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U.S. Politics transition time how Orange became the new black

A Horse Named Stranger

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10 minutes ago, snake said:

Turns out this is another False News story by the Post.  You would think the idiots would check with the utilities company before going to press.  :rofl:

No.  The article explicitly states there was no "penetration".  It states that Russian malware was found on a utility laptop that could have been used as an entry portal for penetration.

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48 minutes ago, Ser Scot A Ellison said:

No.  The article explicitly states there was no "penetration".  It states that Russian malware was found on a utility laptop that could have been used as an entry portal for penetration.

The Post has done a few things to make me raise my eyebrows at their editorial standards within the past few weeks -- both with their high-profile stories and their local reporting of the DMV area -- but Glen Greenwald's vendetta against the Post  lately is just reaching levels of absurdity that's kind of discrediting the Intercept to a similar extent. (And this is coming from someone who's generally a Greenwald fan.)

He was right to eviscerate the Post's horrendous story on Russian fake news back in November, but his blatant refusal to accept the fact that there's overwhelming evidence from sources outside of the CIA/intelligence community that Russia was behind the DNC/Podesta hacks and the fact that he's taken to writing a critical article about every Post story regarding Russia and cybersecurity is just absurd. 

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2 hours ago, Ser Scot A Ellison said:

No.  The article explicitly states there was no "penetration".  It states that Russian malware was found on a utility laptop that could have been used as an entry portal for penetration.

That's a re-edited version Ser Scott, that they did once they began getting called out on their initial headline and story.

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BURLINGTON - A power company in Burlington, with the help of federal authorities, is investigating the discovery of malware, which seems to be connected to code allegedly used by Russian sources to hack into the presidential election, on a laptop used by someone at the Burlington Electric Department.
Vermont officials were quick to respond, condemning the attempt to hack into a Vermont company.
In a statement released on Friday, Mike Kanarick, director of customer care, community engagement and communications for Burlington Electric, said utility companies in the United States were alerted by the Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, on Thursday of a malware code used in Grizzly Steppe, the name DHS has applied to a Russian campaign linked to recent hacks. ...............Gov. Peter Shumlin said in a statement that Vermont officials had been in contact with the federal government about the apparent hacking attempt.
“Vermonters and all Americans should be both alarmed and outraged that one of the world's leading thugs, Vladimir Putin, has been attempting to hack our electric grid, which we rely upon to support our quality-of-life, economy, health and safety. This episode should highlight the urgent need for our federal government to vigorously pursue and put an end to this sort of Russian meddling,” he said.
Shumlin asked the federal government to conduct a “full and complete investigation” and take steps to prevent further incidents.




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 I think we need to start making a distinction between "Fake News" and a real news story that might include either a bias or a mistake that requires a retraction. True "Fake News" is 100% bullshit usually made up by a blogger or some other non-journalist who is trying to attract clicks. I don't think the two are even comparable really. Compare that Post story (regarding Russian hacking attempts on a power company) and the Comet Ping Pong Pizza thing.

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44 minutes ago, Ser Scot A Ellison said:


That's the only version I saw.  That's the version that was linked.

The Intercept was not the only ones to notice the original headline and the later re-editing by the Post.  It's happening more frequently in what are supposed to be reputable papers in their rush to castigate Russia.  It is eerily familiar to their behavior during the run-up to the Iraq invasion.  It's a similar tactic Trump employees.  State something, watch everyone run with it, then later retract the statement or modify it but no one notices.  Fucking shameful.

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35 minutes ago, Manhole Eunuchsbane said:

 I think we need to start making a distinction between "Fake News" and a real news story that might include either a bias or a mistake that requires a retraction. True "Fake News" is 100% bullshit usually made up by a blogger or some other non-journalist who is trying to attract clicks. I don't think the two are even comparable really. Compare that Post story (regarding Russian hacking attempts on a power company) and the Comet Ping Pong Pizza thing.

You are trying to impose limits on a continuum and, as usual, this does not work well. Most propaganda contains a seed of truth which a competent propagandist will cultivate. Occasionally, the resulting growth is such that all one has to do is present the facts in a particular light. More often, one has to trim, dress and paint the facts for the story to look the way one wants. Outright lies, mistakes that require a retraction, bias, etc. are simply different tools from the same box.

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13 minutes ago, Altherion said:

You are trying to impose limits on a continuum and, as usual, this does not work well. Most propaganda contains a seed of truth which a competent propagandist will cultivate. Occasionally, the resulting growth is such that all one has to do is present the facts in a particular light. More often, one has to trim, dress and paint the facts for the story to look the way one wants. Outright lies, mistakes that require a retraction, bias, etc. are simply different tools from the same box.

*Sigh* Are you honestly suggesting that propagated "Fake News" of the sort that became profligate during this election (I'm talking about the Facebook stuff here, the Pizzagate style, spun from whole cloth bullshit) can honestly be equated with shoddy journalism?

 Legitimate news organizations like the Post should be especially careful to double and triple check before publishing, especially now, but I think it's a mistake to lump this into the "Fake News" category. There is a magnitude of difference between those two things.

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29 minutes ago, Ser Scot A Ellison said:

The attempt to use malware to penetrate the US power grid is something I take seriously.  This, even after Greenwald's criticism, appears to be such an attempt.

Of course it does. 

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