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Seven Likeable Things About Your Not-So-Likeable Characters

~Shiera Seastar~

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Joffrey Waters (show canon too because I believe that the show perfectly captured joffrey)

1. His relationship with the hound

2. There was that scene with Tywin where he was expressing his concern of Daenerys

3. There was that scene with sansa where he gave her the necklace

4. He comes up with decent names for swords

5. he finally got rid of ros

6. that scene where he respected the targaryens (say what you will, the targaryen were conquerors)

7. his death scene

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Emmon Frey

1) He married Genna Lannister

2) He didn't kill Edmure

3) He's secure enough in his manhood to not mind his wife being the dominant partner

4) He got a cool new castle with a scenic waterfront view

5) He graciously allowed Tom O Sevens crash at his place

6) He's managed to not become a pie (yet).

7) He's managed to avoid being hung (yet).

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A bit disappointed with the amount of Catelyn in this thread. All of you making Catelyn lists; I am side eyeing you.

:agree: ....And Robb? His decisions were not 'likeable' not his character.

LADY STONEHEART (not Catelyn!!)

1. She has a good memory

2. She can be a badass without saying a word

3. She all but invented the saying 'Freyar Morghulis'

4. She commands the brotherhood despite the fact she's a zombie

5. She still cares for her children

6. She came back from the dead

7. Berric Dondarrion sacrificed himself for her




8. She has a cool name

9. She makes the Zombies in 'I Am Legend' look tame

10. She thrives to avenge the Red Wedding (most heartbreaking and unjust event in the books)

11. Because she's going to send her regards at the Lannister/Frey wedding- very thoughtful.

The list is endless!

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1) He shaved his hideous hairdo

2) He has flawless amber skin

3) He defies tradition and common sense and marries dragon girl

4) He is not selfish, he shares his food

5) He cares about maintaining the peace in Meereen, so he allows the traditional pit fighting for his people's sake

6) He has complete control over his emotions, even if threatened, except when...

7) his beloved lady wife's life is endangered by her crazy dragon child, then he orders to kill him right away. The things he does for love :love:

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1.) Somewhat intelligent (IMO)

2.) Honorable (but I think he makes them earn it, and when they do, he is honorable)

3.) Softer side

4.) Humble

5.) Strength (emotionally and physically; he did take abuse from Gregor and Joffrey for years without retaliation)

6.) Practical

7.) Sense of humor

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·she is a Targaryen

·she made the eggs break

·she killed Drogo (sad for her but EXCELLENT for me)

·she has purple eyes

·she did the right thing trying to free all the slaves in the Slavers Bay

·she is Viserys' sister :wub:

·she is Rhaegar's sister :bowdown:

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This thread is cracking me up!

Catelyn (I can't stand her)

1) Told Stannis and Renly to pull their heads out of their asses and stop fighting each other

2) Warned Robb the Freys were prickly and not to be trifled with

3) isn't still breastfeeding her children who are 6+ years old

4) Rescued Brienne after Renly's death

5) let Jaime go (stupid for the Stark/Tully cause but gave us the Jaime/Brienne buddy-mance)

6) Is dead

7) Is a Frey-killing zombie

Mad King Aerys

1) Fathered Rhaegar

2) Started out as a promising ruler

3) Could earn serious coin moonlighting as a tour guide at Duskendale

4) Could kick everyone's ass in a back-scratching contest

5) Could host an awesome 4th of July party with a killer fireworks display

6) Not afraid to tweak Tywin's nose

7) Gave Jaime practical hands-on sword training as a living practice dummy

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Ser Axell Florent

1 Stout man, as a true warrior should be

2 He protects Queen Selyse all the times, he never leaves her side.

Thanks to this true defender, Stannis got his back covered.

3 Outnumbered and surrounded by brutes and criminal, he still manages to keep the criminals' leader into his place.

That's Ser Axell for you, he just doesn't fear anyone.

4 Knows rules and etiquette, a flea bottom's criminal ain't nothing to him. That's some noble blood up in this wild animal.

5 Would you choose relatives over duty?

Stannis, Eddard, Robb, Jaime, Jon Snow... all of them fail.

Ser Axell knows what's the right thing to do: his brother was a criminal, and like a criminal he paied.

6 He has a cool name. Axell. I mean... that's pretty cool.

7 ...one of the very few characters to provide some insights about the always misterious males/females relationship, as well as some useful tips.

Man, that was hard...

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Tyrion (probably my least favorite main character):

1. He's witty.

2. He's intelligent.

3. He reads a lot.

4. He despises Joffrey.

5. He's nice to Myrcella and Tommen

6. He stops Joffrey when he's humiliating poor Sansa.

7. "A mind it to a book like a sword is to a whetstone" is one of the best lines in the books.

Littlefinger (I actually have a soft spot for him but he's hardly a good guy):

1. He's smart.

2. He's a self-made man.

3. He never stopped loving Catelynn.

4. He's a masterful strategist.

5. He helps Sansa escape from KL.

6. He also mentors Sansa.

7. He's good with money.

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-knows how to enjoy a few drinks

-sexually adventurous

-doesnt conform to societies norms

-respects her parents


-carves her own path in life

...well damn...by just that she sounds like my kind of girl!

this will be hard...craster

-welcomes tired strangers in his home

-loves his daughters

-survives out in the open in one of the most dangerous places in the known world

-a man of faith

-never attacked by white walkers

-is a real "ladies man"

-has just one name...like a great brazilian soccer player

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1. He is not of the morning

2. He is not of the day

3. He is not of the evening

4. He is not of the dusk

5. He is not of morning tea time

6. He is not of 2:42 pm

7. He is of the night

He is not a clock :bowdown:


1. He can read, he can write, and he can talk well

2. He is undefeated in battle

3. He shits no gold (like father, like son obviously)

4. His aim using a crossbow is very impressive

5. He is GRRMs favorite

6. He likes dragons

7. He slapped Joffrey

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