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Series biggest hypocrites and parasites


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I agree wholeheartedly with you. Cersei is far and away the biggest hypocrite. She ignores Ned's pleas for her to run and save herself and her children. Instead she starts a war, inadvertantly true but she's still guilty, which costs the lives of thousands. All of these men and women die so she can protect HER own kids from a death she all but insured by not running. And in the end her children will probably die anyway and it will all have been for nothing.

And Littlefinger is by far the biggest piece of garbage in the whole story. Some characters are bad and do bad things, we find out why and although that doesn't justify it we understand their twisted motives. Littlefinger is just causing trouble and trying to gain status. He helped orchestrate a civil war just to move onto the society pages. Really Littlefinger, all this to impress a woman who clearly doesn't want you? What a loser.

LOL. Cat has nothing to do with him wanting to rise in status. Hes clearly over her, IMO.

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Most nobles have done far less work to deserve the money they get than LF. He may be a douchebag, but he's no parasite. He did his job as a finance minister well.

tell that to the increased corruption and missing money

doesn't jon give littlefinger the job at the behest of lysa? did lysa get anything in return for her help?

yeah , the moon door (he even intended to jkill her rather later than sooner


Let me add Tyrion there as well.

1. Tyrion loves mocking people, and saying funny rude comment about people. When others mock him? Well he hates it.

2. He is enraged that tywin doesn't want to give him his rightful inheritence, CR. But tyrion for two whole book did everything for helping his family taking away others rightful inheritence, KL and the Throne from Stannis, Riverrun from the Tully's and by marrying Sansa he tried to take WF from the Starks.

3. Complaining that people believe he killed Joffrey, despie that when he was the Hand of the King he ordered the execution of the Antler Men based on one single persons word, namely Varys, who gave information at his trial as well, that were very damaging towards his case. tyrion actually had multiple witnesses, he had a chance to call for a trial by combat, and he had a chance of taking the black. And even if he would have been executed he would have a clean beheading. He on the other hand didn't gave any of that chance to the Antler Men, not to mention he gave them to Joffrey, knowing they will be gruesomly killed. Oh, and the Antler Men were actually innocents, they weren't Stannis spies. They had large debts toward the Throne which after their death cannot be collected. They were set up by Varys, to further bankrupt the Throne. Comparaed to them there were way more and convincing evidence (even if it was fake) that tyrion indeed killed Joffrey.

I feel sorry for tyrion that he was wrongly accused, but on the other hand he really should have reflected about his past actions, that the justice he gave to people was actually even more unfair that he recieved there.

4. Another one is he asking Sansa that she should look past his appearance and see what is inside (though I donT' think his inside is attractive either), yet he mocks women who are not hot (see his remarks about Lollys), and he cannot love a women who is ugly. So he wants women to love him for the inside, yet he is soo shallow he is unable to love an ugly woman.

(And just saying that Sansa on the other hand has a crushlike feeling towards Sandor and she was willing to marry Willas even if he would have looked like his fat and ugly father. So not even Sansa is as shallow as tyrion.)


Hmmm. Do we have any proof of that? Considering the debt the crown has I'm skeptical.

thanks ]

But debt isn't necessarily bad, that's how countries are run.

not in the middle ages dept mmeant no money period

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While i don't think it makes her a candidate for the biggest, i like to mention Brienne. She clearly tries to be honorable but she crossed the entire south to pledge her personal service to Renly, knowing that he was rebelling against his nephew and his older brother purely out of greed, while her infatuation conveniently made her ignore it. So far, she hasn't admitted this while judging others for dishonorable behaviour.

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While i don't think it makes her a candidate for the biggest, i like to mention Brienne. She clearly tries to be honorable but she crossed the entire south to pledge her personal service to Renly, knowing that he was rebelling against his nephew and his older brother purely out of greed, while her infatuation conveniently made her ignore it. So far, she hasn't admitted this while judging others for dishonorable behaviour.

Renly is her liege lord, her first loyalty is supposed to be to him. Nothing hypocritical about it.

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Renly is her liege lord, her first loyalty is supposed to be to him. Nothing hypocritical about it.

Nope. Her father has to support Renly, not her. She a Lady of House Tarth, nobody expects her to personally fight for Renly, she chooses to do so against her father's wishes and most other people actually. Notice that she isn't ever linked toanu sort of Tarh troops, she went all by herself into it.

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They are rich because their ancestors build a bridge, they do nothing all day but breed like rabbits and exploiting the travellers. Seem parasitic to me.

They offer a service in exchange for gold. (Crossing the bridge their ancestors built)

That seems rather fair, despite being especially greedy.

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Nope. Her father has to support Renly, not her. She a Lady of House Tarth, nobody expects her to personally fight for Renly, she chooses to do so against her father's wishes and most other people actually. Notice that she isn't ever linked toanu sort of Tarh troops, she went all by herself into it.

She doesn't have to fight, but as a noble from the Stormlands and a heir of her father she's supposed to support Renly, the Lord of the Stormlands.

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They are rich because their ancestors build a bridge, they do nothing all day but breed like rabbits and exploiting the travellers. Seem parasitic to me.

The 'breed like rabbits' thing means that they've got a fair amount of swords - Robb wasn't set up to marry Random Stoatish Female just for the sake of a bridge. The Freys are a pretty powerful family, and while they got there by being parasitic, I don't think they qualify as BIGGEST parasites because 1) the Great Houses seem to find them vaguely useful sometimes and 2) look at the competition. It's pretty hard to beat some of these people.

Also, their ancestors building the bridge means that the bridge was built by Freys, meaning that somewhere, far back, in an age lost to the sands of time, some of the Freys weren't total idiots (even if they were still probably assholes).

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