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[BOOK SPOILERS] Screentimes of Characters


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This includes 'Kissed by Fire.' I did this last year and I hope it was helpful, so I went back today and did it again for this season. I'll update it each week.

I'm not including everyone, but I will if you ask for it. I'm not saying it's all perfect, but I tried my best :)

Tyrion Lannister - 33:01

Jaime Lannister - 31:26

Brienne Tarth - 26:06

Daenerys Targaryen - 24:44

Arya Stark - 24:36

Margaery Tyrell - 23:41

Cersei Lannister - 23:23

Samwell Tarly - 19:24

Jon Snow - 18:09

Robb Stark - 17:15

Talisa - 17:09

Ygritte - 17:00

Catelyn Stark - 16:47

Joffrey Baratheon - 16:36

Sansa Stark - 15:44

Tywin Lannister - 15:53

Olenna Tyrell - 14:04

Theon Greyjoy - 11:47

Brynden Tully - 11:33

Littlefinger - 11:00

Varys - 10:56

Stannis Baratheon - 9:48

The Hound - 9:47

Bran Stark - 9:37

Davos Seaworth - 9:32

Edmure Tully - 9:06

Shae - 8:56

Bronn - 8:08

Mance Rayder - 7:23

Ramsay Bolton - 7:10

Loras Tyrell - 5:59

Melisandre - 5:06

Roose Bolton - 3:24

Selyse - 3:17

Shireen - 2:58

Qyburn - 2:44

Ros - 1:50

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I'm glad to know Ros' screen time is lessened, and Jaimie's upped. I'm hoping to see more of the Hound this season, too. I can't believe Marg has more screen time than Jon Snow.

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I think something they're doing this season is 'front-loading' some characters arcs (Jaime & Brienne) and 'back-loading' others (hopefully Jon Snow, Robb & Cat, Bran, Dragonstone) so there is a better pace, rather than trying to spread everyone over the season like butter scraped over too much bread.

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Margaery is in a LOT of group scenes where she spends a lot of time not talking too much, but yeah, her having that much screen time is surprising

But no unwelcomed, imo. Natalie Dormer has done a brilliant bringing the character to life and being the scheming but loveable character that we only caught glimpses of in the books. For me, she's been the best adapted and expanded character thus far in the series.
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Roose Bolton needs way more screentime ASAP so people know who he is in episode 9. Hopefully, he'll have that long convo with Jaime in the next episode or two.

Even if he does get more screen time, will people remember he's supposed to be Robb's man? When we saw him with Robb he was telling Rickard Karstark that he would get vengeance for his sons (which probably was about Robb not Jaime, but anyway...), and now that he has Jaime he's treating him kindly. I wouldn't be surprised if fans forgot this was the same guy.
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Even if he does get more screen time, will people remember he's supposed to be Robb's man? When we saw him with Robb he was telling Rickard Karstark that he would get vengeance for his sons (which probably was about Robb not Jaime, but anyway...), and now that he has Jaime he's treating him kindly. I wouldn't be surprised if fans forgot this was the same guy.

I don't think I have any nonbook reader friends who know who he is. For real. That's bad.

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Thanks for doing this, awesome job and pretty fascinating.

My biggest gripes would probably be Roose followed by Mance and the wildlings. Roose is understandable to some extent as there is a fine line to walk with him, but the pacing for the wilding scenes have been weird, and we got almost no expanding on Mance's character. I have liked the individual scenes but some of them feel like they are missing a trasition scene or too, similar to last year. I can't help but wonder if the Iceland shooting mess with their ability to film some of the scenes.

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Thank you schala for the amazing screentime list. I was surprised by the amount of time that Marg had so far and I agree with Lord Godric ^ about Roose, because at list here at home the non book readers are having a hard time to keep track about him and they totally forgot about his bastard son by now. Of course that they have me to help, I mean they always ask about characters that they forget about, however I hope that they make his part more clear for show viewers.

And I forgot to mention about Mance, I mean I also hope that they bring more of Mance in the next episodes.

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I'm liking that there's more Sam than Jon so far. I can't stand the latter and much prefer the former. Sadly, I think we'll be seeing more of Jon and less of Sam in the next few episodes.

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Thanks for doing this, awesome job and pretty fascinating.

My biggest gripes would probably be Roose followed by Mance and the wildlings. Roose is understandable to some extent as there is a fine line to walk with him, but the pacing for the wilding scenes have been weird, and we got almost no expanding on Mance's character. I have liked the individual scenes but some of them feel like they are missing a trasition scene or too, similar to last year. I can't help but wonder if the Iceland shooting mess with their ability to film some of the scenes.

Concerning Mance, i don't think we really see that much of him in aSoS really. There's the scene where Jon meets Mance, I think again in another Jon PoV before he goes off with the Thenn's, and then we don't see him again until after the battle. I could be wrong but that's how I remember it.

I just think his scenes are more memorable and longer in the books, so it seems as though he's featured much more. In the show he has much less to talk about which I think was a mistake.

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I don't think I have any nonbook reader friends who know who he is. For real. That's bad.

I don't think it's that bad. I didn't notice Roose much until the RW. Until then I used to mistake him for Robett Glover sometimes, and he had never stood out for me much, even with the leeches. I don't know about the casual non-readers, but the TWOP Unsullied are very wary of Bolton since season 2. They have definately noticed him since he said his house motto and that he lives in a place called Dreadfort. He's quite remarkable, really.

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I don't think it's that bad. I didn't notice Roose much until the RW. Until then I used to mistake him for Robett Glover sometimes, and he had never stood out for me much, even with the leeches. I don't know about the casual non-readers, but the TWOP Unsullied are very wary of Bolton since season 2. They have definately noticed him since he said his house motto and that he lives in a place called Dreadfort. He's quite remarkable, really.

Come on, Arya was his cupbearer for chrissake. A huge deal was made about him when he took HH. He's mentioned by Jamie, Tywin, and Tyrion. Cat and Robb discuss him, Robb says he scares him. How can u be taken seriously unless you only care about Dany's storyline?

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