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Exercise and Fitness - Because sitting on your ass all day long is boring ;)


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Just signed up for another half Ironman in the fall. Got back in the pool this week to start building up. I'm pretty sure if i dont die on the half this time around I'll plan on a full Ironman in 2017. I felt pretty good on the last half race so I'm pretty sure it will be go time next year. It would be great to get it done before I turn 45. Mont Tremblant or Lake Placid seem to be the two closest full races near me. Given the choice I'll pick Tremblant.

Baxus - anytime I go on vacation I end up spending most of my time swimming. I was in the water in Bermuda this summer for at least 4 hours every day. :)  Way more fun than laps in the pool gym.

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Yesterday was legs and deadlifts. 250lbs felt easier than usual for deadlifts so I tried 300lbs but that was too big a step.

Today was a run, then bench press, narrow pull down and arms. I had cut out most cardio for the past two months, plus was only 15 hours after leg weights, so I was expecting a tough run but I did a fast two miles effortlessly. And then did all my upper body weights without any fatigue drag. It felt great.

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Thanks Baxus for the concern, but I was out because I had a benign cyst removed from my skull.  Just needed to let the stitches do their thing and was basically back to normal after they were removed.  My Wednesday class was just proof that I wasn't going to have any head pain due to blood pumping heavily.

I did do my 5 workouts this weekend, and though I definitely have muscle fatigue, I basically have zero soreness.  I've also decided to keep with not drinking any alcohol until my birthday (Feb 3rd) since I had to stop anyway for my procedure and felt it was a good time to take a bit of a break.  I'm feeling absolutely wonderful right now.

Back to the grind with a bunch of classes planned for this week.  I've got some catching up to do and am loving every minute of it.

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I got to the gym right after work: legs and dead lifts. The gym was busy so I went really fast through my sets. It felt exhilarating and harrowing at the same time. Dead lifts felt easy again at 250lbs so I took another shot at 300lbs and got 7 reps with clean form. Now, after showering and some delicious lasagne for dinner, I'm basking in the endorphins.

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Barre Tuesday, yoga flow yesterday, and more barre today.  Been a good week so far and I've got some pretty sore muscles again.  Seeing some nice gains in my physique after the forced break.  A bit more ab definition, losing some of the fat that was stored on my pecs, and generally just feeling really good.  It's nice to be back at 100% again.

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Ran a lap around the lake yesterday in about -5ºC weather. It took me 46 minutes to cover 8.4km which was great, considering the weather.

Followed that with 30 minutes core workout. I expected to have very sore abs and lower back this morning but I'm surprisingly ok. That might change a bit later in the day, though. :D

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16 hours ago, Iskaral Pust said:

Early morning workout today: shoulder press, wide lat pull down, lat raises and arms. All went well, despite the early start. Avoiding the late night workouts definitely helps with sleep patterns.

That is some really great news!!!  I don't think I could sleep for a few hours after a workout.  Too many endorphins going.  You'll probably see some better gains with some better sleep too.  Has the carpal tunnel been in check as well?

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I was on vacation for the past 2 weeks, and while I was wayyy overindulging on the food and everything, I still did a little working out because I had a 5k about halfway through. Which was very COLD (about 36F) and dry (Vegas), but went really well. I was the second place female finisher and first for my division. Okay, true, there weren't very many people and many of them were doing the 5k/10k challenge (running the 5k race and then doing the 10k race an hour later), but still! I was pleased. 23:20 was my time.

Now to motivate myself to get back into working out without any races planned. Tomorrow I swear I am going to lift some weights...

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Great job on your 5k! It's a great result, about 4'40" per km.

As for cold weather, I did a 15km this morning at -9ºC (about 16F), which had a "feels like" value of -16ºC (about 3F). I put on layers of clothing and it felt great. T-shirt, long-sleeve shirt and a running jacket did the job as they were supposed to.

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 You'll probably see some better gains with some better sleep too.  Has the carpal tunnel been in check as well?

Carpal tunnel under control now. No interrupted sleep for almost 3 months. I'm still doing tendon massage and ice dipping daily.

The big gains have been weight loss while maintaining heavy lifts. In the past ten weeks I've dropped from 192lbs to 178lbs, without losing any ground on heavy lifts. That's despite three of those ten weeks spent visiting family for holidays, with rich food and no access to a gym, as well as reducing my cardio portion of workouts. Diet definitely is the driver of weight/fat.

I didn't think I had too much body fat before but I'm noticeably leaner and better defined now.

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I think I'll be skipping workout today.

There are some things I must do on my freelance project and some other stuff that can't be postponed and it's snowing which is expected to last through the day so I'll probably spend the whole day inside.

Plus, I still feel pretty good about yesterday's run so I have that as an "excuse".:D

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Did a Friday night 90 minute flow class that kicked my ass, then had dinner and drinks with a few people from the studio.  I'm really starting to love it there.  I started because it's a great workout, but man.... my biggest gains have been the mental parts of yoga (WAY better at dealing w/ stress) and the community of people that go there.  Just a great group of people that are welcoming and basically just awesome.

Did a modo class on Saturday morning and a barre class yesterday afternoon.  I was able to do the entire barre class for the first time.  Legs are definitely getting stronger.  Have another whole week of classes planned and getting excited for my birthday in a week.  Down almost 50 pounds from last year.  I'm trying to figure out a way to get a second class in during the week, so I'll be experimenting with a 6am class on one day and a 4:30pm barre followed by a 6pm yoga class.  Feeling like I can up my game with some of the other guys around the studio already on those schedules.

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Legs and deadlifts yesterday. Good workout.

I noticed last night and this morning some stiffness in my right shoulder joint, not unlike what swimming caused last year. I think bench press is the problem now: lately I've been pressing with the bar touching just below my sternum which means my elbows are flared out pretty wide. A lower bar with elbows tucked closer to chest is supposed to protect the shoulder joint better, so I'll try to make that change.

I did some research on squat technique but have to admit that I'm just not flexible enough around my shoulder and upper back to squat without strain. Overall, I want a sustainable and healthy workout regime. I don't want to strain myself in pursuit of bigger numbers. It's about the effect on me, not the weight I achieve. It's so tempting to get drawn into chasing ever higher numbers.

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On 1/23/2016 at 5:02 PM, Iskaral Pust said:

The big gains have been weight loss while maintaining heavy lifts. In the past ten weeks I've dropped from 192lbs to 178lbs, without losing any ground on heavy lifts. That's despite three of those ten weeks spent visiting family for holidays, with rich food and no access to a gym, as well as reducing my cardio portion of workouts. Diet definitely is the driver of weight/fat.

I didn't think I had too much body fat before but I'm noticeably leaner and better defined now.

I forgot to comment on this a few days ago, but this is what I was talking about a couple months back with losing weight while still gaining strength and muscle mass.  A bunch of people said I was full of shit, but it looks like both of us have done it successfully with the right diet.  Nicely done!

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