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Small questions v.10005


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So what's the deal with the Daynes having violet eyes?
We don't know, but GRRM has some what dismissed it.
They are not related to the Targaryens, though it's possible that they are distantly related to Valyrians. It's just a trait they happen to display.
Not quite.

GRRM was asked something like "are the Daynes related to the Targaryens", and a second question. He started off saying IDK, I would have to check my notes (which means all answers afterward are at the very least in doubt) then after a very long and circlejerk of an answers, basically said that "no, the Daynes do not have any Valyrian blood" which leaves many doors open, and doesn't close the one ask.

Huh. I recall that scene, but didn't get the sense of the big age difference. Imagine being a 17 year old princess and being told you may have to wait for some 8 year old kid to grow up and be your husband.

Why? they have other married/bethroth to children.

How did Bloodraven get his nickname? I`m almost certain it`s mention in one of the D&E novellas but I can`t remember.
The birthmark on his throat and face, that looks like a bird/raven.
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So after Asha and Qarl have sex she thinks how she needs to brew some moon tea. She goes in the kitchen and talks to Tris but then Deepwood is attacked and she is taken captive. Is Asha pregnant?

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So after Asha and Qarl have sex she thinks how she needs to brew some moon tea. She goes in the kitchen and talks to Tris but then Deepwood is attacked and she is taken captive. Is Asha pregnant?

Maybe just as a precaution?

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Maybe just as a precaution?

Yeah, she prolly isnt anyway. I just noticed it on a re read and it got me thinking. Im not sure a pregnant Asha would be good for the story right now anyway.

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Why? they have other married/bethroth to children.

Because a woman's prime childbearing years were considered to begin in her teens and go through her twenties. With a 9 year age difference and the female being older, she would be wasting half of her best years for having children (who would presumably be the heirs to Casterley Rock) in waiting for her "husband" to come of age. I just surprises me that it was considered a valid option for Elia. As it was she ended up with Rhaegar, who was two years her junior. :dunno:

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I haven't read D&E, but I always assumed it was merely a reflection of his parentage. His mother was a Blackwood, Missy I believe. They have that giant werewood in their keep that is full of ravens every evening, 'covering it like leaves' or something along those lines. And his father was a targ.. Blood and fire. He was an albino w red eyes and he had a bird-like birthmark on his cheek. I always assumed he, or someone, grafted his name together from elements of his parentage and striking physical features - blood raven.. I hope I'm not way off base - but that was my take on it!

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I haven't read D&E, but I always assumed it was merely a reflection of his parentage. His mother was a Blackwood, Missy I believe. They have that giant werewood in their keep that is full of ravens every evening, 'covering it like leaves' or something along those lines. And his father was a targ.. Blood and fire. He was an albino w red eyes and he had a bird-like birthmark on his cheek. I always assumed he, or someone, grafted his name together from elements of his parentage and striking physical features - blood raven.. I hope I'm not way off base - but that was my take on it!

Bloodraven's moniker comes from the red birthmark on his neck and cheek. Though you may be right that it might also have something to do with the sigil of his mother's House.

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Brave Companions helped Roose Bolton to take Harrenhal.

I was wondering at which point they turned their cloak. Is it before they came to Harrenhal? or was it decision which made in the spur of moment?

I mean did they really capture those northern men? or just pretended?

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Do we know which side Brackens and Blackwoods took in the various rebellions since the forging of the Iron Throne? I would think that at least in the Blackfyre rebellion, they supported their respective bastards?

ETA: Oh, and while we're on the subject, any idea what was the connection between Barba and Bethany Bracken (Aegon IV's fifth and seventh mistresses)? Were they sisters?

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