and her dragons are their puppets, and their goal is the destruction of the World.

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Some websites you see No Reboot! mentioned a lot, here you see No Pure Evil! as a popular refrain.

It's very important to readers. The purity level of everyone's evil is constantly being assessed it would seem. Why?

It's a meaningless distinction. If the Others are showing us only their bad side, it doesn't matter if they have other sides to them.

They could be as multifaceted as a gemstone and it doesn't help us any, cuz the Others' 8-Ball keeps sending out just the one message to us ("all men must morgulis and then doharis").

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...yet the Wall has spells built in it to keep dead people from crossing over but nothing at all to keep the living from crossing. Seems like a terrible defense mechanism to me.

And maybe, just maybe, the Wall is made of ice because it is built somewhere, you know...cold?

Lol this. Exactly

What else would they use to make a wall that big in an area like that? A bunch of straw? Or the impossible amount of rock/steel that would be needed to get it to that size

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