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What would count as ASOIAF closure for you?

Capon Breath

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The entire world dying at the hands of the Others because they killed the Stark in Winterfell.

Alternatively, a free King in the North, with Moat Calin restored to its former impregnability, and warged krakens patrolling the coastal waters to pull under the ships of any seaborne invaders.

Alternatively, Brandon the Shipwright returning with an armada of 1000 ships to reduce every town in the Westerlands to ashes and sow salt over all their fields.

Alternatively, Bran relocating to the Winterfell godswood and acting as the "Merlin" to the next 5 generations of Stark rulers, thus giving them omniscience, omnipresence and tactical superiority over the rest of the Seven Kingdoms.

Alternatively, a story set 8000 years in the future, with the industrial age just having arrived, and the only oil source in the world being discovered under the North. Oh yes, and the Lannister mines will be exhausted, turning House Lannister into the paupers of this new age, and the King in the North into JR Ewing.

That should do it for me.

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All hail his royal grace Jaime Lannister, the first of his name, Father to Kings, Kingslayer and King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm

and also ...

Jaime and Brienne getting married and living happily ever after

Arya ruling the north, possibly married to a legitimized Gendry (Stark + Baratheon at last!)

Stannis as lord of Storms End and Dragonstone

Davos as lord of the Rainwood and Stannis´ BFF

the following people needs to survive and live long and happy lives ...

Mance Rayder


Tormund Giantsbane

Garlan Tyrell

Edric Dayne

Sandor Clegane

the following people needs to die ...






everyone named Frey ...

that is all ... books closed

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as long as the series finishes and all loose end are tied up, i'm fine...

if i can be picky,

-i'd love to know for sure what happened at the Tower of Joy (Howland Reed cameo) and Summerhall (?)

-what happened to some missing characters...like Gerion and Tyrek Lannister, Benjen Stark, Syrio Forell and Bronn

stuff like that..

ah and about the Doom, why/hwat are the Others about etc etc

so i guess..EVERYTHING! :D

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I want to know about the pact(s) with the Children and learn more about the "Green Men", the Isle of Faces and the Crannogmen. As an additional treat I would like to know wether the first male Mormont came from Norvos.

In half an an hour I probably want to know something else entirely so I´d like the books to never end. But I´ll be quite happy with most endings as long as Bran doesn´t wake up in Winterfell in the end and Robb comes in.

Edit spelling.

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@wyman´s cook

To me it´s just the most horrible ending imaginable and I am very certain GRRM will not go for it. And you´re right there are stories were this sort of ending worked and ASoIaF is not one of them. But there are stories (mostly TV shows) that were ended this way even though it didn´t make sense.

Edit for clarifications.

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I will gotten closure from the series if:

1. A Stark returns to Winterfell to rule over the north either as a warden or as a king.

2. Either Stannis or Daenerys takes the Iron Throne or if the Seven Kingdoms become Seven Kingdoms again.

3. The Others are explained/destroyed for good, preferably by dragons.

4. We learn about Jon's parents and whether or not he has the best claim on the Iron Throne. I wouldn't mind if he took it, but I don't see how he could pull it off as of yet.

5. Howland Reed finally appears and explains his involvement at the TOJ, clearing up the Rhaegar/Lyanna thing.

6. House Frey is completely obliterated.

I will be happy if:

1. Ramsay Bolton is slain by Asha Greyjoy and House Bolton falls to ruin.

2. Cersei Lannister is killed by Jaime/her valonquar.

3. Tyrion has a happy ending--unlikely, I know, but I can dream.

4. The Blackfish takes back Riverrun for the Tullys.

5. Sansa/UnCat/Varys kill Littlefinger.

6. Bran and Meera get together

7. Davos is rewarded for his loyalty and lives the rest of his days with his sons in peace

8. Arya meets Jaqen H'ghar again

And so much more, but I'll end it there. Honestly, I think I'll be happy as long as the ending makes sense, tries to answer some of the biggest mysteries and doesn't leave us with a bunch of plot holes.

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As what everyone else has said, but Littlefinger dying, preferably very violently and anti-climatically. Just gets beheaded by someone (Stannis?) and then all his plots just unravel. Don't know why, but it seems like a GRRM-ish thing to do and could show that no matter how skilled the player of the Game of Thrones, they can still die just as easily as anyone else.

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LYkos, or anyone else

i don't get it..why do people keep saying that a "lost" type of ending, maybe possible ??? (Bran waking at Winterfell for example...""it was all a dream"")

how come this ever got, brought up ?

Lost is an example of a story that got really, really bad once it started trying (and failing) to give answers and closure rather than just be entertaining (really, why would you want Lost's mysteries solved? They were the only good part about the show.). Martin might have some very compelling answers to most of our questions that fit within a kickass plot and the nature of the characters. If not, though, I don't want him to stuff contrived stuff in there simply because we feel entitled. Entertaining books faithful to what came before should be the goal.

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Lost is an example of a story that got really, really bad once it started trying (and failing) to give answers and closure rather than just be entertaining (really, why would you want Lost's mysteries solved? They were the only good part about the show.). Martin might have some very compelling answers to most of our questions that fit within a kickass plot and the nature of the characters. If not, though, I don't want him to stuff contrived stuff in there simply because we feel entitled. Entertaining books faithful to what came before should be the goal.

You can leave the mysteries unresolved if they are the background for a compelling history that is happening onscreen, but, as you said, the mysteries were everything they had and the series was all about them; they needed to do something about them, even if it was really bad.

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All hail his royal grace Jaime Lannister, the first of his name, Father to Kings, Kingslayer and King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm

I like you. You can date my siste- oh, wait...

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