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If you could have Martin answer any one question...


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First time poster here and so glad to have discovered this place after being a fan of the books since the first one came out. I thought this would make for an interesting topic - if you had access to George Martin, say over coffee, and you could ask him one question that you knew he would answer honestly and fully, what would it be?

I'm sure many of us would default to confirmation of the R+L=J theory, I know I'd be tempted to, but I'm sure there are other mysteries out there that are gnawing at us... so you've got his ear - what would you ask?

Good thread.

I would ask GRRM if the others are totally 'evil' as they are depicted in the first five books.

I think that the line may be more grey than black and white.

The Nightsking was a Stark, and he had an alliance with the Others. I think that Benjen may be out in the Lands of Always Winter finding out the truth about the Others, and possible forging an alliance.

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What really happened at the Tower of Joy...

How did Howland Reed save Ned Stark from Ser Arthur Dayne?

This one is easy, when Ser Arthur was going for the last blow HR pointed and yelled:

Is that a dragon??

When Ser Arthur looked Ned killed him, that is why he is full or shame when he remember the TOJ.

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"What's your favourite kind of cereal?" Seriously, I don't see why people are asking about deliberate mysteries - you're basically asking to spoil yourself.

I guess I'd ask something about the themes of the books or something. I know. . .I'd like ask if much of the criticism levelled against Dany's chapters - "irrelevance", stupid decisions, one dimensional villains, dullness, sense of lack of progression - are actually intentional. That's one thing I often wonder: how often do good authors deliberately induce negative feelings about parts of their books? Or did he just misjudge the chapters? (Or are people just whiny?)

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