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Your Ten Most Fascinating Characters In ASoIaF?


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These are not gonna be in order. Only given reasons for some.

Cersei Lannister - I found her chapters in AFFC the most interesting I think, just her paranoia and her plotting throughtout. And of course her prophecy.

Oberyn Martell

Aegon Targaryen - I don't know why, I just find him really fascinating (whether he is the real Aegon or not) I just want

to know more!

Jon Connington

Jaime Lannister

Sansa Stark

Rhaegar Targaryen - Just his obsession with the prince who was promised and the song of ice and fire. I always like reading about him.

Arthur Dayne

Jon Snow

Daenerys Targaryen

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Jaime - I still don't know what to think of him and if I like him or not, so he's my no1



Doran - at first I thought he really is a mastermind, and after reading DwD I'm not so sure... which makes him even more interesting :)

Arya, Sansa & Bran - I wonder to what extent they'll have changed before the end of the series

Jon Connington

Oberyn - I'd love to read some more about his past

Cersei - no, I don't like her at all, but I have a lot of respect for her after her walk of shame (I may hate her for co-operating with Qyburn, but I must admit she doesn't lack courage) and I want to know if she'll rise again as she's planning

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In no particular order:

Tyrion - I said no particular order, but I make one exception: Tyrion tops it for a reason. He's the only person in his family to frequently show altruistic motives, but is smart enough (and comfortable enough with, shall we say, "situational ethics") to take on cold-blooded schemers at their own game. He projects presence despite being a dwarf, but there's clearly a lot of turmoil under the surface. Perhaps the most complex character in the books, and the one who I felt a kinship with.

Varys - I like the subtle way he plays up his eunuch status to avoid suspicion: he pretends to be a sissy, but can actually be pretty badass.

Littlefinger - He's one of those characters who stretches believability at times: it's clear to the audience that he's a dangerous slimeball, but no one but Tyrion or Varys seems acute enough to recognise him as a threat. But the long-range plans this guy comes up with are staggering. Whoever sits the Iron Throne, he has a plan for how best to use them.

Tywin - He's fascinating for much the same reasons he's worthy of hatred: he was born a normal person, but gradually divested himself of empathy and conscience. Whether or not this makes him a necessary product of his environment is a fertile topic for debate.

Melisandre - Quite mysterious, while at the same time seeming very sincere in her motives. She's often shockingly ruthless, but notably mericuful at other times. And there's an ever-increasing body of evidence that her beliefs are correct.

Aeron - This guy's rather poetic in his way, lol. And I get the feeling that he has the furthest-reaching ambitions of any Greyjoy.

Arya - Trying to work out just how much of her is sane keeps her plot engaging, even when the events aren't.

Sandor - We gather that, deep-down, his desire to live a traditionally chivalric life has never gone away, despite all hope of it being dashed well before he came of age. The inner conflict between this boyhood dream, and the cynicism he's developed since, is at the centre of his appeal imo.

Catelyn - She's (usually) very proper and wise, but still outstrips a lot of the men around her in terms of sheer willpower. She has some of the most compelling inner monologue in the series.

Renly - In a "what could have been" sense; we never really had time to find out his core motives. Westeros may be a very different place if he'd lived.

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Not necessarily people I like, but people I'm curious about when it comes to their pasts, their motivations, allegiances, etc.

Rhaegar Targaryen

Lyanna Stark

Ashara Dayne


The Green Grace (aka the only interesting person in Slaver's Bay)

Stannis Baratheon

Ned Stark

Jaime Lannister

Margaery Tyrell


Leyton Hightower

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Not necessarily in order

Stannis Baratheon: I have to give him a mention. His iron will and personality are like very few else in the series. He is a hard man yet is not necessarily cruel.

Jaime Lannister: Probably my favorite in the way he is written. As soon as Jaime became a POV I fell in love with him, even when he acted like a dick to Brienne. The way he lives his life continues to fascinate me.

Robert Baratheon: I consider Robert a relatively tragic character. I would have loved to see a Robert POV.

Sansa Stark: Another one of the best written characters, and the best written Stark in my opinion. Sansa has been discussed so much that there's not a lot for me to say that hasn't been said.

Cersei Lannister: Basically he transformation into madness is what makes me love Cersei as a character. Horrible person, wonderful character.

Littlefinger: His scheming gives me goosebumps consistently. Him shoving Lysa out the Moon Door was my number one favorite moment in the series.

Theon Greyjoy: Another character that can be considered tragic to an extent. Just a tale of a man who seeks the attention of his father which leads him to do very questionable and regrettable decisions.

Roose Bolton: An enigmatic man, and a splendid villain. When I read of Roose, it terrifies me in ways Ramsay never can.

Catelyn Stark: One of the best written characters as well. Again been discussed to death.

Doran Martell: Another enigmatic character. He seems a smart player, yet I believe puts trust in some of the wrong people.

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By your definition of fascinating, any list that doesn't have Petyr Baelish I am highly suspect of.


Most of these are not what I would consider favorite characters, instead I went with the idea of choosing characters that I find intriguing, that are mysterious in terms of motivation, or that I would really like to learn more about.

10 Dany

-She's the only POV on my list, because while she isn't my favorite POV, she is probably the main character that falls under the 'most fascinating' category for me. Her internal conflict between mother and warrior is so interesting to me, as well as her ability to be an instrument of change...she's almost like a force of nature. And, you know, the dragons.

9 Willas Tyrell-the mystery Tyrell.

8. The Citadel, as an organization.

7.Arthur and Ashara Dayne, collectively. Especially their relation to the events leading up to and occuring at the TOJ.

6. Howland Reed.

5. Rickard Stark, and his 'southron ambitions'

4.Rhaegar-he definitely is the 'elephant in the room'


2. Patchface. Something almost sinister there?

1. Petyr Baelish

(by all rights Varys belongs here too, but I don't know what it is, I just don't find him as interesting as the rest of my list)

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1. Thoros of Myr

A priest whose faith in his god isn't all that strong, suddenly finds himself with magical powers in his quest to defend the defenseless.


2. Jorah Mormont

Played a significant role getting Dany from mortal peril to becoming Queen of Meereen. He's going to be a bit of loose canon I think from here forward. Great backstory as well.


3. Wyman Manderly

Great, great scenes with him in Dance of Dragons. My new favorite character.


4. Rodrik "The Reader" Harlaw

The lonely scholar of the Iron Isles.


5. Qyburn

What the heck did he make in his lab? A bit of the Dr. Frankenstein me thinks. His poor victims. What is his backstory? What are his goals beyond creating abominations?


6. Podrick Payne

This kid can fight. I could see him becoming major character or disappearing.


7. Sandor Clegane

Angry because he sees the world for what it is. I wonder if he has a redemption arc coming (i.e., he's in that little monastery on the island near Saltpans).


8. Brynden "Blackfish" Tully

Want to know more about his backstory. Very bad for the Lannisters and Freys that he got away.


9. Euron Greyjoy

Did he really sail the seas near the ruin of Valyria? There lies magical madness within him it would seem.


10. Rhaegar Targaryen

Complex dead guy drives the backstory of the entire kingdom.


Honorable Mentions

Illyrio Mopatis

Mance Rayder

Gerold "Darkstar" Dayne

Doran Martell

Original Lord Brynden


Dick Crabb


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