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Theories about Jon Cons plan to take SE


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We know Jon has a plan that doesn't involve scaling the Walls and taking it by force which would be suicide, so what could is possibly be ? Buying the current commander doesnt seem the best choice and taking your overlords castle doesnt scream join me to the other Storm lords. 

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The Golden Company captured Estermont island and took all the nobles as captives. Lomas Estermont is one of the defenders of Storm's End. My guess is that Lomas opened the gates to save members of his house.

Elwood Meadows might also be involved. He already surrendered Storm's End once without a fight and he was left as second in command.

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Parlay perhaps? Stannis' small army is thousands of leagues away and DS has been recently taken and Stannis supporters are losing their strongholds left and right. If they were promised to be unharmed they may surrender. Storm's End has 300 men garrisoning it, Jon doesn't have the strength to take it by force with GC scattered.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/10/2018 at 5:47 AM, Lord Lannister said:

Hi, we're the Golden Company. Your King Stannis hired us to break the Tyrell siege, which we did. Now just open those gates?


It probably needs a little more work than that, but on the other hand it depends on how desperate the garrison is and after all all they need is an open gate. 

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