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Last Words/POV of the Series


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Gerion comes back to find King's Landing pretty much deserted except for Dolorous Edd, sitting at a table in the great hall of the Red Keep bemoaning that since he's the only one left, he's stuck being king. Gerion realizes the situation and, knowing this is his last chance, drops to one knee and pledges fealty, as the look of hope fades from poor Edd's face.


So we hunt on, wolves in a pack, borne back ceaselessly into the snow.

Good one.

"Tomorrow, I'll think of some way to get the Iron Throne back. After all, tomorrow is another day."

Worst Ending: "And as the wedding bells of Jon and Danys' wedding rang throughout King's Landing, everyone lived happily ever after."

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Bran, sitting in what is left of the Winterfell great hall, assuming his duties as Lord of Winterfell, finally accepting his handicap?

Littlefinger (having failed and been stripped of his winnings) and Varys (having nothing of greater value either) debating what has been going on over the past few years?

At least one more Stark dies before the end, and all the dead Starks reunite as a pack of wolves in the forest as Winter ends and spring comes once again?

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Possibly Jon, Stannis, maaybe Dany, but probably Bran (he'll become some kind of omniscient narrator)

Something along the lines of:

"...closed his/her eyes and dreamt of spring."

Though GRRM probably wouldn't be so cheesey.

Maybe something about all the Starks warging/already dead and live only in their direwolves, turning their backs and disappearing into the wolfwood/beyond the Wall.

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Either an epilogue from The Gravedigger (I'd personally enjoy it), or a traditional POV character, maybe either Tyrion, Arya or maybe Jon, someone who's ventured to various places (Tyrion & Arya have probably traveled quite a journey through both Westeros & parts of Essos).

Both will have a similar line going;

"This war may have ended, but there will be always be more casualties & confrontations, for the world will never be at peace with each other for long."

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Absolutely it'll end in Bran's POV, perhaps quite a bit of time later -- look at Bloodraven's extended life in the tree.

And some of you focus totally on the bitter, and not at all on the sweet. "Everyone dies" is as cliched of an ending as "everyone lives, gets everything they want, and lives happily ever after."

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Worst Ending: "And as the wedding bells of Jon and Danys' wedding rang throughout King's Landing, everyone lived happily ever after."

I agree, although wedding bells sound far too tame and bourgeois for the boisterous medieval theme park that is Westeros - I'm thinking more along the lines of

"And as groom and bride were borne off to their fur-lined wedding chamber, the shrieks of drunken revellers and boisterous jokes about the groom's impressive manhood and the couple's impending marital revels were heard even in the Great Hall, where those tricksters of the older generation, now white-haired and feeble, - King Varys, Chancellor Littlefinger and High Septa Sansa as well as Archmester Tyrion Lannister - sat and devoured huge mounds of fat-glistening roasted turnips, smooth turnip puree, honey-glazed turnip, fish fried with almonds, deer roasted with apples and drowned in fat-glistening sauce and topped with a satyrically grinning black boar's head with a small marzipane dragon egg stuffed in its now harmless snout. The end."

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Good one.

"Tomorrow, I'll think of some way to get the Iron Throne back. After all, tomorrow is another day."

Worst Ending: "And as the wedding bells of Jon and Danys' wedding rang throughout King's Landing, everyone lived happily ever after."

Hmm, in regards to the second:

"The teal of the wedding bells was matched by the mirth of the smallfolk, the war was over- long live the Queen! The naysayers whispered of conspiracy and subterfuge, but what would they know? Clearly no Ill could come from a wedding!"

Just a touch of optimism with a hint at the realism to come...

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The bard stepped forward from behind stone pillars. Meandering past tables and high lords and ladies, he stopped in front of the Iron Throne.

"Silence" The King/Queen bellowed. "Your name good fellow?"

"I am [insert ironic or name which has links to it from asoiaf], Your Grace. I hope my song will be enjoyed as much as this long lasting peace. I call it, A Song Of Ice And Fire" He smiled and cradled his lute in two arms.

[bard sings an epic song about the TWOFTK, War of the Dawn etc].

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