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Acrophobia #12. Congratulations to the Winner: a shadow!

honeyed chicken

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as regards the theme, what could be more concise and narrow? This is the game of thrones, you win or you die. So the question all along has boiled down to: win or die? Pretty simple.

Well, what I meant was this:


You may assess that character's chances of winning the game, discuss their methodology for playing, or analyze how good/bad they are at it. Or you can go completely off into the woods on a tangent, if that's what tickles your fancy.


I count three different ways to direct your answer:

assess players chances

discuss methodology

analyze ability

Plus the 'do something else' option (which is always there.)

Again, this is not a slam at you, HC. I just think the narrower the parameters, the easier it is to play the game.

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Well, what I meant was this:

I count three different ways to direct your answer:

assess players chances

discuss methodology

analyze ability

Plus the 'do something else' option (which is always there.)

Again, this is not a slam at you, HC. I just think the narrower the parameters, the easier it is to play the game.


I did include add ons for those bored by the main question.

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Woke up at 5:00 am this morning. Think it's going to be a loooong day. But think I'm mostly on top of things.

Some more wrapping to do.

Start the Trifle.

Pre-prepare some vegetables.

Could do some dusting - but - mmmm - naah!

Entertain and feed the visiting mother-in-law.

Think of an excuse to get out of the house and away from said M-I-L.

OK! Good to go!

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Round 9 Scoring

DG moves up again.

Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish/NRCOSE

1. Naughty rogue calculates overthrow. Supplants everyone. (SNA) (1st: Shadow; 2nd: LB; 3rd: Cast)

2. Never ravished Catelyn, only sister. Ew! (LB) (1st: Woof; 3rd: Emmit)

3. Newly recruited 'child' offers sexual excitement. (QC) (3rd: Woof)

4. Never really close. Omnipotent Sansa endures! (FB) (1st: ghost)

5. New rule: Cathouses official state embassies. (Emmit) (3rd: Shadow, DG)

6. Nefarious rogue’s ‘chaos’ observation… Steps = Eyrie. (Woof) (2nd: DG)

7. Niche: rotten counsel onto susceptible ears. (Shadow) (1st: Cast, DG; 2nd: Woof, ghost; 3rd: FB)

8. Nihilistic rise ceases on Stoneheart's ensnarement. (DG) (1st: LB, Emmit, FB)

9. Needs revengeful control, onanistic shitty egomaniac. (Cast) (2nd: Emmit; 3rd: ghost)

10. Nothing really clicks.. Ousted! Sansa exterminates! (ghost) (2nd: Cast, Shadow, LB; 3rd: LB)


1. A Shadow - (96+1+1+3+3+2+2+1) = 109

2. Dolorous Gabe – (84+1+1+3+3+3+4) = 99

3. Castellan – (87+1+1+2+1) = 92

4. Ser Not Appearing - (80+1+3+2+1) = 87

5. Fragile Bird – (66+1+1+3) = 71

6. lil' ghost – (58+1+1+2+2+2+1) = 67

7. Emmit - (58+1+1+1+1) = 62

8. Queen_Cersei_II - (54+1+1) = 56

9. Woofless - (52+1+1+2) 56

10. Lady Blizzardborn - (46+1+1+3+1) = 52

11. Lord Sapna – (33) = 33

12. redriver - (11) = 11

13. Dany Lannister - (3) = 3

14. Liaraeyne – (1) = 1

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Round 10 voting

Deadline: Wednesday, Dec. 31 about 10 pm US east coast time (3 am GMT, New Year's day)

Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen/GEDHPEY

  1. Girl’s exceptionally dramatic hatchings predetermine eventual yielding(s).
  2. Gradually everyone deserts her. Politically, empress yields.
  3. Gets educated. Destroys hegemonies. Prophesied empire? Yippee-ki-yay!
  4. Greatly eulogized. Daenerys had potential. Evermore yenned.
  5. GRRM endlessly delays her promised entrance. Yawn.
  6. Grueling expedition; Demands her privilege exists! *yawps*
  7. Girl’s equity: dragons, horde, prophecies, exiles, youth.
  8. Glacially elongated deployment halts presumed election. *yawn*
  9. Gains eminence, discovers heralded Prince, eventually yields.
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