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Your Ten Most Fascinating Characters In ASoIaF?


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Firstly, I am a new member, so a brief hello! Started reading the books before I saw the series, but well after original publication - began in perhaps 2010, and re-read partway through Feast For Crows at this point and picked up a lot more nuance that way on the second read.

And this is a subjective topic - who are your ten most fascinating characters? And fascinating, in this case, does not necessarily mean favorite or likeable - but ones that inspire the most questions or speculation or unknown facets of character. Tyrion is a smashing character, but most of his traits it seems are revealed, both good and rather reprehensible. And of course my list is suited to me and likely to be idiosyncratic. Also is a mix between main POV characters and one-off appearance or background characters.

So, here is my list, with a few honorable mentions - thoughts from others or lists of your ten are quite welcome. Cheers and thanks for reading!

1) Jaime Lannister. Surprise, surprise. Thoroughly engrossing to watch a shallow, vain and morally bankrupt person change into someone wanting to do the ‘right thing’ and make a difference in how he is perceived, yet not giving up an inch of his ruthless and calculating nature as he does so. Fascinating set of contradictions for a character.

2) Arya Stark/Salty/’Arry/many others. Still evolving, but her unknowing bond with Nymeria I have to suspect will pay off in a big way somehow, and very curious to see if she proceeds to lose all scruples and sense of self, or she ‘regains’ a sense of being Arya Stark, a daughter of Winterfell. Either way I predict her story may well not end happily.

3) Doran Martell. The hidden snake with a harsh plan for King’s Landing and Westeros being a gout-ridden, infirm ruler with a love of piece and quiet and gentle, appropriate appreciation of watching children frolic at the Water Gardens. I look forward to more of Prince Doran and his schemes in particular.

4) Brienne of Tarth. The only ‘true knight’, stripped of the ability to make a difference or reach the high standards for which she longs. She is a fascinating character, and her position quite sad, yet the character is never morose or melancholy or angry at her position: she gets on with what she feels she has to do and does not lose what she feels is how a knight should act and value. A gem of a character, and one whose progression and growth is likely no where near done.

5) Septon Maribald. His remembrance of the War of the Ninepenny Kings and talking about what war does to peasants is simply put one of the best passages of the series, vastly important and fascinating even if he appears but once in the books.

6) Sandor Clegane: Of course. We don’t know yet the full story arc for the Hound (accepting that he is not in fact literally dead, but working on the Quiet Isle and healing from grievous wounds), but Sandor’s status as a broken, bitter, violent and drunken man turned that way by his family destroying his dreams of honor and idealism, his longing to be a knight being corrupted and growing foul and rotten, is a fascinating story at the same time as a tragic one, and very much look forward to how it may (or may not) be resolved.

7) Quaithe of Asshai. Who is she? Is she future Dany via some mystical weirdness? Some random priestess, then later solely a hallucination? A top secret mystery guest who won’t be unmasked till the final book? Who knows, but her infrequent appearances and dire prophecies always tantalize and tease at what might come, or how she knows any of this.

8) Sansa Stark. A different kind of courage, harsh learning, and being exposed to how the world works than her sister, but no less impactful or shaping Sansa into something that can not yet be foreseen. I look forward to seeing how she eventually has to deal with the unwanted, rather creepy oversight of Petyr/Littlefinger, and finally coming to terms either with the Hound himself, or his legacy and how he affected her.

9) Varys. Mainly for one thing, assuming most of his ‘secret cards’ are now on the table regarding his plotting - given his stated dread and hatred of sorcery and all things demonic/mystical in his tale to Tyrion of losing his manhood, which supernatural menace will he have to confront and likely be destroyed by before the end of the books? Wait and see….

10) A tie between Lord Beric and Lady Stoneheart/UnCat. The flip sides of being immortal and called back from death - tired dedication to justice and duty in the face of losing what made one human versus unmitigated rage, loss and blood thirst untempered by kindness or consideration. One had to die for the other to rise, and they lead the same pack of outlaws/brigands to vastly different effect. And Lady Stoneheart’s inevitable reunion with at least one of Catelyn Stark’s children will doubtless be a difficult, painful and frightening encounter.

11) (because I can) Davos Seaworth. A simple man, hard-working, honest, shrewd, loyal but with a real sense of what his honesty and plain speech could cost him. He knows he is in a bad situation, often, and tries to mitigate that - but in doing so he will not avoid hard truths even if he suspects it will bring harm to himself in doing so. The flipside to Ned Stark, in many ways - a realist who remains dedicated to doing what he feels and knows is right.

No, this list does not have many interesting characters like Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Sam, Cersei, on and on and on, but their personalities by now seem largely explored, as interesting as they are.

Honorable mentions: Varamyr Sixskins, Ned Stark (of course), Euron Greyjoy, Theon/Reek. Who are your top ten choices for most fascinating/compelling characters/ones still with a fate undetermined or mysteries to be revealed?

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10 - Morna White Mask. - cool name, cool mask, cool powers

9 - Mag the Mighty - WunWun with attitude

8 - Whoresbane Umber - mostly because of the coolest name in the series

7- Maege Mormont - pops out babies and kicks ass

6 - Smalljohn Umber - a better Northern version of Gregor

5 - Irri and Jir???? - both are same character to me but way cool

4 - Melisandre - smokin hot in more ways than one

3 - Daario Naharis - Thats right, get your hate on. Stonecold pimpin with his naked lady sword hilts

2 - Dany

1 - Arya

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1. Jaime Lannister, his redemption arc is the most brilliantly written

2. Doran Martell, patience is the virtue...

3. Sansa Stark, there are other ways woman can be strong and brave

4. Davos Seaworth, honesty and loyalty are not the qualties in Westeros, but he`s the guy I want to be

5. Varys, he forgot more than many people know

6. Oberyn Martell, you have to be viper in snake`s nest

7. Tommen Baratheon, sweetest child in harshest place

8. Queen of Thorns, dearest granny

9. Eddard Stark, the only MAN in Westeros

10. Theon Greyjoy, I am fascinated I am pitying him

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Bran - his chapters I've always found the most interesting / fascinating, with his dreams and how it delves into magic and history of the realm.

Varys - master of secrets and all that, secrets are fun

Baelish - similar to Varys, no clue what he's doing but when he's involved things get incredibly interesting.

Arya - very engaging character and watching her journey has been great, especially into the free cities

Ed Stark




Duncan the Tall - if we're including the short stories

Sandor Clegane - lovable bad guy

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Theon Greyjoy

Asha Greyjoy

Balon Greyjoy

Victarion Greyjoy

Aeron Greyjoy


Sansa Stark

Jaime Lannister

Catelyn Tully/Stark

Daenerys "Stormborn" Targaryen, the Rightful Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Breaker of Chains, Queen of Meereen, The Unburnt, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Daughter of Death, Bride of Fire, Slayer of Lies... etc etc.

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By your definition of fascinating, any list that doesn't have Petyr Baelish I am highly suspect of.

in no particular order mine would probably be

1) Petyr Baelish


3) Doran Martell

4) Illyrio Mopatis

5) Quaithe of Asshai

6) Olenna Redwyne

7) Aegon VI/ Jon Connington

8) Pretty much all the Daynes

9)Marwyn the Mage

10) Oberwyn Martell

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Oh, yes this is what happens when books come out 5 years apart lol


1) Arya, I cannot wait to see what's going on with the Faceless Men or how she will work her way back to Westeros.

2) Melisandre, the few glimpses we've had inter her past have been great, and I would really like to see if she can step away from Stannis and what she will do when she has firm confirmation of Dany.

3) Petyr, ya I really want to see what his end game is and how much influence he has over the things that will happen next, or if even cares.

4) Jaquen/Pate, what the hell is he up to, what's he doing in Oldtown, is he rogue, how does he feel about Dany.

5) Marwin, what's up with this guy?

6) Dany, can't wait for what happens next, she's growing up very quickly and what's going to happen with her dragons.

7) Bran, I guess I don't care so much about Bran, but Meera and Jojen, I want to see what happens to them.

8) Howland Reed, never seen him, maybe never will, but wow, I want to know more about him.

9) Lyanna Stark, what happened there, did she run away with Rhaegar, how did Elia feel about all this?

10) Ashara Dayne, hard to believe any woman Ned loved would commit suicide because her brother was dead, I believe she is still out there and want to know more, I guess this relates to Jon a bit, but I am not a huge Jon fan.

So, I am fascinated by characters that have me panting for more info.

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I am rather biased with my list, since the characters I find most fascinating are my favourite characters, simply because they are so fascinating. So...

1. Jaime, for all the obvious reasons, but mainly because of the things he does for love.

2. Tyrion. I am most fascinated by his relationship with his father and the women of his life. But also his intelligence, and how he uses it through the series and what he's yet to do with it.

3. Tywin (are you seeing a pattern yet?) I still want to know so much more about his time as Hand, his relationship with Joanna, what made him hate Tyrion, how he became the formidible battle commander that he was etc. etc.

4. Littlefinger. I love this self-made man and am fascinated by his future plans for Sansa and the Vale.

5. Bloodraven. I've just read Sworn Sword and there seems to be so much to this man with one thousand eyes and one.

6. Cersei. Yup, back to Lannisters. I am fascinated by how much the Prophecy has affected her life, her headstrong character, her love for her children, her relationship with Jaime and Tyrion etc. etc.

7. Rhaegar. I admit, since joining the forums, my sense of intrigue around the Prince of Dragonstone has increased.

8. Edmure Tully. He's the simplest dude on my list, but I really love him anyway. I want to know where his story leads and would love if he was given an epilogue or prologue.

9. Blackfish. For similar reasons to his nephew. He is an intelligent man with a plan for saving those who have been most wronged by the wars... but where is he???

10. Asha. She's badass, and I love her fiestyness. I don't care how much of a cliche is. I want to see what she's going to do now she's met with Theon (who would be my number 11)

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1, Arya - Arya is as much force of the nature as is she a person

2, Rhaegar - legend and mystery walking a thin line between geniality and insanity

3, Jaime - well, he's Jaime

4, Benjen - favorite uncle and hard man of the night watch

5, Bloodraven - because he was here for so long

6, Bran - you know kids and absolute power

7, Rickon - he is the one everyone is overlooking

8, Theon - for being soo weak willed but unpredictable

9, Lord Snow - Jon is a good guy, Lord Snow on the other hand...

10, Mance - the only king that matters

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As of this moment (and these things are always subject to change)

Theon is easily my favorite POV as of the end of ADWD

Roose Bolton has the classic appeal of a horror movie monster and, as I have said many times before, his is the insanity born of being too logical.

Littlefinger almost goes without saying.

Varys as well.

Victarion is reading like GRRM's homage to the Icelandic Sagas, with a twist of dark humor and the sense that he knows he's on a doomed quest and expects to get screwed over at the end, yet he's playing along with it until the last possible moment because he either has some swerve up his sleeve or he's preparing to punch destiny in the face and defy whatever dire fate is planned for him.

Willas Tyrell is the as-of-yet-unseen character I look forward to meeting the most.

Melisandre took a big hit of demystification by becoming a POV, but she's still fascinating in that we still don't QUITE know what she is, and her POV gave us just enough to confirm that sense that she's not-quite-fully-human-anymore is in the ballpark.

The Late Rhaegar Targaryen still casts a long shadow that continues to shape the kingdom. He remains this elephant in the room, always kinda there in the background of everything that's happening, years later. His ghost haunts Westeros.

Arya is basically turning into Batman, and I love it.

Lady Barbrey Dustin: what the hell is she up to? I think I know, and yet I'm not entirely sure, there's one thing about her that always doesn't fit into whatever theory I read or come up with on her.

And I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting.

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10. Ser Barristan - a true knight in shining armour.

9. Maester Aemon - I hoped he lived just a little bit longer to give Jon wise counsel.


3 - Daario Naharis - Thats right, get your hate on. Stonecold pimpin with his naked lady sword hilts

:cheers: After all the bashings I did to this guy, I came to like him even more than the others. I hope the actor who will portray him on TV will charm more Daario lovers.

7. Lady Stoneheart - the one who's going to bring down the Freys.

6. Theon/Reek - I never like arrogant Theon but poor Reek... he's something. Love his chapters in ADWD.

5. Cersei Lannister - what's not to like? A bad character makes a book interesting to read.

4. Jon Snow - I have high hopes for this guy and I hope he'll keep his watch.

3. Ghost and Drogon - a tie! Yep, they're fantastic characters. And if I'll ever have a direwolf or a dragon, I want Ghost or Drogon.

2. Daenerys - no matter how much hatred she receives from people, she's still awesome.

1. Arya - my favorite Stark of all time.

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