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Season 8 Final Battle for Westeros


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You a stickler for hope on this one aren't you? SInce it looks like they aren't filming till oct. we got some time before I can declare stannis is officially dead but as I said in the other thread- what point is there keeping him alive?


That being said there are 3 interesting scene's back in season 5- Littlefinger and Sansa, Brienne and pod, Sansa, lf, and brienne,. The LF/Sansa tomb was interesting because LF has YET to be wrong in the show. His character almost seems to be super in regards to this- why would they make him wrong here? WHat conquenence does it have? He wasn't wrong about Ramsay- he didn't know anything about him. Brienne and Pods scene links to sansa and LF's and hers in the bar- nobody believes her- not even joffery during the wedding. SO even if she kills stannis she is marked for life as a kingslayer.


Of course- the show also didn't foreshadow Stannis's death either. It always forshadows peoples death. This whole thing stinks of terrible writing no matter which way it pans out.

Exactly there has been no foreshadowing for his death. But you know what has been foreshadowed? (both in the books and in the show) Him becoming King! Melisandre has seen it in her flames. She is probably wrong about stannis being Azor Ahai, but she's right about him sitting on the throne.

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Exactly there has been no foreshadowing for his death. But you know what has been foreshadowed? (both in the books and in the show) Him becoming King! Melisandre has seen it in her flames. She is probably wrong about stannis being Azor Ahai, but she's right about him sitting on the throne.

I know. However, everything that has been shown is an end of an arc. His daughter's burning, the suicide of his wife, and Jon's death. Stannis has two possible routes to the throne. One is marriage to sansa and wielding the north. The second is... well I don't want to talk about the second. The second one is so utterly contrived that asoiaf would tumble in my list of great books all the way down to average.

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Even if Jon and Tyrion don't ride a dragon in the books, I would wager that they will on the show.
Dany will have some glorious "Dracarys" scenes and Jon will have 'the duel of fates' with Ice Maul.

the showrunners will be happy that no one is riding dragons other than dany because it will save them time and money

am not sure they will be having all dany's flight in the first place
look at how they did the last episode
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I know. However, everything that has been shown is an end of an arc. His daughter's burning, the suicide of his wife, and Jon's death. Stannis has two possible routes to the throne. One is marriage to sansa and wielding the north. The second is... well I don't want to talk about the second. The second one is so utterly contrived that asoiaf would tumble in my list of great books all the way down to average.

A particular aspect of his arc has ended, his warrior of light and following melisandre's religion arc is over, but not his story in general. Next season would be a new beginning for stannis, one that relies more on the northerners and is motivated more by duty and regret.


Stannis would gain the support of the north my making any of the starks the warden of the north and with the news of osha and rickon returning next season that's likely going to be rickon. Marriage won't be on stannis'  mind for now. He will probably want to legitimize Gendry to continue the dynasty for now and once he gets south then he might think of remarrying.

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A particular aspect of his arc has ended, his warrior of light and following melisandre's religion arc is over, but not his story in general. Next season would be a new beginning for stannis, one that relies more on the northerners and is motivated more by duty and regret.
Stannis would gain the support of the north my making any of the starks the warden of the north and with the news of osha and rickon returning next season that's likely going to be rickon. Marriage won't be on stannis'  mind for now. He will probably want to legitimize Gendry to continue the dynasty for now and once he gets south then he might think of remarrying.

Not sure dead people have motivations
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A particular aspect of his arc has ended, his warrior of light and following melisandre's religion arc is over, but not his story in general. Next season would be a new beginning for stannis, one that relies more on the northerners and is motivated more by duty and regret.
Stannis would gain the support of the north my making any of the starks the warden of the north and with the news of osha and rickon returning next season that's likely going to be rickon. Marriage won't be on stannis'02 mind for now. He will probably want to legitimize Gendry to continue the dynasty for now and once he gets south then he might think of remarrying.

lets pretend that he is akive and that northern lords are going to follow a guy who has no armies and his people deserted for burning his daughter

good luck finding gendry and say that forget i tried to burn you because i burned my daughter and now i want to legitamize you ..
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no you are not the one
i got used to it you should have seen a couple of years ago ..

It's quite bizarre the level of fandom here , plus the deep feeling of betrayal baffles me. Book Stannis is merely a bitter old grumpy man, who dances around the edge of the story. At the very least show Stannis is given a human side. Plus his acting is so epic I'm guessing that might be the reason they love him so,despite supposedly hating him on the show
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Exactly there has been no foreshadowing for his death. But you know what has been foreshadowed? (both in the books and in the show) Him becoming King! Melisandre has seen it in her flames. She is probably wrong about stannis being Azor Ahai, but she's right about him sitting on the throne.


There was forshadowing for his death namely Brienne out of the blue talking about avenging Renly which is something I don't believe she has done since season two.

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Am I the only one who is a little perplexed by the support Stannis receives on here given he's no more than a secondary character in the books?

he's not a secondary character. Just cause he doesn't have POV chapters doesn't make him secondary. Just as Aragon in LOTR isn't a secondary character even though the books were focused on Frodo.


Stannis is more important to the course of the series than most POV characters.

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I disagree if he were so vital then I think he would be a point of view, while I do agree he's one of  the more important secondary characters, which POV would you place Stannis ahead of out of interest?

Having a POV doesn't determine the importance of a character. POVs are simply our eyes and ears into a particular location and situation, that doesn't necessarily mean they are very important to the overall plot. Some POVs happen to play an important role in the story but not all POVs are necessarily important characters and not all important main characters are POVs.


Areo Hotah is a POV character for instance but he is a less important character than the non POV character Doran martell for instance.


GRRM has said before he tells his story with POVs because he thinks people ever understand an event from a point of view which is always biased in some fashion. If the story was being told to us as history by a maester, then stannis would definitely be a main character and many of the POVs in the story would only be footnotes.

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Stannis is there to make Westeros interesting until Daenerys comes. If Martin had Dany arrive at the beginning of Storm, Stannis would have died on the Blackwater. But he's having her arrive in Winds so he'll die at Winterfell. I doubt in the same way as in the show (unless Brienne borrows LF's teleportation device), but he'll die. Honestly, those who think he'll live long enough to sit the Iron Throne or fight the Others are deluding themselves. I'm willing to bet that his actual death was to be the end of Dance but since Martin's editor made him remove the ending (brilliant idea, by the way. Not enough space, so instead of trimming paragraph fat let's remove the ending!) So he bites it in the first 200 pages of Winds.


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