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An official PC & next-gen game for ASOIAF


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Well, it's an RTS and an RPG (two games, being developed simultaneously). Definitely no adventure game at this date. :)

RTS eh? Interesting.

RPG in Westeros? I guess everybody is a warrior of some kind? And we all have to be human?

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Just now, reading GameSpy's article on GoT:Genesis, the description is a little vague to gauge quality, but what really caught my attention was the author's commentary on the ASoIaF series at the bottom.

Being new here, I am reluctant to post links just yet, but a quick search for gamespy and GOT:genesis should get it.

I think the author is a fan of the series and GRRM, but critical (as I am realizing many are...) of AFFC and the real life timeline of book 5.

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There really isn't much information out about either of Cyanide's games right now. Just a brief press release. They did release some concept art, though. Here's another piece they released for the holidays. I'm thinking these pieces suggest that one or both of the games are going to feature the Wall and the lands beyond it at least a little bit.

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I don't see mention of it here, but buried in the comments of GRRM's latest blogpost is this response from him to a question about the videogames:

link here

Re: Video Games

The Cyanide guys flew in from Paris to meet with us here in Santa Fe just last week, and show us some of the RPG. I thought it looked great. But I think we're looking at another year or so before release of that one. The RPG probably sooner. Work continues...

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The RTS looks like it's coming out in just a few months.

It looks okay. A litte RTS-generic, some graphic similarities to Battles of Middle-earth and the last Age of Empires, but those were fun games. Interesting to see if it nails the political intrigue angle, something games have notorious difficulty with.

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Looking at the new screen shots of the game (which I like very much), got me all upset again about the title they've chosen for it. I just dashed off an email to Cyanide about my concerns; who knows if they will pay attention to it or even care, but I felt I had to try to do something. I even suggested a couple of possible alternate titles:

"A Game of Thrones: Beginnings"

"A Game of Thrones: Foundations" (which I really like, actually - as in foundations of a kingdom or empire...I think it works well)

These above titles mean basically the same thing, but without the confusing cultural connotations from our world that come with the word "genesis."

I linked to this thread in the email, so maybe they'll see the other comments here about it. It may amount to nothing, but it's better than doing nothing.

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The RTS looks like it's coming out in just a few months.

It looks okay. A litte RTS-generic, some graphic similarities to Battles of Middle-earth and the last Age of Empires, but those were fun games. Interesting to see if it nails the political intrigue angle, something games have notorious difficulty with.

Agree that it looks a bit generic. But I wasn't expecting some amazing art design as Cyanide is a relatively small studio. I just hope that they get the game mechanics right. I mean, I'll probably buy it either way, but it would be nice if it is actually a deep and addicting game!

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Agreed. Genesis doesn't make sense as a title in the setting.

Rock-Paper-Shotgun have covered the news. The comments reveal some horror stories about experiences players have had with Cyanide's previous game (overly-complicated interfaces, horrendous bugs). There's a lot of positivity for the idea of the game, but real doubts about what a studio as small and limited as Cyanide can achieve with limited resources and no big-name publisher attached. It's up to Cyanide now to do what the Creative Assembly did with Shogun: Total War, or CDProjekt with The Witcher, and produce something stunning and blows us all away.

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I don't have problems with the title. Genesis = beginnings, but sounds much better than Game of Thrones: Beginnings (sorry, Brude). Given the games' focus on a wide area of history (1000 years -- sounds like from the start of the Rhoynar arriving in Dorne) and the formation of the Seven Kingdoms as we come to know them, that the title is not inappropriate. And if perhaps the Biblical atmosphere of ancient majesty follows, well, that's not really so inappropriate...

Are most players really going to think this is a Biblical game, or a game about ... I don't know what, terraforming the lands beyond the Wall? I suspect 9 of 10 will figure it out.

Genesis also has the pleasant alltieration thing going on, which is nice. Foundations is okay as an alternative, I admit, although I fear I'd wonder if it was a castle-builder like Stronghold...

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Someone from Cyanide actually got right back to me and said they'd pass it on to Focus, but also mentioned GRRM had approved the art with the title. Oh well. I just think it's a terrible, terrible name and going back through this thread to when the name was announced, seems like most agree.

It just sounds like part of a different mythology to me.

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Is the title really going to stop a hardcore fan from buying the game if reviews are decent? Is the title going to stop a hardcore gamer from buying the game if reviews are good? If the answer is no to both counts, I think maybe one could knock off at least one of those terribles...

Mountains and molehills, you know?

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Bleugh. From that screenshot it looks pretty bland. My hopes on this are minimal. Shame, as if a good studio went for it there is certainly potential for a ASOIAF game.

And Beginnings is even worse than Genesis I'm afraid Brude.

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Bleugh. From that screenshot it looks pretty bland. My hopes on this are minimal. Shame, as if a good studio went for it there is certainly potential for a ASOIAF game.

I am certainly more excited about the mods (pretty much all of them). I also have a fear that the devs are going to get wind of the mods out there and take action to stop them being released, which would not be a good idea from a PR standpoint. But someone on Rock-Paper-Shotgun did post one of the screenshots next to one from the Medieval II mod and pointed out that the fan-made mod looks light-years beyond the official game in quality (especially telling since the mod is based on a 5-year-old game engine).

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I am certainly more excited about the mods (pretty much all of them). I also have a fear that the devs are going to get wind of the mods out there and take action to stop them being released, which would not be a good idea from a PR standpoint. But someone on Rock-Paper-Shotgun did post one of the screenshots next to one from the Medieval II mod and pointed out that the fan-made mod looks light-years beyond the official game in quality (especially telling since the mod is based on a 5-year-old game engine).

Indeed. I'm afraid that for me those old school RTS games just look really dated now. A TW or M&B style game would work well for strategy and a straight-up RPG could end up working amazing, but this shot doesn't get me going. (yes i know it could be good and we'll wait and see but i'm just being honest).

Incidentally I'm not sure whether a TW game would really work in Westeros. The TW mod was pretty damn good and while it could be tweaked, the world isn't really a strategy game kind of world. M&B a little more, but any game really needs to be sprung from intrigue, one-on-one character fighting, depth of plot, being a cog in a larger machine, nitty-gritty type of shit. Perhaps a mix-up of the best parts of Mount & Blade, Thief, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, PST and Ass Creed.

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Incidentally I'm not sure whether a TW game would really work in Westeros. The TW mod was pretty damn good and while it could be tweaked, the world isn't really a strategy game kind of world. M&B a little more, but any game really needs to be sprung from intrigue, one-on-one character fighting, depth of plot, being a cog in a larger machine, nitty-gritty type of shit. Perhaps a mix-up of the best parts of Mount & Blade, Thief, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, PST and Ass Creed.

That wasn't the mod ;) That was a demo which showed the very bare bones of what the full mod is going to do. That was basically just reskinned units and a Westeros campaign map. The final mod is vastly more ambitious, pulling in other mods which do things that the original Medieval II was never designed to do. A sweet vassal system, a way of getting the Wall into the game and, following recent breakthroughs in custom settlement-building, castles that really will look like the castles in the books (though that'll be a much later release, as those involve a hell of a lot of work; Third Age will incorporate them first). They're also doing some great stuff with the AI that frankly I don't think Creative Assembly will match with Shogun 2.

All of that said, there are limits on what you can do and the basic core design doesn't push the intrigue/assassinations angle as much as you'd want. But yeah, really don't judge the M2 mod on what was a pre-pre-pre-pre-release alpha :)

I am tempted to pick up Crusader Kings to try out the mod for that, which is based much more around bloodlines, political marriages as part of alliances and so on. Integrating that with the TW system would be awesome, though sadly likely impossible.

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I've never played AoE and other more traditional RTS's -- well, except for Warcraft way, way in the past -- so for me, it's pretty fresh. I did like my idea of trying to really capture a commander's dilemma on the battlefield, though, if anyone wants to do a tactical warfare, M:TW-type game -- as it is, I find the TW series can often turn on who's fastest at clicking and dragging. Something that rewards careful planning and the ability to think on the fly without being a pure reflex test would be awesome.

I also realized another reason why Genesis just doesn't bother me ... Sega Genesis? I didn't ever think of it as a Biblical gaming console. ;)

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