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Your asoif three wishes for chrismas

Señor de la Tormenta 2

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In real life:

Winds of Winter under the tree next Christmas

In the story:

1. Ned brought back in a dream or vision or even as a ghost to reveal background material to Jon and maybe others.

2. The Stark kids reunited and alive at the end of the saga, with Arya and Bran having done something awesome and Sansa something brave and clever.

3. Dany on the Iron Throne with Tyrion as Hand, and Jon Stark as KitN.

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1 Dany never goes back to Westeros, instead she lives happily ever after in a house with a red door, with a caring and loving family, raising her dragons, never taking them to any war. (I know it's never going to happen)

2 Jon Snow dies in a terrible and laughable way.

3 LS discovers most of her kids are alive.

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1. Peace on the board

2. Good will to fellow boarders

3. TWoW


Era- oh, dear, this is about Dany and Stannis? I guess I've posted in the wrong thread :P

Just one week of those first two would be miracle-worthy. :)

Mine would be:

1&2 WoW or D&E (I would really be just as happy with one or the other)

3. Dany and Stan get a break from all the hate(I mean come on, with characters like Gregor, Walder, and Euron how can those two catch so much crap?)

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