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The Song of Ice & Fire PC game


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I was delighted when I heard development was underway for ASOIAF PC game

Just wondering what type of Game everyone hopes itll be

My hope...

A strategy game where you command armies or one of the following houses....

Stark, Lannister, Tully, Tyrell, Martell, Targaryen, GreyJoy, Arryn, Baratheon.

Each house having its own bannerman Hero's & commanders

examples: Tywin, Tyrion, Gregor, Jaimie, Adam Marbrand, Strongboar for Lannisters

Victarion, Euron, Andrik the unsmiling, Nute the barber for GreyJoy.

u get the idea. But it wouldnt be pure armies, youll have to harvest food for youre armies, protect the peasants (which u need to collect goods, build things, mine & eventually become soldiers). All the while plundering the enemy, ransoming youre highborn captives, killing their peasants & defeating their forces.

That my hope for what the game is like

What are youre thoughts, suggestions?

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The easiest one for them to do would be the bog standard Medieval Total War type game. Lots of units, several factions, a massive continent to fight over. Plus further expansions of the game would give some of the places across the narrow sea, beyond the wall etc.

I'd love there to be a game based upon the Oblivion style of playing. That could work quite well I'd think but would take a much much bigge undertaking if they wanted to make it as good as something like The Elder Scrolls. The genre fits at least.

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Even though they'll probably go the mmorpg route, I would like to see a strategy game as well. Actually, my wish would be something along the lines of Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, only with SOME multiplayer options like a Diablo (though less multi centric) or Baldur's Gate.

Like I said, a strategy game like Warcraft or Command and Conquer would make sense as well, but IMO I don't think it would feel like a game set in the ASOIAF world so much as a game only BASED on the ASOIAF world. In other worlds, strategy games don't exactly immerse you in the content the way an rpg can.

If they found a way to mix both, then I'd be really happy :)

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Where is the evidence of this? I'm sorry, but I haven't seen anything else on this yet.

I want to see an RTS (Age of Empires type thing). They have the potential to make a pretty awesome game from that. Just off the top of my head, the factions could be pretty interesting.

House Greyjoy: Obviously very strong navy, ships being more numerous and faster than others but slightly weaker. Weak seige units and slightly lower population than others, but good at hit and run tactics and raiding, especially with their ships.

House Stark: Lower pop but units are slightly better I guess.

House Tag-whatever: Can recruit freedmen, basically swarms of horrible fodder. Sellswords, better than freedmen obviously. Unsullied: Not particularly expenzive, but their training takes an really long time compared to all of the others.

Lannisters and Tyrells and stuff, I don't know. I can't really think of any particular stand out qualities (except maybe Tyrell have larger population?)

If they have heroes in the game, I really hope they don't go the way of the Battle for Middle Earth games. The heroes need to be more of a rallying thing, giving inspiration to the troops and increasing their abilities, and not just be able to kill armies on their own.

Edit: Can't beleive I forgot the Dornish! Obviously they would have lower pop but like...stealthy and ambushing units or something.

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I wanna see Hot Pie's Cooking Cook Off. You set up shop in flea bottom and compete to see who can concoct the best bowl of brown...

Seriously though, I've always thought that a game engine similar to the one Dynasty Warriors uses would kick ass in an ASoIaF setting. The devs of the game could come up with an original storyline that parallels the fighting in the Riverlands during the Clash. It could possibly go up North as well.

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Since the game will be multiplatform (PC and Console) it will probably be a first person action-rpg or an adventure game, for sure not a RTS or a classic RPG, since they are genre that do not fit console a lot. At best, something like The Witcher or Oblivion, but I do not believe that Cyanide is capable of developing a game that complex.

Let's hope that the guys at Cyanide show some improvement because their past track and the kind of games they have developed in the past makes me fear the worst. And lets' hope that they hire some native english writers :D.

Strange enough, GRRM has not said anything about the deal. Normally he supports the companies that work with the franchise in NAB.

For the strategy game, our best hope is still the Westeros TW mod.

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George has been rather sick the last couple of days, so likely has other concerns at the moment. I imagine he'll remark on it in due course. :)

Yep, I've read he has been sick, it wasn't meant to be a remark against GRRM and I apologize if it sound so :). Also, I imagine that he will be very busy with all the stuff going on and I imagine (and understand) that the PC game won't be the first priority.

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i would rather a game like oblivian or zelda, OofT, because there are already a ton of strategy games.

plus i would like to wonder around the seven kingdoms and do stuff,

and like in zelda i can satisfy myself by riding a horse around shooting stuff with a bow and arrow or by going fishing.

i would just really like to be able to play a character from the books in that way.

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Since the game will be multiplatform (PC and Console) it will probably be a first person action-rpg or an adventure game, for sure not a RTS or a classic RPG, since they are genre that do not fit console a lot. At best, something like The Witcher or Oblivion, but I do not believe that Cyanide is capable of developing a game that complex.

Someone made a pretty great post on this subject last week, let me try to dig it up...


I think Wouter's idea of a TBS could work, from a functionality standpoint, but I think it'd be a lot harder to market this franchise on next-gen consoles than something like Civilization Revolutions. I'd really much rather Cyanide give this to Paradox and let them make a PC only game in the vein of CK, HOI2, EU2, and Vicky, but even Paradox's latest efforts were pretty dry (SR 2020 (they may have only published this), EU3+).


and like in zelda i can satisfy myself by riding a horse around shooting stuff with a bow and arrow or go fishing.

Nevermind. This.

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I hope there are several games, each of a different kind, but what I'm really hoping for is an electronic version of the board games. I can't find anyone to play with me. :cry:

Haha, tried Westeros: Total War yet?

Also, hopes aren't high for this game. Could be a breakout for the company though, especially with an built-in fanbase, however tiny it may be.

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Haha, tried Westeros: Total War yet?

Also, hopes aren't high for this game. Could be a breakout for the company though, especially with an built-in fanbase, however tiny it may be.

I love Westeros Total War soooooo much. Adding more polical intruige and expanding marriage/bannermen relationships would be worth £20 in my mind.

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Well I reckon a strategy RPG would go really well. There is a little known game which has won the "Best game no one plays" GOTY's on many game sites which would be right up ASOIAF's alley.

Let me introduce you to Valkyria Chronicles.

The game system, immersive story and character development look like they would work great with ASOIAF. Either as a game based on the events of the book, or a game based in the world but dealing with the past, or events that happen in the same timeline as the books but only mentioned in passing.

Oh, and get this game! If you like SRPGs then Valkyria Chronicles is worth buying a PS3 for by itself :thumbsup: . It's the game on which I made my console buying decision. It also spawned an anime TV series of it's own.

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Well I reckon a strategy RPG would go really well. There is a little known game which has won the "Best game no one plays" GOTY's on many game sites which would be right up ASOIAF's alley.

Let me introduce you to Valkyria Chronicles.

The game system, immersive story and character development look like they would work great with ASOIAF. Either as a game based on the events of the book, or a game based in the world but dealing with the past, or events that happen in the same timeline as the books but only mentioned in passing.

Oh, and get this game! If you like SRPGs then Valkyria Chronicles is worth buying a PS3 for by itself :thumbsup: . It's the game on which I made my console buying decision. It also spawned an anime TV series of it's own.

Didn't Yahztee tear this one apart a couple of weeks back? I mean, not that means anything as he tears everything apart, but this one came in for special approbrium. Is this the WWII-but-not one where bad guys can attack you even when it's not their turn for some reason?

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Didn't Yahztee tear this one apart a couple of weeks back? I mean, not that means anything as he tears everything apart, but this one came in for special approbrium. Is this the WWII-but-not one where bad guys can attack you even when it's not their turn for some reason?

If by a few weeks back you mean last Wednesday, then yes. :)

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