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Does anyone feel that the Targaryens don't belong in Westeros?


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Only the Andals ENFORCED their religion on the native population with fire and sword, the Targs ADOPTED it. I still don't see what makes them so damn evil.

I didn't say they were evil only that those times had different values. But they used dragons to enforce their political status.

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Guys be nice to each other I didn't intend to have a Stannis vs Dany War this forums seen enough of those.

You could make a thread about Hodor and it would turn into Stannis vs. Dany :P

I don't know if I'd say they don't "belong" in Westeros, but they certainly still seem foreign to most of the people what with their platinum hair and purple eyes.

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But the Targs very rarely married with local Houses.

Which added to the incest thing might be why they feel so 'foreign' in Westeros...while Jon actually does belong, because he's part Stark-and the Starks are arguably the oldest House in all Seven Kingdoms.

I think the Targaryens would 'fit' better into Westeros if in the future, they actually married more of their neighbors/subjects instead of being so insistent on Valryian blood...

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Which added to the incest thing might be why they feel so 'foreign' in Westeros...while Jon actually does belong, because he's part Stark-and the Starks are arguably the oldest House in all Seven Kingdoms.

I think the Targaryens would 'fit' better into Westeros if in the future, they actually married more of their neighbors/subjects instead of being so insistent on Valryian blood...

The thing is, I don't remember them feeling foreign at all. Not in the D&E novellas, not in TPATQ.

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I get the heat, conquering nations is a very touchy subject thoughout human history. Given what is happening in the real world atm can l urge you all to take a deep breath & be grateful for who & where you all are right now.

I can see whete the OP is coming from with this, l tend to look on the Targaryans as our equivalent of maybe legendary Atlantis. Superior civilization trying to survive a cataclysmic end to their world.

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I think they did a good job integrating into Westeros, and actually made it possible to become part of Westeros. However, ever since the basic extermination of the family I feel Dany is the opposite in terms of forcing her will and her naive sense of justice. As such, I don't believe that the Targaryen's belong to Westeros anymore.

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I feel Dany is the opposite in terms of forcing her will and her naive sense of justice. As such, I don't believe that the Targaryen's belong to Westeros anymore.

Yeah, I have more problems with the recent Targs then with the whole family in general.

Dany doesn't real belong in Westeros and it just happens that she's a Targaryen, so that's a reason not the cause. Vyserys was more understandable.

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Which added to the incest thing might be why they feel so 'foreign' in Westeros...while Jon actually does belong, because he's part Stark-and the Starks are arguably the oldest House in all Seven Kingdoms.

I think the Targaryens would 'fit' better into Westeros if in the future, they actually married more of their neighbors/subjects instead of being so insistent on Valryian blood...

...but they did. Out of the 17 kings, 4 married outside the family, 6 their siblings, and the other seven we don't know. Plus, virtually all Targ princes and princesses married outside the family. Where does this belief come from?

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...but they did. Out of the 17 kings, 4 married outside the family, 6 their siblings, and the other seven we don't know. Plus, virtually all Targ princes and princesses married outside the family. Where does this belief come from?

From all we know those 7 we don't know could have married a Targ/or a dragonseed aka Velaryon cousin. It may not be incest for many people but is still "keep it into the family".

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The thing is, I don't remember them feeling foreign at all. Not in the D&E novellas, not in TPATQ.

This. They felt like any other Westerosi House. They spoke the Common Tongue and practiced the Faith of the Seven. Their sons even squired for other lords and jousted against others along with everybody else. Prince Maekar and Prince Baelor judged Duncan and Aerion TOGETHER with Lord Ashford, as they were in his castle. What do people find so exotic and threatening about them?

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So what if they married if they married their siblings? big fucking deal!

When they claimed that they adopted the Seven and they committed a monstrous sin (by the old gods and the new) when they didn't make any attempt to be a part of a land claim as theirs, when their incest prodused kings that were mad and caused thousands of people to die when they believed thet they were better than everyone else and acted like Gods its a big effing deal.

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