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top generals in ASOIAF


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1. Stannis Baratheon - He defeated Victarion and the Iron Fleet off Fair Island. He held Storm's End against the power of the Reach for a year, and took Dragonstone from the Targaryens. He smashed Mance Rayder at the Wall, though Mance had twenty times his numbers. That record should be easily enough to place him over everybody else. I also think we shouldn't count the "siege" of Winterfell yet, since it's not over yet and it seems pretty clear that Stannis has some secret plan in mind we can't really figure out yet.


2. Randyll Tarly - He's generally mentioned among the best battle commanders in Westeros by the more competent characters in the story and they should definetely know best. He had some good wins in the Wot5K and was the only one to beat Robert in his rebellion.


3. Robb Stark / Brynden Blackfish - Robb had some great wins against very bad odds in the Wot5K, for example at the Battle of the Whispering Wood and at the Battle of Oxcross. In the end it was his naivity and unexperience that brought him down. Since the Blackfish was the mastermind behind most of his wins I'll give him credit, too.


4. Robert Baratheon - He probably had a simpler approach to his battles (with his forced marches etc.) than the other characters on this list, but his spirit and boldness served him very well in his rebellion and made him king in the end. We hear his military abilities being heavily praised over the course of the series, but I suspect a lot of this praise just comes from the fact that he is / was king. Jon Arryn and Ned certainly also played a good role in his victories and that's why he's only placed on the fourth spot.


5. Tyrion Lannister - He wasn't able to show us that much of his ability as a commander yet, but what we've seen so far is very impressive. He came up with a ploy that in the end was crucial to the saving of KL and beat Stannis Baratheon, probably the greatest general in Westeros as stated above. I'm really looking forward to his role in the upcoming Battle of Fire and I hope that Tyrion will show us some more of his battle commanding skill then.

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You cannot call Robb and the blackfish top generals in westeros for one massive reason.

Incredibly vague orders to Edmure. Hold Riverrun! They didn't even outline their plan to him so when he thinks that the northern forces that are all mounted are going for plunder and raid the westerlands (totally reasonable estimation considering they are the exact tactics Tywin used)  Edmures orders are to Hold riverun and he does by fights a very successful engagement at the fords. and as a result Tywin can get to kings landing when he needs to.

This is not Edmures fault it is Robbs plain and simple. and it causes him massive problems in the future.... 

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1 hour ago, 1northlad said:

You cannot call Robb and the blackfish top generals in westeros for one massive reason.

Incredibly vague orders to Edmure. Hold Riverrun! They didn't even outline their plan to him so when he thinks that the northern forces that are all mounted are going for plunder and raid the westerlands (totally reasonable estimation considering they are the exact tactics Tywin used)  Edmures orders are to Hold riverun and he does by fights a very successful engagement at the fords. and as a result Tywin can get to kings landing when he needs to.

This is not Edmures fault it is Robbs plain and simple. and it causes him massive problems in the future.... 

Because that plan simply didn't exist then. When Robb told Edmure to "Hold Riverrun", he meant just that. The fact that Tywin got to KL just in the nick of time wasn't Robb's fault, or Edmure's fault, or anyone else, it was just their shitty luck that the things turned the way they did.

The talking to they gave Edmure after return from the Westerlands was mostly BS, in order to shame him into marrying a Frey girl.

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All the main candidates have been picked by now I'd imagine.

Is there something to be said for Mance Rayder? Managed to unite the free folk and keep them together long enough to reach the Wall. It was always going to be tough to fight a fully trained and equipped Westerosi army, but I think he did quite well to get the free folk there at all.


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Here is a list of Stannis Baratheons achievments up to the present.

* Held Storm's End for near a year against the might of the Reach

* Rebuilt the Royal Fleet

* Captured Dragonstone

* Defeated the Iron Fleet in the greatest naval battle in the history of Westeros

* Subdued Great Wyk

* Suppressed smuggling from the Three Sisters

 Almost took the well defended King's Landing and only lost due to crazy bad luck

 Defeated the wildling army 30,000 strong with 1500 soldiers of his own

*  Captured Deepwood Motte


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15 hours ago, Ferocious Veldt Roarer said:

Because that plan simply didn't exist then. When Robb told Edmure to "Hold Riverrun", he meant just that. The fact that Tywin got to KL just in the nick of time wasn't Robb's fault, or Edmure's fault, or anyone else, it was just their shitty luck that the things turned the way they did.

The talking to they gave Edmure after return from the Westerlands was mostly BS, in order to shame him into marrying a Frey girl.

Valid point I just don't think Edmure deserved it for fighting an incredibly good defensive action.

And a raven could have been sent or a messenger . either way communication let them down massively and that must lie with Robb stark. Other than that hes a good battlefield commander he just couldn't see past the battle and that as a result made him less effective than someone little stannis.

and on stannis he is far from perfect as a commander  

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Euron is literally playing at war. He can apparently sail into the correct position with the wind at his back at "will". I am afraid FOR the redwyne's awesome little fleet they have. My only question is do they bleed Euron at all (putting very much doubt into the ironborn about him in general and especially about his foresight, or is it Complete magic created ass kicking

Robert, Ned, Robb, blackfish, deserve a "top rank", I feel like stannis giving Randyll Tarly some credit is bc him "beating Robert" (into retreat not a total route)!  is the reason Stannis gives him credit MORE SO than his true ability but I could for sure be wrong on that. Speaking of Stannis as others have said he's the most adaptble (Robb and BF can give him a run though, EASILY the most knowledgable of the houses numbers and maybe even true intent (except blackwater bay). Speaking of blackwater bay Tyrion earned some serious points in that battle and seems to be extremely knowledgeable in Mereen. But seriously Stannis would (easily) be #1 if not for blackwater bay. You never commit the whole fleet (I'm aware Saan's fleet made it out but he absolutely blundered not seeing the highgarden alliance coming. Thats all I have to say about that. I thought Jon Con would be dangerous, but then he got greyscale and all that patientce he possessed don't mean shit. But none of this matters bc Jon Snow will absolutely be #1 at the end (even if he loses some battles you get to be #1 for beating the others) and while we are talking about the future, how about having bran mf stark as your "scout" (and Mance Rayder thought he had it made with Orell's little eagle)


I was absolutely shocked when Freakin Left hand Lucas Codd said "words are wind, but blood is power.... I was like Nono these Codds are morons made evident by Asha owning that punk before the kings moot but the fact that Euron shared such info really changed Euron for me. He has OTHER men convinced that magic is very much alive. Not many characters can say that west of the sea. (Speaks to his "control" or "quantity of use" about his magic)

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17 hours ago, theblackdragonI said:

All the main candidates have been picked by now I'd imagine.

Is there something to be said for Mance Rayder? Managed to unite the free folk and keep them together long enough to reach the Wall. It was always going to be tough to fight a fully trained and equipped Westerosi army, but I think he did quite well to get the free folk there at all.


He's a badass, but I'm not sure if he's a good general. I mean, he did get his ass kicked by barely 2000 men. 

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