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Best sidekick Poll: EDIT - CLOSED

Salafi Stannis

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Heke (aka Reek the first)

Ramsay as a sidekick to Roose (if you can call him that) is also nice! they are hilarious together, Roose clear "distaste" of Ramsay's behavior is hilarious!

for actual good sidekicks: Davos, he's got 90% of the braincells in all of westeros! it's no contest!

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Ned Stark, His entire life is based on helping his homeboy Robert

"Hey Ned They stole your hot sister! To arms."

"Ned Thank the 7 you saved me from the battle of the bells, Oh those other woman In that um... Brothel as you'd call it, They where tending to my wounds of course i would never take another woman your sister is all the woman i need."

"Ned I know you're happy living up north with your pretty wife and kids and castle, but our father figure just died so i need you to take his place while i Do well. Kingly things,"

"Now Ned I know you just got Stabbed in the Leg by my Bodyguard who is also my Brother in law, But you're so great i know you can lead my kingdom While i go hunt. If i don't i won't be Renly's Favorite brother!"

"Ned i know i'm dying. But as punishment for you having a better life then me, You will Look affter my Evil wife, this damn kingdom and my horrible incest crazy child."

"Robert if i don't get sidekick of the year, you may as well chop my head off right now."

Or Pod he's pretty sweet to.

I was set on Pod

then I considered either one of the Direwolves

then I read this...

Ned, what a guy

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