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Khal Drogo vs Sandor Clegane


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My money are on the bigger stronger surprising fast armored dude with longer trust/slice weapon to kill the naked dude with shorter slice weapon

To be honest, if we talk about one-to-one duel dothraki look like the worst weapon/armor mix you can get

High risk kinda uneffective middle-short range style without any protection? Sound like a good plan lol

They are designed to be mongol wannabes horse riders, not foot fighters

Peoples comparing to Mountain/Vardis vs Oberyn/Bronn, but

Sandor is not slow as Gregor, and probably better than Vardis in every possible way, good luck at Matrix him

And Drogo did'nt have nice safety range given by Oberyn spear, not even the one of Bronn's straight sword

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I used to like debating these posts but now I can only stick to one truth. Before SoS only a few percentage of people would say Oberyn Martell could beat Gregor Clegane in single combat. Thats how these books work. So many things determine the outcome.


To be fair even if the names involved may give the wrong impression a la "lulz The Fucking Mountain vs some skinny spanish with a stick",  that was a way more fair fight


Oberyn got speed, range, stamina, poison, skill... all things tailor made to face an opponent like Gregor, who on his side was the slowest dude of the "Top 10"


To balance Mountain got dat incredible 1 hit kill power and huge armor


Was'nt one sided at all, i know that is easy now, but i will go as far to say that was possible see Oberyn as favourite


In this one the situation is far from that



I agree that in books story can go how story want, example i will bet on Jon Snow against superior opponents by Jon having plot armor... but with Drogo dead, plot is not even a factor.

We have just the characters and theyr style



If we want take a fight closest will be Jorah vs Qotho

And in that we seen middle age Jorah who never was "top 10" swordman material in westeros defeat one of the 3 Bloodriders (basically the 2nd best after Drogo) thanks to arakh being designed as horse riding naked weapon and sucking against armors :D

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Sandor Clegane will definitely beat Khal Drogo if he's armored. Plate does have weak-sports, but you need a sharp point weapon, like a dagger or a spear to properly exploit it. An arakh is extremely weak against plate, as Selmy ( and Jorah Mormont IIRC) have demonstrated.

ETA: I do not believe that Vardis Edgen vs Bronn makes for a fair comparison. Bronn had prior experience fighting Westerosi knights, and had a delibrate strategy of tiring them out and then attacking them. On the other hand, Drogo has never fought a Westerosi knight before ( yes IK SC is not technically a knight), and the Dothraki are known to be pretty dumb and unimaginative when it comes to battle tactics, so I'd wager the house on Drogo trying a direct head on charge against SC instead of trying to tire him out.

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People seem sure that Drogo would beat Sandor on horseback. Is that definitely the case though? I mean, Sandor was trained as a knight, he knows how to handle himself on a horse. He knows how to use a lance. And who is to say that Sandor will fight cleanly? What's to say that he wouldn't simply drive his lance into Drogo's horse? Also, I don't know much about Dothraki war tactics, but don't they generally attempt to ride down their opponents? How do they fight other men on horseback?

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They fight other dothraki, so they shoot them with arrows or open them open with their arakhs, but seeing how armor would do fine against I don't see how he can beat Sandor in anyway.

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Mh... Are we talking about Book Drogo or Show Drogo?

If we're talking about the books, Sandor wins. We never read about Drogo actually fight anyone and even if we can assume he was one badass son of a bitch in battle, Sandor is a seasoned armored warrior. He won against Berric, a knight Ned trusted enough to send him off against The Mountain. I don't see a dothraki winning against any talented fighter from westeros. But future books could prove me wrong.

If we're talking about the show tough...I'd say Drogo has a chance or two, since his fight scene was basically telling us he was wearing plot armor in battle.

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People are putting too much emphasis on things Bronn and Oberyn did. These guys have been living around armored people their whole lives, so they know the whole meta-game behind it, if you will. Drogo on the other hand has probably seen only a handful of armored foes in his lifetime. The clear advantage is for Sandor, as he's basically dictating exactly how the fight has to go, and Drogo won't understand it.

Sandor by a landslide.

Also, remember Drogo's pride. That will work hugely against him in a fight where he doesn't know his enemy. I think there's a chance, maybe 10%, that Drogo finds a weakpoint in Sandor's armor, but I don't even think he'd do enough dodging to get that far, he'd make a mistake.

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Disease (via infection or otherwise) killed far more than direct wounds did in those days.

BTW the Hound fo' dayz

Yes - but both wounds were fairly innocuous. Other characters have been wounded far worse, and the only other cases of infection i can recall in the books were the no-name Arya and the Hound met on the road, and Jaime.

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Guys I think the real misconception is that plate armor make you like a turtle or just reduces your stamina by a mile. It doesn't. Flat out period. I've personlly worn and fought in platemail and it wasn't even completely custom for me. It fits like a tux when it is.

People have this idea that a man in plate who ends up on his back is like a turtle on it's back. It's simply not true.

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People are putting too much emphasis on things Bronn and Oberyn did. These guys have been living around armored people their whole lives, so they know the whole meta-game behind it, if you will. Drogo on the other hand has probably seen only a handful of armored foes in his lifetime. The clear advantage is for Sandor, as he's basically dictating exactly how the fight has to go, and Drogo won't understand it.

Quite. A more accurate comparison would be Barriston against the pitfighter. The pitfighter (Dorthraki) don't understand armour, it is looked on on as 'cheating.'

We know both are skilled, both have decent for their area weapons. We know that Sandor is between 6'7 and 6'11, a huge man. We know that Drogo is big for his people?

Out of 100 matches I would think Sandor takes the large majority, over 80% I would estimate.

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