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Song of Ice & Fire Chess set

Michael Jon Snow

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GRRM just announced on his NEWS page that he has inked a deal to have Resin Busts made of some of the ASOI&F chars. At the bottom of the news release, he says that over time the collection will be expanded to include a pewter Chess Set.

Now most chess sets of this type have pretty clear boundaries between the two sides. Jedi vs Sith, North vs South, Federation vs Klingons, etc.

With the complex alliances and moral fabric that is ASoI&F, how will they decide who is on which side? Are Dany & Jon on the same side or opponents. How aboput Varys & LF? Are all the Lannisters on the same side?

Who would the pieces be? Who would be the Kings & Queens? Makes ya wonder.

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I think it would be cool if they had a set of chess pieces for each main house so that each time you played you could choose which houses were gonna play against each other. I know this probably isn't what they will do, since this would greatly increase the price, but it is one way to solve the problem.

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I think it would be cool if they had a set of chess pieces for each main house so that each time you played you could choose which houses were gonna play against each other. I know this probably isn't what they will do, since this would greatly increase the price, but it is one way to solve the problem.

perhaps they could offer an 'expansion set' for sale? Maybe the base set will be say lannister vs stark and then you can buy additional houses? That would be sweet.

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Lannister vs. Stark seems likely, imo. Of course, they could go historical and do a great set using the "Robellion" era characters. It could be like the Ruby Ford piece of Robert vs. Rheagar, but on a grander scale with all those other pieces. In any case, a chess set could be sweet if done well.

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The Blackfyre Rebellion would make a great chess set.

White King: Daeron II Targaryen

White Queen: Bloodraven

White Bishop(1): Lord Hayford

White Bishop(2): Lord Webber

White Knight(1): Gawyn Corbray

White Knight(2): (?) (Maybe put Bloodraven here and make Mariah Martell Queen?)

White Castle(1): Prince Baelor

White Castle(2): Prince Maekar

Black King: Daemon Blackfyre

Black Queen: Bittersteel

Black Bishop(1): Lord Bracken

Black Bishop(2): Lord Osgrey

Black Knight(1): Aemon Blackfyre

Black Knight(2): Aegon Blackfyre

Black Castle(1): Redtusk

Black Castle(2): Fireball

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I guess I don't really care who is represented in the chess set as long as it is done well. I have been wanting a good medieval chess set for a long time now and this seems like the perfect opportunity--it makes me glad that I didn't dish out any scratch on a LOTR one. I might just have to start saving.

If they do release multiple houses as collector's items I will be very frustrated because I will want them all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, this is my first post here but I thought I'd chime in. My name is Jed of Valyrian resin. In the coming weeks I plan on posting a lot mare and keeping every one up to date as to what we are doing. Since this specific discussion is about chess sets I'll give every one the skinny on what we are thinking about.

Let me start by saying that the chess sets are further down the line. we want to establish ourselves with the Mini-busts and the statues. The chess sets will be further down the line. But we definitely want to hear what peopl think and want. We created this line for GRRM fans, and we want the fans to be involved as much as we can. George has the final approval on all sculpts but we want to let him know we are listening to the people that will buy these pieces. George actually was the one who suggested we do chess sets. He saw some of the chess sets I had created through my previous work and liked the idea. I'm sure you all know what a chess nut he is.

This is the idea we had.

Pawns- the pawns would reflect house sigils. Starks would have a Dire Wolf, Lannisters would have a Lion, etc.

As for who is who this is a very tricky situation. Who would be king of the Starks? Eddard? Rob? Is it possible at some point that that Eddard would be Roberts Knight or his Rook? Sandor is Joff's houds, so where does this place him in the cheme of things? what if you wanted to creat a whole group of Nights Watch? Here's what we're thinking...

We would have sets of 10-12 pieces. They would have seperate individual bases that they could fit into the designate whether they are knights, rooks, bishop, queen...kinda like a little coaster that the piece would fit in. That way if you wanted Ned to be King with Cat as queenyou could. Or if you wanted Rob to be King you could just switch out Ned and put Rob on the King base. So basically if you wanted to you could create any combination of pieces to make up your chess set.

What do you think?

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Now we just have to figure out how to package these. The pieces will probably come is small sets that correspond most to the characters alligences. But we also don't want people to have to buy something they don't want to get somethign they want. Well, that's why I'm here. To start getting ideas as to what people want.

I also forgot to mention that the chess board itself would probably be the big map of Westeros.

Jed Haigh

Valyrian Resin

[email protected]

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Would the "big map of Westeros" be referring to something like the Painted Table? That'd be kind of cool. :)

The Martell pawns will be a bit difficult, I'd think, given that it's inanimate -- sun and spear. I suppose it could be a sun-like ball or disc with a spear through it on a "pedestal" or something of the sort...

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