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Favorite Fantasy Characters

starving snowman

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  • 3 years later...

Holy hells at the necrothreads lately...

Well, I'll chime in this time since I didn't before:

ASOIAF - not going to mention since they're pretty standard/obvious

Others -

Gerald Tarrant (CS Friedman, The Coldfire Trilogy)

Locke Lamora (Scott Lynch)

Mercy Thompson (Patricia Briggs, The Mercy Thompson series)

Tobin (Melanie Rawn, The Dragon Prince series)

Thrall (WoW - hey, game characters can still be 'fantasy characters' :pirate: )

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Tehol Beddict, Karsa Orlong, Kalam, Trull Sengar, Icarium (Malazan)

Logen, Glokta (Abercrombie)

Davram Bashere, Rand (WoT)

Derfel, Ceinwyn, Cullwuch (Warlord Chronicles)

Lymond (Dunnette)

Sulla, Marius (McCullough)

Mariko, Toronaga (Shogun)

Arya, The Hound

Kellhuss, Cnaiur (Prince of Nothing)

Ender Wiggin

Looks like I am a big sucker for kick-ass barbarians. Sorry my list got kind of long and I accidentaly threw in a few historical fiction. If I have to pick one it might be Tehol.

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I am going to limit myself to one selection from any single book or book series.

ASoIaF - Jaime Lannister

WoT - Rand al'Thor

The Sun Sword - Kallandras

Dracula - Abraham Van Helsing

Sword of Shadows - Raina Blackhail

LotR - Gandalf

Farseer - The Fool

Liveship Traders - Malta

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Thrall (WoW - hey, game characters can still be 'fantasy characters' :pirate: )

Thrall was pretty cool i guess, but as far as depth and characterization goes, Blizzard was never really that good.

And lets face it. His sucessor, Garrosh Hellscream is 5x as awesome.

As for literature, i like Cotillion alot. Karsa Orlong, in the same series is also awesome. (So is that guy in book 5 who decides to go fucking chuck norris and tries to squeeze a virtual demigod to death. Sorry if that was spoilerish, but i left it ambigious).

Locke Lamora is pretty nice.

Oh, and i wont mention the obvious ASoIaF choices. Apart from Strong Belwas. He is badass.

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Thrall was pretty cool i guess, but as far as depth and characterization goes, Blizzard was never really that good.

And lets face it. His sucessor, Garrosh Hellscream is 5x as awesome.

Garrosh was a punkass in Northrend. I've heard that he's grown up a lot since then, so maybe there is hope.

I was pretty sure that H.O.Saurfang was going to gut him like a pig for mouthing off and being a generally dishonorable little brat.

*must not reinstall WoW... :uhoh: only 2months left before DA2, I can hold out...*

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Anasurimbor Kellhus - PoN

Drusas Achamian

Cnaiur - Best story arc

Druss the Legend - Gemmell - Probably the most memorable character ever for me. Legend actually made me cry at the fourth gate of Dros Delnoch when I was fifteen.

Skilgannon the Damned


Thufir Hawat - Herbert

Anomander Rake - Erikson

Ganoes Paran

Karsa Orlong

Duiker - Probably my favorite character of Malazan Book of the Fallen

Quick Ben

Ender - Card - Especially in Speaker for the Dead

Gaunt - Abnett

Biagio - Marco - Almost the best villain ever

Sherlock Holmes - Doyle

Locke Lamora - Lynch

Glokta - Abercrombie

Logan Ninefingers

This is hard, there are so many characters who have shaped my life. These are just my most dominant authors and even then.

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Hmm, lessee.

Jonas and the old Autarch in BotNS

Jon Snow, Stannis (I dislike Stannis a lot, actually, but he interests me, so I like reading about him) in ASOIAF

Gandalf, Saruman, Eomer in LotR

Feanor in the Silmarillion (probably a couple others, I need to reread this again)

Glokta, Dogman, Bayaz (again, don't like him per se, but super interesting) in the First Law trilogy

Ishamael, Logain, Verin, Ingmar in the Wheel of Time

Locke Lamora, Father Chains, the Gentlemen Bastards series

Behemoth, the Master and Margarita

Achamian, bakker Earwa stuff

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Edmund Dantes: Count of Monte Cristo

Duncan Idaho: Dune

Banokles: David Gemmell's Troy series

Anything but the Hobbits, and Tom Bombadil, in Lord of the Rings.

Sand dan Glokta: The First Law Series

As for GRRM, while his characters are well drawn, there are few enough that i really enjoy. The cast is too large, with too many amongst them that are annoying. I like the traditionals, like Tyrion and Jamie. I liked Ned and Robert.

I find the secondary characters more interesting, to be honest. Catelyn Starks brothers, Bronn, former Kingsguard...the former Kings for that matter.

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From WoT, I'll just pick out a load of random names from the cast of trillions.

Main cast - Ishamael, Lews Therin Telamon, Nynaeve, whoever kills Egwene (please brandon, if have someone balefire her I'll send you all my money).

Secondary characters - Tuon, Darlin, Berelain (just for the lulz), Logain

Tertiary - Tarna, Pevara, Silviana, Bayle Domon, Gaul.

(The Lies of...) Locke Lamora

Sand dan Glokta (The First Law)

Ged (Earthsea)

Sam (Lord of Light)

Jaime Lannister

Most of the cast of the Dresden Files. I started listing them but I realised I was listing pretty much the whole cast, there are really only a few characters that appear in multiple novels and which I don't really like.

Most of the main cast of The Hyperion Cantos

The Mule (Foundation And Empire, Second Foundation)

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Sand dan Gloka, by far.

Followed by Croup and Vandameer(cant remember the exact names) from Neverwhere.

Followed by Morag and Heather from the Good Fairies of New York.

I also still have soft spot of Mellony from Pern(though it has been years since I read the books, she is the Character i remember from my first reading of fantasy).

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