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Wouldn't ASoIaF be better if...

Fragile Bird

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That is an awesome point!

I thought about the Tyrells too, but it turns out they were also part of the War of the Roses. They could have had falcons to warg into.

Honestly, I'd rather be in a character's head who doesn't have the game figured out. The Greyjoys flounder as much, if not more, than the Starks.

Wouldn't you be bored reading the secrets and intricacies of a QoT POV and Margaery's plotting? Give me Victarion bumbling around banging his salt wives any day!

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More Tyrell focus. For better or worse, they are the most powerful faction in Westeros in this moment.

The problem with the Greyjoys is that they have maybe 5 working brain cells between them.

Missing the point entirely. So what if it seems like the Tyrell's are the most powerful after book 5. What would the series be if the Greyjoys were the main focus? It'd be kinda awesome. That's what.



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If by bored you mean fascinated, then yeah.

I beg to differ. They know too much. That's like flipping to the end of the story to see how it all turns out.

Again, I'll take Asha and her axe, Theon and his fucking everything, and Damphair drowning mofos JUST CUZ HE CAN over important details like the end game.

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I really like the idea of little baby krakkens with the Greyjoys being tied to them through pyschic power. Also, if the Greyjoys could sparkle in the sunlight that would be great.

And maybe if the Lannisters had some pawnshops, only medieval, of course.

And why can't Ros have some more scenes in the book? I think that would be awesome.

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I really like the idea of little baby krakkens with the Greyjoys being tied to them through pyschic power. Also, if the Greyjoys could sparkle in the sunlight that would be great.

And maybe if the Lannisters had some pawnshops, only medieval, of course.

And why can't Ros have some more scenes in the book? I think that would be awesome.

How utterly amazing would it be if instead of a horn to control dragons all Euron had to do was yell out "RELEASE THE KRAKEN" and the kraken goes and destroys the royal fleet in the Battle of Blackwater.

Wildfire be damned.

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I'm seeing a much more interesting first reunion between Asha and her tentacle-equipped bro ho

Oh also, Elder Sister, it is known that be-tentacled creatures have the shady reputation of predicting wars, football matches and the better tasting of two seafood dishes so a psychic connection would be likely

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How utterly amazing would it be if instead of a horn to control dragons all Euron had to do was yell out "RELEASE THE KRAKEN" and the kraken goes and destroys the royal fleet in the Battle of Blackwater.

Wildfire be damned.

I think the yelling must occur underwater, otherwise the kraken will not be aware that they have been summoned.

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I also think a genetic mutation would cause Euron to be part squid. He would sort of be an animagus, only instead of full-on squid, he would be half man, half squid.

In point of fact, he would be a krak-man.

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Psychic. Link.

I'm not too bright. I forgot about the warging thing. Do they put their fingers on their temples and shut their eyes when they are yelling for the krakens? I think that would make a good visual.

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