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[Book Spoilers] The scenes you want to see


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Looking forward to seeing Dany in the House of the Undying. (Will we get to see Rhaegar? Hope so!)

Also...Arya cutting that guard's throat as she escapes at the end of ACoK.

Dany sending Jorah and Barristan into the Sewers. (Not a lot of humor in Dany's chapters, but that moment made me laugh.)

Varys telling Tyrion how he was cut. And the moment when he tells Tyrion that the people of Kings Landing hate him worst of all....

The shadow killing Renly. (Magic is often a subtle thing in the books--and the show--with hundreds of pages going by without anything supernatural happening. So when that spell got Renly, it just seemed so...otherworldly and scary. It wasn't like a generic fireball some magician cast, like in other fantasy series. And the way no one believed it was Magic just made it that much more dangerous.)

Barristan coming into Dany's service.

Lots of other scenes...every scene with Arya and Tyrion (too bad we'll have to put up with so much Shae for awhile...). Dany slowly rising to power in the East...

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I really hope they include Jorah's line:

"Rhaegar fought honorably. Rhaegar fought nobly. Rhaegar fought valiantly. And Rhaegar died."

I think the actor would do a great job with it, and for me the line captures how realistic the storytelling is.

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It is somewhat saddening to see scenes in this thread that people were really excited about, that ended up not having any place in the series. I can understand the reasoning behind the Tower of Joy, however -- it is difficult to get actors for roles like Arthur Dayne and Howland Reed, who were pivotal in the scene.

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I know it isn't technically a scene, but I've been waiting to hear "The Rains of Castamere" actually played since I first read the lyrics. That's by far my biggest "Thing I desperately want included that they could cut fairly easily" thing.

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This would be season 3 but I was rereading some Tyrion and Sansa ASOS chapters last night and came up with one that I'm really looking forward to seeing on the screen. When Tyrion learns about the Red Wedding. Joffrey announces that he wants Robb's head to serve up to Sansa, his uncle is horrified, Tyrion calls him a monster, and the whole thing quickly degenerates into Joffrey talking back to Tywin and Tywin sending him to bed and ordering Pycelle to drug him over Joffrey's objections. The whole chapter, from start to finish, is excellent but seeing Joffrey go up against Grandpa...

For season 2, I want to see the riot in KL. Joffrey getting it started by being Joffrey, the Hound saving Sansa, Tyrion beating Joffrey in the courtyard at the palace -- out of all four books, that is my favorite scene/chapter.

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“Speak the name, and death will come. On the morrow, at the turn of the moon, a year from this day, it will come. A man does not fly like a bird, but one foot moves and then another and one day a man is there, and a king dies.” He knelt beside her, so they were face-to-face. “A girl whispers if she fears to speak aloud. Whisper it now. Is it Joffrey?”

Arya put her lips to his ear. “It’s Jaqen H’ghar.”

Even in the burning barn, with walls of flame towering all around and him in chains, he had not seemed so distraught as he did now. “A girl . . . she makes a jest.”

“You swore. The gods heard you swear.”

“The gods did hear.” There was a knife in his hand suddenly, its blade thin as her little finger. Whether it was meant for her or him, Arya could not say. “A girl will weep. A girl will lose her only friend.”

“You’re not my friend. A friend would help me.” She stepped away from him, balanced on the balls of her feet in case he threw his knife. “I’d never kill a friend.”

Jaqen’s smile came and went. “A girl might . . . name another name then, if a friend did help?”

“A girl might,” she said. “If a friend did help.”

The knife vanished. “Come.”

“Now?” She had never thought he would act so quickly.

“A man hears the whisper of sand in a glass. A man will not sleep until a girl unsays a certain name. Now, evil child.”

-- Martin, George R.R. (2003). A Clash of Kings (p. 685). Bantam. Kindle Edition.

This is my favorite dialog scene in the books. If it's changed at all for the show, I will cry.

My second favorite is the conversation between Davos and Melisandre on the boat, arguing about shadow and light and whatnot. That whole scene should be great.

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- The prologue,since it will introduce so many new characters. Still crossing my fingers for Peter O'Toole as Cressen.

- Brienne's introduction

- The mob flinging dung at Joffrey

- Anything with Jaqen and Arya

- Cersei vs Tyrion

- Dany and Barristan

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is my favorite dialog scene in the books. If it's changed at all for the show, I will cry.

My second favorite is the conversation between Davos and Melisandre on the boat, arguing about shadow and light and whatnot. That whole scene should be great.

Umm. . . just to mention they probably won't show Melisandre birthing a shadow.

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I know it isn't technically a scene, but I've been waiting to hear "The Rains of Castamere" actually played since I first read the lyrics. That's by far my biggest "Thing I desperately want included that they could cut fairly easily" thing.

I can't find the reference right now, but I recall reading recently that they are actually writing a version of this song for the show. I really hope they nail it, I think this scene has a chance to be Goodfellas/Layla level of awesome if done properly.

I can't remember, when does the song show up in the books? I seem to recall it being mentioned well before the RW but I don't remember when that was or how much detail.

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Umm. . . just to mention they probably won't show Melisandre birthing a shadow.

And why not? OK, not the actual birthing, any more than TV shows and movies actually show babies coming out of mothers' birth canals, but I fully expect a suddenly magically pregnant Melisandre to dramatically unveil herself (likely with some nudity, given that this is HBO) below the walls of Storm's End, squat, and have some weird CGI ghost come out of the lower half of her body. Intersperse with shots of a stunned Davos watching with his mouth dropped open.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it's changed at all for the show, I will cry.

Maybe a few words will be different here or there but I can't see them doing anything major to that scene; it's too important.

All scenes with Arya, Gendry, and Jaqen for me plus I'd really want to see the scene were Shaga is "shaving" Grand Maester Pycelle.

"Careful now, Shaga, you cut him."

"Dolf fathered warriors, not barbers." :rofl:

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This would be season 3 but I was rereading some Tyrion and Sansa ASOS chapters last night and came up with one that I'm really looking forward to seeing on the screen. When Tyrion learns about the Red Wedding. Joffrey announces that he wants Robb's head to serve up to Sansa, his uncle is horrified, Tyrion calls him a monster, and the whole thing quickly degenerates into Joffrey talking back to Tywin and Tywin sending him to bed and ordering Pycelle to drug him over Joffrey's objections. The whole chapter, from start to finish, is excellent but seeing Joffrey go up against Grandpa...

For season 2, I want to see the riot in KL. Joffrey getting it started by being Joffrey, the Hound saving Sansa, Tyrion beating Joffrey in the courtyard at the palace -- out of all four books, that is my favorite scene/chapter.

Yes, yes and yes. The tension that will be in the air, jeezusss

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- RW - what I actually want to see are the reactions of nonreaders and the "Hitler finds out" video that will follow.

- ALL SanSan scenes in ACoK. They better not cut them.

- Tyrion beating the shit out of Joff.

- Attack on the Fist

- Craster scenes. Hope they cast a really creepy dude.

- Oberyn vs. Gregor. AND the nonreader reactions. I'll ROFL so hard.

- Siege of the Wall.

- Jorah kissing Dany.

- Joff's death. I think there will be many, many dancing fans.

- Scene on the Quiet Isle

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