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Legalize Drugs, Reduce Violence

Fragile Bird

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I think the problem is lack of data on what legalization, or for that matter decriminalization would do. This isn't like the stupidity of stopping gay marriage, which is just based on fairy tale superstition.

There are real possible negative outcomes for society, and I'm not seeing why such outcomes are less likely than the positive ones.

Well, I don't think it'd happen overnight. Probably a stage approach, from lighter drugs to harder, taking stats for decades, etc.

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Why this focus on high IQ people?

Oh, I just picked one segment of the population. You can add people with good reaction times or any other trait. IQ is just the one that corresponds to a high number of jobs.

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I don't see why use has to go up with legalization. There is certainly a lack of evidence on whether or not legalization changes usage, or how it changes it usage.

I know that people choose to consume or not consume drugs for a variety of reasons, but does the illegal status of the drug play much of a role in that choice?

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Oh, I just picked one segment of the population. You can add people with good reaction times or any other trait. IQ is just the one that corresponds to a high number of jobs.

I dunno, most jobs are skill-dependent, and that depends on repetition and mastery. Even engineering in some instances is repetition of existing methods. Innovation nowadays is paid for by technical companies to be done by postgrads at unis.

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The positive outcomes are not, in fact, positive. They are rather passive outcomes of a person living a normal life and occasionally enjoying their poison without affecting anyone. But the negative outcome is hard addiction, loss of productivity, tearing up struggling families... I'd be more worried about that than not having the privilege of listening to Hendrix' Machine Gun, no matter how 'awesome' it is.

Wouldn't a reduction in violence be a positive outcome?

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One thing that I'd favor legalization of if it wasn't for the risk to youth would be performance enhancing drugs for athletes. This doesn't seem to risk the productivity of the country very much if at all.

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I'd hate for heroin to be legal. It would suck if a future Einstein or Turing got addicted and fucked up her life.

Or, we could have more people like Lewis Carrol, Samuel Taylor Coolridge, Marcus Aurilius, Frank Baum, Charles Dickens, Billie Holliday Paracelus (father of modern medicine), Lenny Bruce, Picasso, Edgar Allan Poe, Sir Walter Scott, ect... ect... ect...

I personally don't use drugs because I don't like the feeling of being out of control, but to insinuate that people who do make that choice are incapable of benefiting society is clearly erroneous.

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Or, we could have more people like Lewis Carrol, Samuel Taylor Coolridge, Marcus Aurilius, Frank Baum, Charles Dickens, Billie Holliday Paracelus (father of modern medicine), Lenny Bruce, Picasso, Edgar Allan Poe, Sir Walter Scott, ect... ect... ect...

I'm guessing few of these people were heroin addicts.

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Yeah, Obama and Oprah - both admitted past abusers of illegal drugs - haven't got shit on you, huh?

Do you really think that they are the Obama and Oprah of today because they abused illegal drugs in the past? Like others luminaries of whatever field who have been mentioned before, I believe that they were who they were in spite of their drug use and not because of it. An opium addicted Barack Obama would not be President. The fact that there are drug addicted people at work, does not mean that it is OK to be drug addicted at all.

I now that you all get very excited about this stuff. It's nothing I haven't heard since my 1970's debate team topics. I know the sexy politco-economic arguments. However, I would like to talk about the medical aspects of what you are saying when you support the legalization or decriminalization of opiates. These types of drugs are very dangerous. Their level of addiction is very high and very quick. I am aware of people who have died from using cocaine once (from a heart attack). I know of people who have died of the same things quite a while after overcoming their addiction. These drugs depress the respiratory system. What is it about this that you do not understand? I do not know any socially responsible addicts. I know that addicted people are thinking about their next fix and what it will take to get it. There are drug addicted infants born every day. Why? Because their mothers were frikking addicted! Will decriminalizing these drugs result in these mothers taking their babies home? Because they sure as hell not capable of caretaking when addicted. There's a huge correlation between domestic violence and alcohol and drug abuse. Do you really think that women are being abused because the drugs were expensive or not readily available? No. It's because people are craaazy while under the influence. You combine that with a dangerous personality and you have horrible home situations.

Will those seeking drugs receive a pick line to better and more cleanly receive the drug into their system? Like chemotherapy? Continuous needle use cause vein collapse. After your hands, arms and tops of your feet are all useless, will people then just ask for a better, more antiseptic way to receive their drugs or is drug time over when their veins fail. What constitutes a legal dose? Who will dispense and how much and how? Will heroine and amphetamines be allowed while freebasing crack cocaine be prohibited? Will drug companies' versions be available or will Wal-Mart offer generic stuff? I don't think some of you have thought these things through. If you hope the government will do it for you, good luck. You better believe that some states will not go for this. The constitutionality of the legalization of drugs and a federal mandate will result in a mess. Don't we have better social issues to fight for? To me, this issue is not worthy of social activism. Not at all.

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