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Photos of Dany and Tyrion together


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yeah but your arguments seem to be based on 'well it's not like the books so we hates it'. That's not much better. It was nominated at the 2014 Emmy awards for Outstanding Drama Series, Peter Dinklage got the nomination for best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series once again, Lena Headey got nominated for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drame Series for GOT as well so you might not agree that it's a quality tv show but seems to me that many people besides me actually do.

Where did I say this?

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@Red Tiger: I assumed that was implied, as that seems to be most people's beef with the show on this site and considering that the reason for your original comment was a big chage from the books to the show I assumed that it was linked to exactly that, namely that the show changed around too much. I apologize, I shouldn't have presumed to know what you felt was wrong with season 4.

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@Red Tiger: I assumed that was implied, as that seems to be most people's beef with the show on this site and considering that the reason for your original comment was a big chage from the books to the show I assumed that it was linked to exactly that, namely that the show changed around too much. I apologize, I shouldn't have presumed to know what you felt was wrong with season 4.

I was being too harsh too, my apolgies.

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Now THIS is a change I can get behind, since this is what GRRM should have done with Tyrion and Dany in aDwD instead of giving us their dreadful chapters

I'm less happy, however, with Pit Fighter!Jorah, and even less happy still with Barristan's absence. The actor must have peed on D&D's cereal or something, because they are not giving him his due

*sigh* And Barristan was the one saving grace of the Meereen storyline, but now they're giving us an extra helping of Tyrion, now in a dorky looking outfit!

:agree: So much agreeing with this. The show can't be the book, and vice versa. Changes can be for the better.

But not all changes are good -- I think the idea of Dany sitting by and callously watching Jorah fight to the death would not be a good change -- it would make her character a lot less sympathetic to show fans -- as with so many of her Mereen chapters for book fans. Unless maybe her defending Jorah is the catalyst for her whole, hem, 'fly away home' sequence, seeing as there will probably be no pig riding? And that could be a show finale maybe?

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A lot of people are saying Barristan is not here because he is dead or he had a falling out withe D&D, but could it be his actor's age, physical appearance and capability? I know they can always use stuntmen, but show Barristan truly doesn't look like he'd be anything approaching a capable fighter, so if he suddenly started picking dudes apart it might not come off as believable.

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A lot of people are saying Barristan is not here because he is dead or he had a falling out withe D&D, but could it be his actor's age, physical appearance and capability? I know they can always use stuntmen, but show Barristan truly doesn't look like he'd be anything approaching a capable fighter, so if he suddenly started picking dudes apart it might not come off as believable.

Looks can deceive, and they've been hyping him up as badass fighter since season 1. I actually think that he looked quite formidable when in armor.

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Looks can deceive, and they've been hyping him up as badass fighter since season 1. I actually think that he looked quite formidable when in armor.

Yeah and that's one thing that annoys me, we have heard Ned, Jaime and Jorah among many others say he is the biggest badass around, yet the only thing we've seen him do is stab that small thing that went after Danaerys.

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Yeah and that's one thing that annoys me, we have heard Ned, Jaime and Jorah among many others say he is the biggest badass around, yet the only thing we've seen him do is stab that small thing that went after Danaerys.

And it's not like there haven't been any chances to have him fight. The Hand's Tourney, Yunkai, the champion of Meereen. GIVE US BARRY THE BOLD!

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Looking at Tyrion's now red hair, I begin to believe he isn't a secret Targ after all. Clearly he is a secret Giantsbane.

Could they be having Jorah face a trial by combat, in the Westerosi tradition (just with a few changes due to the local culture)? If Tyrion is already there it suggests that he and Jorah will not be slave buddies. If they're scrapping Jorah's pathetic descent into slavery, this would be a good alternative.

I think the shot of the four of them sitting is because they were watching the filming, and waiting for their takes. I don't imagine Dany being quite so calm about watching Jorah fight for his life.

Also, in case no one else has pointed it out, they had the wrong actor listed for Malko. Adewale (I can't spell the rest) plays Areo Hotah who is not in Essos. Somebody else (whose name I also cannot spell) was cast as Malko. Nevermind. Brain fog actor mix-up.

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Looking at Tyrion's now red hair, I begin to believe he isn't a secret Targ after all. Clearly he is a secret Giantsbane.

Could they be having Jorah face a trial by combat, in the Westerosi tradition (just with a few changes due to the local culture)? If Tyrion is already there it suggests that he and Jorah will not be slave buddies. If they're scrapping Jorah's pathetic descent into slavery, this would be a good alternative.

I think the shot of the four of them sitting is because they were watching the filming, and waiting for their takes. I don't imagine Dany being quite so calm about watching Jorah fight for his life.

Also, in case no one else has pointed it out, they had the wrong actor listed for Malko. Adewale (I can't spell the rest) plays Areo Hotah who is not in Essos. Somebody else (whose name I also cannot spell) was cast as Malko.

Who's DeObia Oparei playing then?

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The anti-R+L=J crowd can certainly use the show as *some* kind of basis to "show" that R+L=/=J. So far all the show has done in giving any kind of clue to the audience [and only in showing that Jon isn't Ned's son] is the line in Season One: "you may not have my name, but you have my blood." And that's it!

If R+L=J, then it's going to be a soap opera-esque reveal on the show because NOTHING would make ANYONE even remotely crackpot such a theory. My Unsullied friend doesn't even know who Rhaegar is. She doesn't mind spoilers so when I told her she said "but I thought Dany had one brother, the one with the molten crown." I don't hate D&D as some people do, but their decisions to undermine several key aspects of the story always baffle me. I used to be the one telling people to give them a chance...I'm slowly giving up.

No it's not. There are Easter eggs in the show. This is probably the most obvious:


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:agree: So much agreeing with this. The show can't be the book, and vice versa. Changes can be for the better.

But not all changes are good -- I think the idea of Dany sitting by and callously watching Jorah fight to the death would not be a good change -- it would make her character a lot less sympathetic to show fans -- as with so many of her Mereen chapters for book fans. Unless maybe her defending Jorah is the catalyst for her whole, hem, 'fly away home' sequence, seeing as there will probably be no pig riding? And that could be a show finale maybe?

But we don't know that she's "sitting around callously". We only saw pictures of them sitting there not filming because they had water bottles. We haven't actually seen them film yet.

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