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The Next 'GRRM' Moment to hit Westeros/Essos? (Possible Spoilers)

Ser Pigeon Pie

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I'm sure we as true fans have experienced these moments at least once whilst reading the series; a gut-wrenching, mind-blowing event which turns our insides out and defies all common belief we once held before picking up the first book. Some top examples of these 'GRRM' moments include the Red Wedding, Purple Wedding, Tyrion killing Tywin, Ned with no head, the list could go on and on. The point I'm trying to get at is that there are bound to be plenty of 'GRRM' moments to delight us or crush us to our hearts content. And with so many potential futures that vary depending on the outcome of events left off or only beginning at the end of ADWD (two major battles, Jons "death", Aegons conquest, etc) I expect we will see or several of these moments kicking off in the early stages of TWOW. So what I want to know is what you think will be the next 'GRRM' moment and who will it involve? Maybe a major characters untimely death? A "shocking" revelation about a character we would never expect? Or maybe even an unlikely alliance that could prove totally awesome?

I honestly believe GRRM had planned R+L=J to be the major breech-soiling moment of the next book. However, now that is has been seen, proven, and filed away into the archives, can it still hold weight as being one of those moments if it is not as impactful? It is still definitely going to be one of the biggest events in the next two books, and will be the one to tell your grand kids about. But has it lost its effectiveness enough to not be considered? Only time will tell.

Let me know your thoughts.. :)

R + L = J revealed will 100% be a breach-soiling moment.

Most of the fanbase still has no inkling, it's only us here on this forum that seem to think it's common knowledge. And for us, it'll be great to finally see it A) 100% confirmed and b ) come to fruition.

The manner of its revealing, who reveals it and so on will all still come as a surprise to us.

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I think the next big one will be the wall coming down (or at least a huge section of it), and the Others and their undead horde streaming into the gift.

I've always like the Red Wedding 2.0 theory with Nymeria's pack feasting on the Freys.

Sansa eventually outwitting Littlefinger, leading to his death will be a good one.

Arya will end up killing a major character. My guess is Dany, but it will be near the end of the story.

I think Jaime will kill Cersei to prevent her from burning down KL and fall to his death at the same time.

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I think the outcome of the Battle of Ice has potential to be surprising:

- Rickon arrives with a horde of skaagosi riding unicorns. As they tear the Boltons and Freys a new asshole, Stannis thinks they've come to help him, until a unicorn horn runs through Clayton Suggs' heart...

- Just before Theon's about to be beheaded in front of the heart tree, Asha tells Stannis: "Wait, your Grace! I can pay for my brother's life!" Stannis replies: "I told you, there's not enough gold in your Islands that can pay for that!" And Asha says: "No, your grace. I pay the iron price" and right then Dagmer Cleftjaw and a bunch of Ironborn appear and smash Clayton Suggs' head with an axe...

- Just before Theon's about to be beheaded in front of the heart tree, the ravens start screaming "run! run!" and Stannis turns around to see a blue-eyed corpse running a spear through Clayton Suggs' gut...

- After Stannis defeats the Boltons, he walks into Winterfell and finds Mance Rayder, alive and smiling smugly, sitting in the lord's seat. As Stannis' commands the Manderly troops to kill him, the soldiers turn to him instead as Wyman Manderly says "I'm sorry your Grace, but the North remembers", and one of the soldiers run a knife through Clayton Suggs' eye...

- Just as the it seems the Boltons are going to win, Hardying and Stark banners appear in the distance, as Harry the Heir runs his sword through Clayton Suggs' face...

I have a eerie feeling that you may not like Clayton Suggs.

Personally, I think that the Lord of Light would be extremely please with him for a sacrifice.

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The sword vs. books quote is from Tyrion, talking about Jaime and himself.

Bloodraven's Dark Sister "re-surfacing" from the depths of the earth would indeed be a nice twist, thou I can't see why it should go to Jon, since he already has a Valyrian steel sword, Longclaw.

Thanks for the correction between Aemon and Tyrion, my bad on the misquote!

I think he'll realize that sword is his by rights via the R+L=J reveal and will lend further support to him as Kot7K/IT if he's carrying the Targaryen Ancestral blade. also, assuming Ilyrio is giving Aegon blackfyre, and Aegon and Jon fight for the IT while Dany's in Esos, that could technically be the next Dance of the Dragons--> Blackfyre vs. Dark Sister. would be an interesting twist for the next Dance

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Tyrion and Victarion seeing each other for the first time across Meereen's battlefield. The greatest comedic duo in the history of the World of Ice and Fire will be born.

....and upon discovering that they both have a peculiar-shaped ass-mark in discreet places, they decide to form a band in which has never been seen in Planetos. They call themselves Tenacious V!!!!! ;)

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What would absolutely blow my mind would be if Varys pulled off an escape from the black cells with Ned. we know he's good with disguises, if he is hiding Ned somewhere that would be epic. Total crackpot, but would be really awesome to see Ned revenge his entire family. IIRC Arya (or sansa maybe?) could barely recognize that it was her father in the chapter when he gets apparently beheaded

Because it is so unlikely we are ever going to see Ned again, this would be a true Brain-melter for sure. Bring back Ned hells yeah!!!

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This is tough. Between real theories, much discussion, and crackpots, it's unlikely forum members will find anything much gut-wrenching!!!!

But here goes:


Victarion and/or Moqorro stealing one of the dragons with the dragonbinding horn. And Dany or Tyrion or someone stealing it back.

Nymeria and pack overrunning some major event (RW 2.0?) and killing everyone. With LS looking on.

fAegon having major success and hints that he would win DOD 2.0 when he suddenly dies for an unexpected reason. Ex. maybe JonCon turns against him and assassinates him.

Any of the STarks killing another, especially Lady Stoneheart accidentally killing one of her own kids.

A falling-out between Illyrio and Varys with dire consequences. (BTW, I think a falling out is a real possibility)

The ghost of Ned Stark makes a startling revelation (i.e., not R+L=J) to Jon or Bran or Arya or UnCat or anyone, that turns out to be key to defeating the forces of Winter.

The Queen of Thorns is revealed to be Azor Ahai.

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I think Aegon will consolidate his forces and win a surprisingly swift victory at King's Landing only to be killed in an even more surprising and swift way. I think GRRM will make it somewhat horrific as well - at least as bad as Renly's murder if not Red Wedding levels. This means he'll have to make us care about Aegon in the next book, though.

Tommen is probably a goner as well. Doran Martell will try to protect Myrcella during any regime change on the Iron Throne, but Tommen has to fall for Aegon to rise

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Littlefinger will reveal Sansa just before Wyman Manderly reveals Rickon. Littlefinger will plot to kill Rickon and, if GRRM is feeling really fucking cruel and evil, he'll succeed. Or maybe Sansa's new husband, Harry the Heir, will kill Rickon for even worse gut twisting.

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