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The King who could have been/could be

The Bittersteel

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This thread is for characters you think would make a great king who either haven't had the opportunity yet or could have been King but circumstances turned against them.

I think my offering has to be Baelor 'Breakspear' Targaryen who was not only intelligent and wise but just and humble and willing to turn against his family if he considered it the right thing to do, an extremely rare quality in asoiaf.

Who would you say and why?

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Tywin....I'm thinking maybe Tyrion also.

Tywin is very needlessly ruthless a good amount of times but with his time as Hand of King Aerys he was so good and brought so much peace that the people joked that Tywin really ruled the land.

MAYBE Tyrion because he has a good political mind, yet no one would every accept the "Demon Monkey" as King and I do not see this happening, which is kind of a shame.

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Bran. He is intelligent, nice - independant of others' birth - but understands that there is more to diplomacy than speaking fancily. Given that Rikkon is probably going to be a badass Warrior and army leader once he returns from Skaggos(Davos is sadly not gonna make it I believe :thumbsdown:) and with Sansa as hand of the King once she becomes a true player, given she does not become lady of the vale, Brann could be a very good King in the north. I don't think Jon is going to accept either throne independant of the truth about R+L=J although he could make a good king. The other way around would also be very good, with Rickon King of the north and Bran as the Hand of the King.

As an unrealistic but awesome combo I would probably take Jon Stark/Jon Tagaryen/Jon Icedragon :cool4: , first of his Name and his wife Val, with his Hand of the King, Tyrion Lannister and his Lady of the Whispers, Lay Sansa Aryn/Stark/Lannister/whatev.

That would be probably all the people he needs to succeed.

As an afterthought: Tommen could be awesome, if he wasn't surrounded by peolpe incompetent in anything but murder and deceit.

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Could have been:

Baelor Breakspear

Lucerys Velaryon Jacaerys Velaryon (got them mixed up)

Aemon Targaryen

Could be:


Edric Storm

Tyrion, if he'd actually be supported by his allies. He has Tywin's intellect and a far better sense of justice

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Ah, the love for Tywin as a ruler. Nothing says that you're a ruler concerned about your subjects and wants peace and prosperity to the people like order your men to rape peasants, murder innocents and make millions of people starve in the winter, while denying support to a land that is controlled by rapists and pillagers and is about to get overrun by more rapists and pillagers.

Anyway, Baelor Breakspear would be one of the greatest kings ever, which is why GRRM had to kill him. He would be so good that things would get boring.

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Jon Arryn. Basically was King, except you'd skip the monumental debt and bus load of bastards.

Agreed Jon Arryn would have been exceptional. Struggled to produce a fitting heir though, I know its harsh to hold it against him and I suppose he was too busy being Hand but I wish he'd taken more of an interest educating Robyn. He could have turned out very differently. I suppose he thought he had time before he died.

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