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TTTNE 403 - The Juicy Adventures of Lady Olenna

Zar Lannister

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If you don't want to show their face stick the camera on the TV, so we can see what they're reacting to, or film from behind.

In other news just got The Heroes from the library, can't wait to get into it. And I have something called Restless Leg Syndrome, if you think that sounds ridiculous so do I, but it's incredibly irritating and borderline painful in some positions.

Very good suggestion.

About the syndrome, first time I hear of it. I can only imagine intensive fidgeting. Maybe hot shower will soothe the nerves?

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I can totally see how Cats (and Toddlers) would think that of the tree. I had a dog that used to kidnap the baby jesus from under the tree and take it to what he understood was his den. Periodically.

We got our dog, Scamp, a big cow bone once, he chewed it for days and once buried in my sisters toy box. I miss him, he was a rescue dog (a predominately Spaniel mongrel) thick as a plank and as excitable as anything. When we first got him home him and my dad practically fought for dominance (my dad won,) he was scared of fireworks (he was so scared of them he ripped a plastic bin to shreds trying to hide in it) so every bonfire night my dad would sit with him on his lap all evening, we also couldn't let him off his lead, or anywhere near other dogs as he'd just try and kill them (which is a problem when other dog owners have no problem letting their dog roam freely,) unfortunately after a number of years we had to take him back to where we got him from (the recession struck and we had to move to a rental home) but we left him in much better condition than we found him, and my mum and sisters went to see him regularly until he was rehomed.

stupid phone salesmen ,they don't understand the meaning of not interested :P

In a shop or call centre? I try and be polite to call centre people, it's irritating sure and I don't want what they're trying to sell me, but it is their job and they get bonuses based on their performance so I understand. I got a call from a lovely South African chap who wanted to upgrade my home broadband and phoneline, he kept asking me if it sounded like a good deal, and it did, but he didn't seem to understand that I didn't use what I have now, so why would I need anything more?

But in shops I have no patience. If I ask for advice, that's fine, if I'm looking for a specific thing, that is what I want, nothing else.

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i agree about the call center folks and i always try to be polite ,but dragging me on for 12 minutes on the phone is too much :tantrum:

as for stores , well much like you i hate it but i go in with a clear objective ,get in , get milk , get out :D

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Guys, Guys, not everyone in a call center is eeeevel; most of them are required to follow a strict command chain and are evaluated on attempts to persuade (That thing about calls being recorded).

Reminiscing on last night's turn of events, can we move to a happier topic, like bacon?

[FTR: this is because I'm aware that there is at least one TTTNEr who works in a call center and is a great forum member]

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Guys, Guys, not everyone in a call center is eeeevel; most of them are required to follow a strict command chain and are evaluated on attempts to persuade (That thing about calls being recorded).

Reminiscing on last night's turn of events, can we move to a happier topic, like bacon?

[FTR: this is because I'm aware that there is at least one TTTNEr who works in a call center and is a great forum member]

To be fair to both me and 'Tater we did say we try and be polite up to a point.

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@TBB: Well, what can I say, it can indeed be frustrating, but I figure we need to see it from their side too, and the flow has been running relatively smoothly lately. I just didn't want [TTTNEr who works in any sector] to feel they need to justify their line of work for whichever reasons in the happy thread of the board :P. Didn't hope I came across as pointing fingers, not the intention at all :thumbsup: (or like grumpy cat)

Bacon Anyone? Cheese? Lemonade?

Someone had an interesting lunch/breakfast/dinner? Honeyed Chicken: did you try something new recently?

It always can't be a great day in the field :stillsick: apparently one of the wheel-loaders cracked a tile. I have to go see if I can replace it now :(

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@TBB: Well, what can I say, it can indeed be frustrating, but I figure we need to see it from their side too, and the flow has been running relatively smoothly lately. I just didn't want [TTTNEr who works in any sector] to feel they need to justify their line of work for whichever reasons in the happy thread of the board :P.

I can see it from their side, and I know it's not them it's the whole target driven nature of customer services.

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Morning all. :kiss: Turned the tv on to catch the morning news and a Foreigner concert is on :drool: Much better way to start ones day than the news :lol:

Buck: I hope you are feeling better the the face recovers quickly :grouphug:

Flying by on my way out to the big weekend at work.

I'm checking before heading into work for my all-weekend data center move. I'm bringing my overnight back even. Fortunately the new data center has a 'sleep room' with 40 bunk beds. I'm not sure how much sleep I'll get tonight, but I'll at least try so I'm somewhat rested for tomorrow morning when I have to start reconfiguring everything.

It's an adventure, yeah!

Have some fun and don't work too hard

Anyway...Apologies for not ignoring things when I said I was going to :\

Tonight I attempt the impossible. I AM GOING TO COOK FOOD.

Well really I'm going to boil some pasta and put sauce on it but hey you have to start somewhere right? I'm sick of takeout and sandwiches so something needs to change.

Glad it turned out well :) Everyone needs to start somewhere.


Buck, I am officially inviting you to our room party in London. Come to LonCon. Me, maid and Cat (mebbe) will chaperone and we are all very responsible nice people. Can't say you were never invited now!

Potato-I am done having children but this arm is still strong from beating the evil out of my son. :spank: Call me useless will you?

Zar, I love you so much. Mwah my darling.

:D I only wish I was naughty ;)

Oh, I'm sorry about your face, Buck! Hope you'll be okay soon.

As for house parties, I invite you to come by for a house party anytime you want. Or a sleepover. Or anything.

As for rooms, I never ever leave my bed they way I sleep in it, I at least cover it with a bedcover if I don't have the time to properly do the bedding. That's an absolutely private place that's only mine or someone's I let into it, but definitely not for random visitors to look at or climb onto uncovered even if they are friends. It'd feel like showing my underwear drawer around... Covered, my best friend and my sister are okay to sit on it or lie on it.

Well, you're learning to be a doctor, I would think periods aren't the most awkward thing you'll have to learn for your exam

Evening, spammies... or morning? Not sure what's the suitable greeting at 1.40 am.

I traveled home to my parents' place. It's quite odd, but I think a general university student thing to use the word 'home' for more than one place. My parents' house still counts as home, after all, I visit here quite often for a day or two and this is the house I grew up in, but my apartment is home too, because I spend most of my time there, so this home word is tricky. Rant off. Point is that I came here to resolve the puppy situation, but what can I say?

Currently, the puppy situation is the equal of a third class M rated horror movie. There's absolutely no trace of the puppies, for all the traces, it's like they never even existed, save for momma dog not having a belly anymore. It's beyond gross and creepy. And I found a half gutted stuffed animal under the hedge by the fence. It's a white plush bear or dog I couldn't really say which and its belly is ripped and stuffing is coming out. The dogs are acting horridly weird, momma snuggled up in the dog house and unwilling to come out for more than a second even when I call for her. Grandma dog kept checking back to the place where the puppies were born as though she was looking for them and when she didn't find anything, she snuggled up under my mother's car and refused to come out when I called for her. I already gave up on their lives, but I just can't say how much it annoys me that they practically disappeared and I have no idea where. I wanted to check back the records of the security cams around the house, in case they caught anything that might give some clue on what happened, because that'll be the closest to an explanation I'll ever get, I think. But of course, the system didn't let me log on, because I don't know the freaking password, and apparently, you can only watch the records after giving the admin password. I found the manual and tried the original password, but it was changed, so I had to call the people who installed it, but nobody picked up - of course, Friday, 6 pm, nobody will ever answer a work call. Creepiness to be continued.

Bought Christmas issues of magazines at the station and got Netherlands chocolate from father's business trip. FOMN, your chocolate is great

Hope everybody's well. Good night, people!

I hope you can figure out what happened to the puppies. The whole thing just seems really weird

Well, I'm going to lighten this up, (literally), by presenting you...

The Light of the West A.K.A. The Tree at Casterly Rock! (Well, At Castle Zar). Lighting and Photography by Zar. Decorations by Lannister #2 et al.

Lannisport Santa is part of a group of Ornaments celebrating Holidays in the Summer Isles. One of them is actually in posession of Baby L, and used in her tree across the Narrow Sea.

Violin and Latin Snowman. The Lord Grandfather was a member of the Symphonic, playing prime Violin. Guy in the back is part of a set of three bought by Baby L as a present 2 Christmases ago from her Holidays abroad.

This Keepsake is from the year the Oldest of the New Generation of Lions was born.

This One's not looking to nice in the picute is a Breyer Baby Ceramic Ornament from when the littlest of the Lannisters was born.

The Nativity Star was placed at the center/top of the Tree by Lannister #2. I don't have a nativity set for this tree (which is humongous). So I don't place one below the tree, which is a religious tradition in this part of the world.

This Li Bien Ornament was a gift from a Secret Santa TTTNER member of this board. The year before, the mini tree at the rock was adorned by the Shield/Keychain gift by another Secret Santa / TTTNER. The Keychain has thus progressed to be part of my house keys, but the ornament is here :P

This Little Caroling Owl which I'm sure Regina (who doesn't roam these parts) would like, is from the 1983 collection. Such a great year!

This Santa However, is the oldest ornament in this house. When the Lady mother went on rampage and decided to throw all the old Ornaments Out, I rescued this one and hid it in my childhood box of personal treasures/belongings. I had forgotten it was there, I opened it not too long ago and there he is! He's completely yellowed out and has lost some color in the hat, but I still like it.

The Golden Sleigh Bell was all the older Lannister Little Lion wanted for Christmas when he was little. He got a few, and continued ordering it every year, until we got him one that he liked. I found them strolling by a store, and got one for the tree because it's a hilarious story.

Those are all so lovely!

argh...no many emotes...I only used a couple :P

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Can't do bacon - I'm having breakfast sausage as I type. :P

Lot's to get to, so let's dive in.

I love it! More lyrics and poetry in Spam! :commie:

Check in at the bottom of this monster. I've tried to oblige you.

Noooo those are too mean HC.


How about this, then: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyooALwfxO8

Well, I'm going to lighten this up, (literally), by presenting you...

I deleted the links for the purpose of the reply, but if anybody wants to see some really stunning Christmas tree ornament pics I recommend Zar's post above (#841).

Zar, I'm impressed because I have a difficult time getting close up shots that nice.

That's the tree?

That's not what I pictures at all - much nicer in reality and no sign of duct tape. ;)

Lovely tree Zar, and really cool stories about the ornaments, you could write a book!

I'm sure there must be a special spot in Heaven for those who rescue Santa!

Regina has good taste, the little owl is very sweet!!


Its still Jessica, just as a real-life person!

(I dont look like either of them, really; exept here, of course!)

I love red heads (I come from a family of carrot tops, though I am not myself one). So, I will be happy to think of you that way. And you're a fellow Heinlein fan. Heinlein had a soft spot in his heart for red heads as well.

Another birthday. Devils food and Milk Chocolate frosting. You are welcome to partake.

And Thor II after.

Zar. Great Tree and ornaments. We don't have one. The cats think it is a play tree their humans erect for their enjoyment.

Night all

Happy birthday Beathag (you Scorpio, you. My wife's b-day was this week as well)!!

"Devils food and Milk Chocolate frosting." - Imo, this is the only way to go.

Can't have a tree at all? That's harsh. Our cats are 13 and 14 and have largely gotten over that, but it never was to the point that we couldn't have a tree at all. We just had to keep the glass baubles high enough.

Btw: I love pet/Christmas stories. if anybody cares to share.

hello people

i felt like baking this morning http://imgur.com/3Gz0viY but as you can see the family felt like eating it before i finished frosting the sides

That looks professional grade.

I propose a name change for MP to Hot Pie 2.

God morning everyone!

Well done Zar!

Time to study for then next couple of hours :(

Morning Sordelor. You're probably done studying by now - enjoy the free time!

Thank you very much.

I just procrastinate way too much, and hate making shopping lists.

As i mentioned to Eyra above I plan to post my own food (pizza, if one considers that food) related song lyrics below.

I shared your song with my daughter as promised. "haaaaaaaaaa" was her reaction. Introvert, she. Not long on energy output.

potato....GIVE cake!! Seems delicious!

I was studying and now I will continue. But.... this evening I'm going to watch (for the 598th time) the Rains of Castamere episode with my sister-in-law, who has recently started watching GoT and she is obviously unaware of what's going to happen. I'll try to record her reaction :devil:

look forward to this. The videos I've seen of this type of thing were hilarious.

If you don't want to show their face stick the camera on the TV, so we can see what they're reacting to, or film from behind.

In other news just got The Heroes from the library, can't wait to get into it. And I have something called Restless Leg Syndrome, if you think that sounds ridiculous so do I, but it's incredibly irritating and borderline painful in some positions.

Also called "weaver's knee". I used to get a mild version of it. It disrupts sleep and can be a real problem. Do have a handle on it?

I had a dog that used to kidnap the baby jesus from under the tree and take it to what he understood was his den. Periodically.

This is what I'm talking about.

I will share my own pet Christmas stories closer to the actual day.

stupid phone salesmen ,they don't understand the meaning of not interested :P

Having read Zar's post #870 (you make a good point, Zar), I will refrain from saying what I had intended to say.

So here's my original song - been carrying it around in my head for years:

Start with tangy red sauce,

and a little bit of garlic,

A lot o' mozzarella,

And a couple of diced Onions!

Then you get into the really good stuff:

Anchovies & pineapple,

Canadian bacon, baby,

Explodes in your face.

Like a true Americun,

You were born, born to eat tons,

Of pizza, baby.

You love your pizza pieeeee!

Born to eat pieeeee,

(pizza pie),

Born to eat pieeeee,

(pizza pie).

(Wild organ jive)

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So here's my original song - been carrying it around in my head for years:

Start with tangy red sauce,

and a little bit of garlic,

A lot o' mozzarella,

And a couple of diced Onions!

Then you get into the really good stuff:

Anchovies & pineapple,

Canadian bacon, baby,

Explodes in your face.

Like a true Americun,

You were born, born to eat tons,

Of pizza, baby.

You love your pizza pieeeee!

Born to eat pieeeee,

(pizza pie),

Born to eat pieeeee,

(pizza pie).

(Wild organ jive)

:thumbsup: Nice.

Btw: I love pet/Christmas stories. if anybody cares to share.

I shared your song with my daughter as promised. "haaaaaaaaaa" was her reaction. Introvert, she. Not long on energy output.

Also called "weaver's knee". I used to get a mild version of it. It disrupts sleep and can be a real problem. Do have a handle on it?

I shared a pet story!

Did you sing it? As I said some of the lyrics don't fit perfectly.

Hot shower if it's convenient, pace if it's really bad, if I'm sat down and can't get up (lecture etc, I literally just have to keep stretching out my leg and back, as it slowly builds the longer you keep it still.

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Good day. We have family visitors today.

Oh, I'm sorry about your face, Buck! Hope you'll be okay soon.

As for house parties, I invite you to come by for a house party anytime you want. Or a sleepover. Or anything.

<pups problems>

Thank you and thank you. :)

On pups: I am so very sorry. :( :grouphug: I hope you manage to sort the situation out.

Well, I'm going to lighten this up, (literally), by presenting you...

They are all lovely! And so many stories connected to it.

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Good morning spammers and happy weekend!

Thanks for the link TBB. I :love: maps. Based on that I will say that we need to all adopt the metric system, drive on the right side of the road and, obviously, give paid maternity leave.

I think map 22 (First Sexual Intercourse by Country) was the most eye-opening and map 27 (the Different Writing Systems) the most interesting. The Chinese names for European countries was fun too.

Also, go Sweden for not having ever been invaded by the Brits. :fencing:

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