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Malazan II

Michael Seswatha Jordan

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MT was my favorite, but I still enjoyed the next two as well.

I loved MT and RG also. Tiste Edur/Letherii storyline is one of my favorite. And if I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times......Tehol and Bugg might be my characters out of any fantasy books I've read. And with the series there are so many characters I love to read about. Karsa, Fiddler, Anomander,Traveller, it just goes on and on. Its the reason I haven't taken a break and just kept on pushing on. I just am in love with so many of em. I am of the opinion ICE and Erikson spent a lot of time together creating the characters and world. Whoever wrote the first book don't matter much to me. They created an epic story with very deep characters. I put this series right behind TSA.

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Sorry phone acting up. Rhom, I couldn't read it any other way but binge reading. I'd be lost otherwise. DoD is great so far and it seems its gonna be a build up to a great final book. Hope I won't be disappointed.

Agreed. I started it in late March and am sorta on the home stretch. If 3.5 books left counts as a home stretch. But that means I have read 12.5 of these in a row so far (with a few novellas and short stories mixed in). While it is sometimes exhausting and draining, I think it would have been very hard to re-familarize myself every time a new book had come out.

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Had a happy hour with some coworkers and we started talking about books. One of my coworkers was hesitant and didn't think anyone would know the books he was reading, which immediately intrigued me since most people that say that either read really trashy novels, or high fantasy. Lo and behold he pulls out book 10 of the Malazan series which gets us talking about our favorite authors etc. He's going to let me borrow his Tawny Man trilogy after I finish my current set of books, then he's going to let me borrow the rest of the Malazan series. Looks like I'll be finishing it after all later this winter. Kind of pumped when this kind of stuff happens IRL.

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I loved MT and RG also. Tiste Edur/Letherii storyline is one of my favorite. And if I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times......Tehol and Bugg might be my characters out of any fantasy books I've read. And with the series there are so many characters I love to read about. Karsa, Fiddler, Anomander,Traveller, it just goes on and on. Its the reason I haven't taken a break and just kept on pushing on. I just am in love with so many of em. I am of the opinion ICE and Erikson spent a lot of time together creating the characters and world. Whoever wrote the first book don't matter much to me. They created an epic story with very deep characters. I put this series right behind TSA.

There was a lot of awesome in the series. That is why I still desire finishing it even after hating the last book I read (TTH). Tehol and Bugg have the most enjoyable dialogue of any I have ever read.

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There was a lot of awesome in the series. That is why I still desire finishing it even after hating the last book I read (TTH). Tehol and Bugg have the most enjoyable dialogue of any I have ever read.

TTH was a real slog the first 3/4 of the book. But, I loved the ending. I read Stoneweilder, good story, like I said just no too crazy on ICE's writing. About 200 pages into DoD and its great. I believe its worth your time.

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Sorry for the double post. I did not notice this.

Assail is out. I personally decided to wait for the Kharkanas trilogy to be completed before starting Forge of Darkness.

The second one is out in a few months. Not sure who's really following the new series though.


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I can see the appeal of wanting to wait on Forge of Darkness, but I reckon it's worth reading before Blood and Bone because it introduces some worldbuilding concepts that Blood and Bone makes use of, despite having no plot relation whatsoever.

I'm so annoyed at being totally skint right now, so many books out right now that I can't afford, and Assail right at the top of the pile. :(

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I can see the appeal of wanting to wait on Forge of Darkness, but I reckon it's worth reading before Blood and Bone because it introduces some worldbuilding concepts that Blood and Bone makes use of, despite having no plot relation whatsoever.

I'm so annoyed at being totally skint right now, so many books out right now that I can't afford, and Assail right at the top of the pile. :(

But how important is it? I expect to have a bunch of borderline incoherent worldbuilding concepts thrown at me in each book. Does it really help that much to have them be slightly more coherent?

Sorry about the lack of funds.

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Yeah, joining a topic where you have not read the books being discussed and then mouthing off for three or four pages with insults about one of the co creators, completely

ignoring facts, and then admiting the books you are shitting on you haven't even read. These are not jokes. These are you been an asshole. As an asshole myself, I can spot another assholes. You sir, re being an asshole.

This coming from you? Who just told me I need concrete facts when coming up with a crackpot in the Bakker thread? They make medicine for that disorder..... Lol

They make medicine for assholes now?

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