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Homeland: The Brody Bunch


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The only way I'll watch season 5 is if it's about the adventure of Quinn ,nothing else. Carrie should have been made to fade into oblivion after S3. The whole story was over so start over with new characters in new settings already.

Next season : Quinn kills the Sony hackers Munich style. B)

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First off, the Carrie hate in this thread I don't get--especially after this season. It's not really an ensemble show-- Homeland is about Carrie. And with that said, I think the eulogy scene she delivered alone is going to get Claire Danes another Emmy nomination. I love how we got so much of her family history revealed in this episode, too. Even the scene on the park bench carried a lot of weight. Carrie is seeing herself as more of a complete person now, and I hope the writers don't fall back on her bipolar disorder in S5. And like someone mentioned earlier, Lockheart managed to come off as more of an idiot with decent enough intentions in the finale than just the power hungry d-bag he was in the previous season. Nice twist there making him the slightly more sympathetic character when compared to Sol at the end.

Second, I was loving the finale until the last act when the obvious end played out with Quinn and Carrie. Quinn's reaction especially was way too one dimensional, and honestly for someone who seemed to know Carrie so well, that reaction was knee jerk and indicative of lazy writing. On the other hand, the Dar & Sol plot was beautiful. I could've done without the jazzy car ride ending--which was anticlimactic.

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Thing is, the show works infinitely better when it's not about Carrie and that's the most frustrating thing. It should be more of an ensemble piece, focusing on spy craft, not Carrie's personal failings and sicknesses. When the show is at it's worst, it's when it's about Carrie alone.

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