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Why didn't Robert have Maester Aemon executed? He hates Targaryens


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It would have been pointless since Aemon would have died 2 years after AGOT started but still, Robert does seem to hate Targaryens so much that he has no problem with having a pregnant Daenerys killed.

I do mean the Robert during the start of AGOT or anytime 16 years before that, not the one in his death bed that was willing to let Dany live.

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It would have been pointless since Aemon would have died 2 years after AGOT started but still, Robert does seem to hate Targaryens so much that he has no problem with having a pregnant Daenerys killed.

I do mean the Robert during the start of AGOT or anytime 16 years before that, not the one in his death bed that was willing to let Dany live.

Why would Robert not know about Aemon being at the wall ? It wasn't a secret

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As Aemon has sworn twice to father no children, as maester and as brother of the Night's Watch, and because of Aemon's age, I don't think king Bob would have had a problem with Aemon remaining alive at the Wall.

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Being in the Night's Watch, and an old man, Aemon was not a threat. And Robert didn't really hate ALL Targaryens, just those close in relation to Rhaegar. Aemon was from a few generations back, and went to the Wall so long ago that there is no possible way he could be held responsible for the events leading up to the Rebellion.

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No he wouldn't, Robert's hatred of Targaryens seemed confined to to the Aerys Rhaegar generation. He was only really motivated to execute them when they posed a threat to his claim such as when Dant was pregnant with the child of one of the greatest warriors in Essos otherwise he was pretty content to just stew over them.

No charater has ever voiced concern over Maester Aemon's safety or made any effort to hide him, presumably if the most dangerous man in the seven kingdoms wanted to kill Maester Aemon someone would have made mention of it or tried to protect/kill him.

Also if you take out the incest Aemon has the same relation to Robert as he does to Dany so it would be weird for Robert to want to kill him. If Robert really wanted to kill all Targareyn or dragonspawn regardless of familial relation, practicality or common sense then he'd want to kill his own grandma and father...Though I don't think it'ever been mentioned how Robert's Targ grandma died.....

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If it ever came up Ned/Jon Arryn would talk Robert out of it. It could have sent the whole realm into chaos, taking the Black makes someone unassailable. Also, The Citadel would have made it impossible for Robert to have a functioning kingdom.

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No he wouldn't, Robert's hatred of Targaryens seemed confined to to the Aerys Rhaegar generation. He was only really motivated to execute them when they posed a threat to his claim such as when Dany was pregnant with the child of one of the greatest warriors in Essos otherwise he was pretty content to just stew over them.


Robert's hatred for Targs is often exaggerated. Yes het hated Targs, but he was only willing to kill those who were a threat to him. And it's unclear whether he had it in him to order Rhaenys and Aegon killed himself, that's why Tywin did him such a favor.

People assume Robert wanted all Targs dead because he called Rhaegar's kids "dragonspawn" but I'm not sure how serious Robert was at that point. Also he had to justify the killing after it was done.

There's also that bit when Dany says Viserys told her they had to flee the usurper's assassins. But since an assassin is sent once Dany falls pregnant that's to be taken with a grain of salt as well.

Now of course if Robert would have known about Jon it would have been quite a pickle for everyone...

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Being in the Night's Watch, and an old man, Aemon was not a threat. And Robert didn't really hate ALL Targaryens, just those close in relation to Rhaegar. Aemon was from a few generations back, and went to the Wall so long ago that there is no possible way he could be held responsible for the events leading up to the Rebellion.


Robert hated anything to do with Aerys and Rhaegar...he had a personal vendetta against them and their family.

Aemon, however, is an old man who lived much of his life at the wall from a few Targ generations back. He posed no threat nor did he really have any connection to the current Targ dynasty that Robert hated. There was really no reason for Robert to hold a grudge against Aemon.

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It wasn't a big secret who Aemon was at the Wall, but it's not like he would have signed any outgoing letters Maester Aemon Targaryen....Maesters give up their names, after all, and brothers of the Night's Watch give up everything. These are strong traditions, and killing a man who had taken these sort of vows of service and loyalty to the crown would not win Robert any friends after a bloody rebellion. Perhaps he was advised to let it go, or more likely he simply never thought to look so far to the North for an old man who was no threat anyway.

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He's a roughly 90 year old (at the time of the rebellion's conclusion anyway) man, in the most isolated spot in the North, with literally DOUBLE the vows to not marry or have children. Little girls pregnant by dothraki khals are one thing, but it would be death for Robert's masculinity if he had to admit he was so scared of an old man in the Night's Watch that he'd violate the sacred institution to have him killed.

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Aemon was as closely related to Robert as Rhaegar, on that note it's strange to think that we saw Stannis interact with his great great uncle.

Very few people off of the Wall know about Aemon, Stannis knows presumably because he is a nerd for family trees, Pycelle probably knows given that he served Aegon V, but he never mentions it and no one else seems to be aware.

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