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Who will come to Sansa's rescue


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Edric Storm acknowlweged not legitimized. If he was they i would concede that he would be in line for Storm's End but as he is still a Storm he is still behind Gendry because of their ages.

No, Edric Storm was not legitimized. But unlike Gendry he was acknowledged by Robert, and unlike Gendy he is noble-born - both his parents are noble. If anybody considers giving Storm's End to one of Robert's bastards, it will be Edric Storm they'll consider.

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Call it a judgement in human nature. No lord would follow some exiled sellsword as the lord of the stormlands nor would they follow a lord of equivalent rank that has been bumped up by some aging greyscale-infected lord and a sheltered whelp claiming to be the son of Rhaegar Targaryen, the man they fought against. He might not like it but it would have to be so otherwise the war would continue for a lot longer. If you want an example look at the North. No Stark lord so some have declared for Stannis, most are neutral and only a couple have decided to follow Bolton. If Connington has any sense in that aging and almost derailed mind of his he will have learned from Cersei's mistake. ANd if he doesn't then Varys will because he has seen the mistakes Cersei has made in the North and the Riverlands and knows how beloved Robert was by the stormlords.

This is getting a little far afield, but... I don't think the situation is exactly the same. For one thing, Connington choosing his oath to Aerys and his friendship with Rhaegar over his oath to Robert isn't the kind of rank betrayal that Bolton committed at the Red Wedding. (Stannis himself says to Davos that it was a grey area.) Second, Connington never did Robert any real harm, while Bolton stabbed Robb in the heart. Third, Connington did all this fifteen years ago, not three months ago. And finally, Connington and the Baratheon loyalists would have a mutual enemy in the Lannister-Tyrell alliance, whereas Bolton's opponent is Stannis, who never did the Starks any particular harm and could credibly promise to champion their interests.

The stormlords may not be thrilled to have Connington as Lord of Storm's End, which I imagine is a title he'll want for himself. But at the moment, Stannis is bogged down in the North and likely to be there for a while and Connington's nearest rivals stole the throne away from the Baratheon line. So given the choice before them, I'm sure they'd prefer Connington to the alternative.

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Edric Storm and Sansa is a nice idea. He's a bit younger than her though isn't he?

That is a horrible idea. Not because he is younger than Sansa but because of his temper. I think it quite possible that Edric develops in the same direction as his father - and his father was a horrible husband.

The stormlords may not be thrilled to have Connington as Lord of Storm's End, which I imagine is a title he'll want for himself. But at the moment, Stannis is bogged down in the North and likely to be there for a while and Connington's nearest rivals stole the throne away from the Baratheon line. So given the choice before them, I'm sure they'd prefer Connington to the alternative.

I agree that they might prefer him but I don't think Connington wants the title. He is slowly dying, and he knows it. He is estranged from his family, and Aegon is the closest thing he has to a son. What time he has left, he'll rather spend strengthening Aegon's position than building one for himself. The only title he might want is the title of King's Hand.

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cforrester, what has Varys done to Edric Storm or Alayne Stone, and what did he do for Gendry besides send him to the wall? I have not been intent on denying anything other than your original statement that Gendry is the next in line for Storms end. Connington will not be placing a Baratheon in control of anything if he is still alive. You can deny the likelihood of the Golden Companies captains being given castles in the Storm Lands all you like, but who is currently in control of many of those castles? The Golden Company. I never denied Gendry or Edric having more parts to play, I think Alayne will help Sansa or have some part in her storyline, I think Gendry will reforge Ice and or command the BWB, and I think Edric Storm will rule the Stormlands in the end. All I said in the beginning was that Gendry is not next in line after Stannis, because he is not.

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Shoot me down if its not possible... But what about Nymeria chewing LFs face off protecting Sansa? After Sansa possibly sticks up for herself LF decides shes got to go because shes going to cause too much trouble and tell everyone hes up to no good then booom Nymeria rips his head off.

I FORGOT SANSA KEEPS NYMERIA IN HER BACK POCKET!! Just not sure if its the direwolf or the warrior queen >_> but ya seems legit.

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I do like the idea of Tyrion saving Sansa. Not sure how likely it is, would imagine he's going to have other things on his mind, but it seems the sort of thing he would do- sort of altruistic because he's not actually in any way in love with her, but does feel as though he owes her his loyalty as her husband.

I also think LF Vs Tyrion would be a terrific battle of wits and balls, and would love to see LF brought down by Tyrion.

Agreed. I thought it'd be ironic for sansa that tyrion the husband she was forced to marry is the knight in shining armour to save her from her tower.

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What utter rubbish.

Agreed. Sansa was empty headed and made a mistake. But what stupid shit did you all do at that age too. She thought she was gunna be a queena and live the high life and she didn't want to loose it. Of course doing so allowed ned's plan to be quashed and she was turned into a hostage. That being said people saying she'll use the strangler in her hair net. Idk I thought that was a two part poison if maester cressen was right. And her hair net may have only had the one seed. The rest could of been gems. Who knows, I do like the idea of her rescuing herself though and I do agree that she is learning to play the game. That's what I got out of her learning from little finger. That sansa will turn from pawn to player.

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aryagonnakill, with reference to Edric and Mya (not Alayne, that is Sansa), Varys did nothing i agree with you there. What i have seen in the books is that Varys got Gendry his place with Tobho Mott (paying 2x the apprentice fee) and saved him from Joffrey's purge of Robert's actual children by sending him to the Wall. Im not saying you did deny them having further roles to play but in my opinion they will need a Baratheon to hold peace in the Stormlands. If Jon Connigton does live to see Aegon on the Throne then i agree that Connington wouldn't have a Baratheon in Storm's End. However if Varys is whispering in Aegon's ear he might actually listen to him since Varys has remained in Westeros a lot longer than Connington and knows the lords better than he does. Also the decision is ultimately with Aegon not Jon.

Im also not saying that Gendry was in line before Stannis and Shireen but it is likely that Stannis will die in the North and if you can remember Val said that Shireen was "already dead" because of her greyscale. And since the Walkers are coming to the Wall and they bring the cold it could also twist so that Shireen's greyscale returns and kills her as it thrives in the Cold. If this should happen, then Gendry will by law be the heir to Storm's End.

Also i know this is wild speculation on my part but his life is in some ways similar to Aegon. He didn't know his parents, he's had to run from his home and live in fear (Book 2) simply because of who his father is.

I agree that Connington doesn't want Lord of Storm's End and that he will spend his remaining time as Hand of the King. He can't give Storm's End to any of the Golden Company mercenaries because he promised them the restoration of their lands (pg 316 in my book) and most of them came from the Reach anyway. But i don't think he can murder Robert's children for two simple reasons:

1) They are spread all over the place, in the Riverlands, the Vale and god knows where else. He doesn't have enough time to track them all down.

2) If he began murdering anybody he suspected as being descended from Robert wouldn't he not only de-stabalise Aegon's rule by killing them simply because of their parents but also, by the Targaryen law, be executed for murder?

This would make him no better than Tywin Lannister and i doubt that Jon would honestly embrace the possibility of being remembered as such and dishonouring his House with the blood of women and children (which is most of Roberts surviving children)

As for the Golden Company may occupy the Castles but if i remember correctly Connington promised the restoration of the lands to people like Cole and Strickland who had noble ancestors and gold to the rest. And mercenaries are only truly reliable as long as they are being paid well, if someone comes along with a greater offer they'll change sides in a heartbeat.

Harry the Heir, i know its not the exactly the same principle but its still the same thing. He may not have harmed Robert or committed a betrayal equal to that of Bolton and Frey, however he did nearly kill Robert at the Stoney Sept and he was always a Targaryen man and because of the short time he has to live i can't see him accepting Storm's End, he doesn't even want it. If they bump up another lord it could cause friction between all the other Stormlords, they may feel overlooked or have had a feud with this family and refuse to accept them as Lord. If this were to happen then the war would most likely continue and some would seek to put Edric Storm in that place as he is the only bastard Robert has acknowleged, even though he isn't the eldest. I do agree with 90% of what you said that their mutual enemy is Lannister and Tyrell but when they are gone i can't see them being to welcoming of a man from the Golden Company or even Jon Connigtonas their liege lord. Supposing that Stannis makes it through Bolton and Frey without dying (which is unlikely) i can see them restoring the North to the Starks (as they definitely had cause to fight Aerys) and the Baratheons (trueborn or bastard) because they are the only ones who could truly unite the Stormlands behind Aegon. Lesser lords could bring a few houses to his banner and as i have pointed out before, Robert was well loved in the Stormlands as was Renly so it would make sense to appoint someone of their line rather than another.

I do agree that Edric is the more likely bastard to be Storm Lord should Shireen and Stannis be killed but he is still not the rightful heir if that does come to pass and whilst Robert was a good man and a better king than Aerys that fact his father was king has made Edric Storm a little too arrogant to be a good lord. I think though he isn't educated in any way apart from Smithing anf fighting, Gendry would make a good lord because he understands how the people feel which is why Aegon was raised the way he was, to be a better King than his predecessors. Also why is GRRM making so many important characters, dead or alive (Ned, Brienne, Jon Arryn, Varys etc) recognise Gendry as Robert's son without meaning to take it somewhere. If it was just to prove that Cersei's kids were illegitimate surely GRRM would have left it at Ned Stark realizing...

Its also a kind of mirror if he did restore a Baratheon like Edric or Gendry as Storm Lord since it was Aegon Targaryen who conquered Westeros and Orys Baratheon was a bastard. GRRM seems to like mirroring past events so it is indeed possible

Besides if Aegon overthrows Tommen, he'll want Storm's End even though he is actually a Lannister. I'm sure that even Connington would rather seat one of Roberts bastards there than risk the Lannisters controlling 2/7 kingdoms. Also i can see him being harsher on them than the Baratheons because although it was Robert who killed Rhaegar, it was Tywin's men and Jaime who wiped out the rest of the Royal Family.

In a strange plot twist i can see Jon Connington dying before Aegon wins because Jon is like his protector and advisor and if he was killed it would force Aegon to become more independant and show what kind of King he would be. Also it could introduce him or Ser Rolly as a POV which would be quite interesting i think. Thats my opinion and your welcome to your own

I also agree that Edric and Sansa together is a terrible idea.

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The biggest theme in Sansa's arc is her disillusionment of her idyllic views and her fondness for songs and stories about damsels/princess, prince/knight etc. . Usually in those typical stories the damsel/princess is always saved by the white knight/prince charming. Sansa is simple said the deconstruction of the classic princess trope. She learned that the world isn't a song, and that those stories are not true. Isn't this an obvious foreshadow that nobody will come to save Sansa. Life isn't a song, and nobody is going to save you. This is what Sansa will obviously do. She will save herself. The Damsel will save herself from distress. And I am very confident that GRRM is heading this journey with Sansa's arc and character development. From Classic Princess to the Silk hiding Steel. I suspect that a whole lot of people will be surprised by Sansa in the upcoming books.

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The biggest theme in Sansa's arc is her disillusionment of her idyllic views and her fondness for songs and stories about damsels/princess, prince/knight etc. . Usually in those typical stories the damsel/princess is always saved by the white knight/prince charming. Sansa is simple said the deconstruction of the classic princess trope. She learned that the world isn't a song, and that those stories are not true. Isn't this an obvious foreshadow that nobody will come to save Sansa. Life isn't a song, and nobody is going to save you. This is what Sansa will obviously do. She will save herself. The Damsel will save herself from distress. And I am very confident that GRRM is heading this journey with Sansa's arc and character development. From Classic Princess to the Silk hiding Steel. I suspect that a whole lot of people will be surprised by Sansa in the upcoming books.

I agree with you that Sansa's arc will be interesting.

About the Silk hiding steel .. the question is what her steel can be. Unless she stumbles upon a Syrio and starts training, her literal weapons will be limited.

A sharp mind, beauty, experience with the plotting and scheming she learned from Littlefinger, the use of her 'purple serpents'?

Sadly most of these weapons invoke little sympathy.

Shoud we hope for Sansa as a Littlefinger 2.0 or a Cersei 2.0?

Her strongest weapon - again, sadly - is also what is the greatest threat to her: she embodies the claim to Winterfell.

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With regards to the sansa it could be that arya is the one who bears the actual steel, but the steel in sansa is her mind when playing the game of thrones as she has the finest tutor in littlefinger. Plus if he finds out that Davos rescued Rickon then she would no longer be the claimant for Winterfell so that would free her in some ways to play the game. However she could still rally the Vale to support her brother reclaiming the North and help Edmure reclaim the Riverlands because they wanted to enter the war but Lysa refused to

I can kind of imagine her at negotiations with Aegon and Jon asks (if he is alive) why they should deal with a rebels daughter and she asks why she should deal with the son of a kidnapper and the grandson of a murdering madman

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Raeghar never kidnapped lyanna. Just cause the fat sot robert was embrassed she perfered the dragon to the stag. And if he did its just cause elia kept them apart. Bran says it once too that she was kidnapped. but he's a child and would need to have the war in a child's perspective. And sansa would never be that mouthy she's too mousey she's only now getting some balls.

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That's just an opinion as is mine. It may have been as you said or as i said, whichever way it would probably be revealed before the series is over. Regardless whether her departure was voluntary or forced, Robert was the man she was betrothed to (he loved her as well, probably as much as Rhaegar) and the fact his second cousin took her away was probably pissed him off a good deal more than it would have if they weren't related.

She's only now getting some balls yes. But where will she be in the next book? or the final book? She could become a far bolder character than Arya. Besides it was an idea that i found quite amusing, i think the chances are 1 in a million.

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Raeghar never kidnapped lyanna. Just cause the fat sot robert was embrassed she perfered the dragon to the stag.

Checking the text of the books will show that Robert was considered handsome and slender at the time he married Cersei.

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