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That feeling when you see other ASOIAF fans...

Pinkie Baelish

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I've read the books three times all the way through now (Dance just twice) and if someone started belting out RoC, I'd have no fucking clue what they were singing, much less breaking down into tears.

Really? You didn't get exactly what it sounds like from the books....

me neither. Not even a little bit. If I learned anything from LOTR and The Hobbit it was how to conveniently skip/go brain dead anytime there is a song/poem in a book.

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I've read the books three times all the way through now (Dance just twice) and if someone started belting out RoC, I'd have no fucking clue what they were singing, much less breaking down into tears.

I think he's referring to the TV show version

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They sung part of it in 'Blackwater', and the whole song was played during the credits.

Ya, still don't care. Nor would i recognize it if sung in a pub. I prolly think he/she was singing dylan. The only thing that ever stuck out to me was I saw a guy in 07 while in Iraq that had a 'Valar Morghalus' (sic) tattoo on his arm. We talked four about 5 mins and went our separate ways.

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They sung part of it in 'Blackwater', and the whole song was played during the credits.

I have to admit that I did squee a tiny bit when they started singing it in the show, but it was kind of a jarring way to introduce it. Rains is the, "Tywin is an extremely grim motherfucker," song, not the, "Hey we're Lannister men and we're drunk and that kicks ass!" song. They may take some sort of pride in working for an extremely grim motherfucker, but IMHO it's probably not what they sing about at the bar...

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I've read the books three times all the way through now (Dance just twice) and if someone started belting out RoC, I'd have no fucking clue what they were singing, much less breaking down into tears.

I agree, it's hard to hear the song in the books.


They sung part of it in 'Blackwater', and the whole song was played during the credits.

The National version during the credits sucked. Bronn and the Lannister men singing it during the episode, was brilliant.

"Where did you learn the Lannister songs"?

"From Lannisters".

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I am one of those that found the books from the series. I saw the first episode and thought, " damn, have to read the books." Then promptly bought the first 4 and read through them all at a fevered pace.

I was lucky that two of my best mates were into the genre as well. One thought the same as I...the other was more astute and had started reading earlier.

However, to the fan in the street...well, there have only been two. One in Korea. I saw a Lannister hoodie. However, didn't know enough Korean to engage in a conversation. The second time, just a passing remark about theories (pre board time. I have been a lurker) sparked a chat. R+L = J. He thought I was the cleverest things ever. I just thought...I need better read friends.

I know there are more fans is Australia out there, I just can't seem to find them.

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I am one of those that found the books from the series. I saw the first episode and thought, " damn, have to read the books." Then promptly bought the first 4 and read through them all at a fevered pace.

I was lucky that two of my best mates were into the genre as well. One thought the same as I...the other was more astute and had started reading earlier.

However, to the fan in the street...well, there have only been two. One in Korea. I saw a Lannister hoodie. However, didn't know enough Korean to engage in a conversation. The second time, just a passing remark about theories (pre board time. I have been a lurker) sparked a chat. R+L = J. He thought I was the cleverest things ever. I just thought...I need better read friends.

I know there are more fans is Australia out there, I just can't seem to find them.

Perth here. Keep watching the BWB threads, and say hi in the aussie thread

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I know only 2 people who read these books, and they are both in my family..

I tried to convince a friend of mine to read the books, but she did´nt even try it out before complaining about how big it was.. I was a bit sad afterwards, ASoIaF was meant to be discussed!

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I tried to convince a friend of mine to read the books, but she did´nt even try it out before complaining about how big it was.. I was a bit sad afterwards, ASoIaF was meant to be discussed!

You might enjoy the BWB...

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Perth here. Keep watching the BWB threads, and say hi in the aussie thread http://asoiaf.wester...ussie-chat-lix/

Thank you for the head's up about the BWB threads. I am not really an Aussie, I just live here. I am a little out of depth when discussing the cricket. But I would dearly love to find some aSoIaF fans over here. I sometimes feel that I am happily geeking out in a crowd of reality TV fans.

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I was at Barnes and Noble like two weeks ago and I saw these two haughty teenagers looking at books in the sci-fi section near Martins area and then one of them said "Books are for losers". If I had more guts instead of being reticent I would've said something but alas I have no guts. No one reads books anymore. It's actually rather depressing that every guy I know doesn't read books and every chick I know reads some weird nonsense that has to do with a Vampire. One chick I know used to read vampire porn. (no joke)

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