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What small thing really annoyed you?

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1. "Tansy". What on earth was all the point of that scene? Was it meant to be some great twist, that we think he's referring to a girl, when it's an ingredient for an abortion potion? Why would he just call out one ingredient like that? Just sounds silly every time I read it.

2. Nymeria Sand wanting to kill Tommen and Myrcella. I was ready to love her were it not for that.

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One thing that made stop was when Jon Connington got greyscale from sticking his hand in the river (or did he jump in?) to save Tyrion while Tyrion remembers having gulped a mouthful of that water and not getting greycale. I had to suspend belief and a fraction of anger at that.

He jumped in after Tyrion. And I agree, I'm getting quite tired of Tyrion's plot armour now.

ETA: I was extremely annoyed when Dany locked the dragons away. I know they were getting out of control but they were her children! I normally like Dany but after that she went down in my view.

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One thing that made stop was when Jon Connington got greyscale from sticking his hand in the river (or did he jump in?) to save Tyrion while Tyrion remembers having gulped a mouthful of that water and not getting greycale. I had to suspend belief and a fraction of anger at that.

Diseases are like that. Not unrealistic.

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1. "Tansy". What on earth was all the point of that scene? Was it meant to be some great twist, that we think he's referring to a girl, when it's an ingredient for an abortion potion? Why would he just call out one ingredient like that? Just sounds silly every time I read it.

I believe Tansy was a nickname, one of Cat's theories. Granted, no evidence either way.

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It really bugged me when Shae testified against Tyrion, I've always been fooled by her, I thought she really cared for Tyrion..

Also the thing with Stannis when he burns the leeches and calls out Robb's name. I thought it wasn't necessary for him to die, since he wasn't trying to sit the Iron Throne, therefore not really being Stannis' enemy

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Stannis calling sansa lady lannister. The biggest insult you can ever give to her. randyll tarly saying that brienne should be raped. This one in particular pissed me off big time. Tyrion getting annoyed that Sansa didnt bow him. Like seriously dude you and family humiliate her 100x more and you expect her to be all nice. That is just stupid. I cheer Sansa on for it. You go girl.

I agree so much with all of this. I raged during Stannis' line and loved Jon for sticking up for Sansa. Knowing what happened, it felt cruel to me.

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Stannis calling sansa lady lannister. . . .

I have to give Stannis a pass on this one (and believe me, I don't give him a pass on much). He wasn't referring to Sansa so much as the Lannister's plan, or ability, to take the North through her children with Tyrion which was the complete opposite of the goal he, Stannis, was trying to achieve. Saying "Lady Lannister" was to remind Jon that she was a tool of the Lannisters now, not necessarily a Lannister herself.

One more small thing - description-related, not plot: In AFFC Taena Merryweather has nipples "like black diamonds." All I could think of was 1) "ouch" and 2) sparkly diamond nipples - is Taena the ancestress of Edward Cullen?

Every mention of nipples (especially when he really means areolae) makes me want to :ack:

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When Jorah Morment was beaten after becoming a slave.... and well him becoming a slave at all really. I think he deserved better. He didn't know Dany when he signed up for the job but then he grew to love her, save her life, and then be her most trusted servant.

Barristan Selmy supported robert for 15 years and only came to her because they fired him... If she was willing to spare Selmy she should have forgiven Jorah.

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I have to give Stannis a pass on this one (and believe me, I don't give him a pass on much). He wasn't referring to Sansa so much as the Lannister's plan, or ability, to take the North through her children with Tyrion which was the complete opposite of the goal he, Stannis, was trying to achieve. Saying "Lady Lannister" was to remind Jon that she was a tool of the Lannisters now, not necessarily a Lannister herself.

Every mention of nipples (especially when he really means areolae) makes me want to :ack:

The nipple fetish is a bit unnerving...

I get that with Stannis and I actually rather like him. It bothers me because I know she hates them and hated being made a Lannister. So, he calls her one and then says she can't have WF because of it. It bugged me, even with the logic behind it. And even though I think her claim to WF has turned her in to the biggest piece of meat in the Westeros marriage market.

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When Joffrey relieved Barristan Selmy of his Kingsguard duties, Barristan says something along the lines of "I've lived a knight, I'll die a knight", as he's removing his armour and dropping it to the floor. Little Finger replies "A naked knight it would seem". That annoyed me.

I was shocked that the court treated Selmy so badly in that scene. Littlefinger's jape, the giggling, the fact that Selmy was informed of his forced retirement in public, all of it. An introduction to Joffrey and Cersei's rule.

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I was shocked that the court treated Selmy so badly in that scene. Littlefinger's jape, the giggling, the fact that Selmy was informed of his forced retirement in public, all of it. An introduction to Joffrey and Cersei's rule.

I wouldn't say it bothered me, though. More like you said, a hint of things to come.

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The moment when Sansa refuses to kneel for Tyrion at the wedding is a microcosm of their marriage. Sansa is powerless over the big things, but she has power in the little things with her cold dignity. Tyrion desperately wants to feel respected and loved so her coldness hurts him but he neither woos her nor uses force. I thought it was a good scene. I think most of the arguing about that scene boils down to trying to assign blame for their marital unhappiness.

The thing that bothers me is that we've already seen famine even though winter hasn't come. They had 10 years of summer and peace, and they knew that a long winter was coming. Everybody household and every lord should have had years' worth of food stockpiled, but even the Watch had less than 1 year of food. I know there has been a war going on, but even places that haven't been sacked are already running out of food. It seems like they were waiting for a last harvest that was mostly spoiled, but that really doesn't make sense. Why would the plants all become massively more productive at the end of a 10 year summer? If the plants can be planted and harvested over and over during summer as it seems they could, people should have been saving up food this whole time.

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It's not really a fetish, because they are normally considered a sexually arousing thing.

I know they are. I was thinking of Martin here. He seems to focus on the breasts of his female characters quite a bit. Check out how often Dany thinks of hers, it's almost uncanny.

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The thing that bothers me is that we've already seen famine even though winter hasn't come. They had 10 years of summer and peace, and they knew that a long winter was coming. Everybody household and every lord should have had years' worth of food stockpiled, but even the Watch had less than 1 year of food. I know there has been a war going on, but even places that haven't been sacked are already running out of food. It seems like they were waiting for a last harvest that was mostly spoiled, but that really doesn't make sense. Why would the plants all become massively more productive at the end of a 10 year summer? If the plants can be planted and harvested over and over during summer as it seems they could, people should have been saving up food this whole time.

Even though GRRM's focus is far from the science in SFF, I've always thought that the world-building should have included more about the practical aspects of living in a world with erratic seasons, as you say. It seems to me that a great deal would be different from our Middleages (which actually experienced a great crisis upon the advent of The Little Ice Age), the architecture, the emphasis on food production and storage, methods of transportation. But with all that's going on in the books it's probably just as well that the story's not getting bogged down in housekeeping details as well.

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