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WorldCon Schedule?


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Does anyone know if there is a published schedule available yet? I am trying to find out which authors are signing when. I am only bringing books that I will have a chance at getting signed. I am leaving early on Sunday and I know there are signings that I am going to miss. :crying:

My google-fu has failed me and I can't find anything on the Renovation website. It may be too early for a final schedule right now, but I would like to see one before I pack my bags.

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According to the Renovation Twitter account the full schedule will be posted soon, but today they have started tweeting random panels and events from the schedule.

Here's one I think everyone will be interested in:

#renoitemtosee Davd J. Peterson's Understanding Dothraki, 3pm Thur RSCC A04 - A language creator speaks! Vezhven! #renosf #sf #gameofthrones

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Don't have George's final schedule - I think he's going to be doing a reading on Thursday - but don't have his final details yet.

But I do have mine!

Wed 16:00 - 17:00, Done to Death: Program Topics that have

Out-Stayed Their Welcome (Panel), A10 (RSCC)

Which common panel topics should be retired and why? When

does a topic become outdated and cliched

Thu 11:00 - 12:00, The 1960s, 50 Years On (Panel), A05 (RSCC)

The 1960s saw a number of great SF writers come into the

forefront -- Roger Zelazny, Philip K. Dick, Samuel Delany,

Ursula Le Guin, Michael Moorcock, and others. It also saw

huge changes in SF, with the coming of the New Wave and the

reactions for and against it. Looking back, how do we

view 1960s SF. (Oh Gods, I'm on a panel with Robert Silverberg? How did that happen? I think I'll stick to keeping my head low and saying things like " 'The Book of Skulls' really rocked my world")

Sun 11:00 - 12:00, If I Were Queen of the Worldcon (Panel), D04


If we could start again, what would these fans (some well

experienced and others up and coming) do with the Worldcon.

Everyone has different ideas. Some dreams may avoid the

bureaucracy and stipulations that some feel hamstring or

dull the adventure that Worldcon could be. Our panel also

discusses how to ensure Worldcon still happens in twenty


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Dammit! I will be missing your first panel because I don't think we're going to make it until Thursday (my mom and I share a birthday and we'll probably be celebrating it on Wednesday). The other two sound great, though. I am always up for discussions of Roger Zelazny.

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I am trying to find out which authors are signing when. I am only bringing books that I will have a chance at getting signed. I am leaving early on Sunday and I know there are signings that I am going to miss. :crying:

I can assure you that most of the writers that are attending the convention will be doing signings at some time or another. Sunday is problematical with your early departure. But perhaps if you find out who is signing on Sunday, you could ask a friend to take those to the signings you miss and then ship the books to you.

If you have a list of writers you really want to get sigs on your books you already own, checking the membership list on the Renovation website could help.

Given how individual people may or may not be able to attend - even canceling at the last minute because of personal conflicts - you might want to double check the writers' own blogs or websites to see if they are coming to Reno. Some of those writers will probably put up their personal schedule on their websites or blogs when they get their schedule from programming.

Remember that you can always pick up some new titles or copies of books by writers in the dealers' room.

And of course, contributors to the WILD CARDS series, and many of the contributors to WARRIORS and SONGS OF LOVE & DEATH, will be in Reno, and those titles can be taken to the individual authors signings as well as their own titles.

hope this helps you decide on how much of your luggage space and weight limits to devote to your books.

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Dammit! I will be missing your first panel because I don't think we're going to make it until Thursday (my mom and I share a birthday and we'll probably be celebrating it on Wednesday). The other two sound great, though. I am always up for discussions of Roger Zelazny.

No problem X-Ray, I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating your mutual birthday with your Mom, you're the best birthday present she ever had.

But friendly support at the "If I Were Queen of the WordlCon" panel would be appreciated if folks have time on their schedule.

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Thanks for the tips, Parris. I would love to see the Queen of WorldCon Panel. Unfortunately my plane leaves right about that time.

I will check the schedule when it comes out. I am shipping a box of goodies for the party so I will have a box to ship books home in if I need to leave them with a friend. There are only a few...really...OK.. maybe more like several. :)

I can't wait!

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The full Renovation schedule is now available in PDF format.

It's only 73 pages long :read:

Wed 4.30pm

Reading: Peader O'Guillen

Thur 11am

The 1960s, 50 Years On (Parris)

Thur 11.30am

Reading: Ty Franck

Thur 1pm

Reading: George RR Martin

Thur 3pm

Understanding Dothraki

Thur 5pm

An Introduction to Linguistics (Peadar, David J Peterson)

Thur 8pm

BwB Meet n' Greet

Fri 10.30am

Reading: Daniel Abraham

Fri 11am

The Art of A Game of Thrones (John Picacio, Martina Pilcerova)

Fri 5pm

Post-Modern Fantasy, Epic and Otherwise (Stego, Peadar, Brandon Sanderson)

Fri 5pm

Mud and Blood: The Grittier Side of Fantasy (Patrick Rothfuss, Glen Cook, Daniel Abraham)

Sat 12pm

From the Page to the Screen: The Ethics of Adaptation (GRRM, Melinda Snodgrass)

Sat 12pm

Designing Believable Languages (Peadar, David J Peterson)

Sat 4pm

Game of Thrones: George RR Martin on the HBO series

Sun 11am

If I Were Queen of the Worldcon (Parris)

Sun 12pm

Wild Cards (GRRM, Daniel Abraham, etc)

Sun 1pm

Twenty Years of the Wheel of Time (Stego, Brandon Sanderson)

Sun 1pm

Signing: George RR Martin, Peader O'Guillen

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Well, heck! Tons of good stuff on Sunday. Dadgummit!! :tantrum: I would love to stay later but my airline charges an obscene amount of money to change flights and Babygirl starts school on the following Monday so I need to be home fairly early Sunday evening. I have a two hour drive after I get done at the airport. RATS!!

I really, really, REALLY wanted to go to the 20 Years of WoT Panel. Phooey!!!! I guess I will have to leave my babies books with someone (Aoife?) to get signed on Sunday.

*wanders away muttering about stoopid grownup responsibilities*

ETA: Thanks for posting LMG.

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I was even looking for it and missed it, no wonder just a single line with no explanation of who or what the item is.

The only way I found it was via the Special Interest Groups, and even then it was a tough find. Once I knew the program number (1715, IIRC), it was easy. But damn, it's not very obvious.

Thank you for posting the schedule, though. I would have totally missed this until the last minute. :cheers:

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I really, really, REALLY wanted to go to the 20 Years of WoT Panel. Phooey!!!! I guess I will have to leave my babies books with someone (Aoife?) to get signed on Sunday.

Uhhhhh.... I'm on that panel, I think. I can probably hook you up. :P

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Well... I want to BE at the panel. :pout:

Serious question: Do you think there will be a YouTube of the discussions available after the con? Or is there just too much going on? The WoT panel was one I was really looking forward to.

Thanks for offering to help with my signings. I'll holler at you about it when I figure out what all I'm bringing.


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Sun 12pm

Wild Cards (GRRM, Daniel Abraham, etc)

Sweet! I highly recommend this panel -- there was a Wild Cards panel at Denver with a whole slew of the contributors and it was great fun. (I also recommend reading the Wild Cards books if you haven't already.)

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You missed:

Thurs 3pm

Autographing: George R R Martin

(same time as Understanding Dothraki)

The full Renovation schedule is now available in PDF format.

It's only 73 pages long :read:

Wed 4.30pm

Reading: Peader O'Guillen

Thur 11am

The 1960s, 50 Years On (Parris)

Thur 11.30am

Reading: Ty Franck

Thur 1pm

Reading: George RR Martin

Thur 3pm

Understanding Dothraki

Thur 5pm

An Introduction to Linguistics (Peadar, David J Peterson)

Thur 8pm

BwB Meet n' Greet

Fri 10.30am

Reading: Daniel Abraham

Fri 11am

The Art of A Game of Thrones (John Picacio, Martina Pilcerova)

Fri 5pm

Post-Modern Fantasy, Epic and Otherwise (Stego, Peadar, Brandon Sanderson)

Fri 5pm

Mud and Blood: The Grittier Side of Fantasy (Patrick Rothfuss, Glen Cook, Daniel Abraham)

Sat 12pm

From the Page to the Screen: The Ethics of Adaptation (GRRM, Melinda Snodgrass)

Sat 12pm

Designing Believable Languages (Peadar, David J Peterson)

Sat 4pm

Game of Thrones: George RR Martin on the HBO series

Sun 11am

If I Were Queen of the Worldcon (Parris)

Sun 12pm

Wild Cards (GRRM, Daniel Abraham, etc)

Sun 1pm

Twenty Years of the Wheel of Time (Stego, Brandon Sanderson)

Sun 1pm

Signing: George RR Martin, Peader O'Guillen

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Good catch!

Seems like there will be plenty of panel conflicts this year as there always are. But it does seem very strange to have a Game of Thrones panel that fans would want to attend at the same time as the signing.

I guess there is a chance Smofbabe and her team will get to work on smoothing these kinds of things out and there will be some programme changes. As there always are.

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Yep, the programming committee has to deal with so many moving parts, sometimes things just don't sort out in the best way for all concerned.

I guess the people on/interested in the panel could ask for a time change, see if there's any place to move it to. If you contct the programming folks, be nice and point out that most of the people who would attend the Dothraki panel would also like to be at George's signing, maybe they can make a change since there's still enough time to move a few things around.

I do know that the pocket program is at the printers - and they're working on the total programming app as I write this.

There are always changes to programming at the last minute - that's one of the reasons you must search out every morning and afternoon the newsletter, or check the programming changes on the whiteboards. Heck, this year, they might even do twitter updates.

Smofbabe is in charge of programming Ops, which means keeping things running well, making sure there's water in the rooms, the AC is working but not freezing people, taking the name cards down from one panel and putting up the name cards for the next, giving the panels 10 and 5 minute warnings, chasing out the panelists and attendees from one item so the room can fill for the next item, telling panelists how to find their room, stuff like that. She doesn't have a lot of input into the actual schedule.

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there's now a free Reno programming app in the Apple app store, and a pdf available thru the Renovation web site.

of course, things always do change, so even with the nifty apps, you'll want to be checking the daily updates while at Reno.

But it is nifty to have the Reno app on the iPad, easier to find stuff than the pocket program, and I tend to carry my iPad with me whenever I've got a purse big enough to stuff it in.

Oh yes, September can't come early enough for me; I'm finally breaking down and getting the iPhone.

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