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Person of Interest - J.J. Abrams & Jonathan Nolan Show


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I've liked what I've seen so far - so I'll be sticking with it a while.

I watched the pilot with my mother and she liked it enough to set up her DVR for the rest of the season (she's not usually into this kind of show, so that tells you something).

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I've liked what I've seen so far - so I'll be sticking with it a while.

I watched the pilot with my mother and she liked it enough to set up her DVR for the rest of the season (she's not usually into this kind of show, so that tells you something).

Heh, I agree and my mother's the same and she likes this show.

But I also enjoyed the pilot episode better than the second episode. I'm going to keep watching, hoping for some interesting stories even if the show ends up being assignment of the week.

Also, why is Jim Caveizel morphing into Eric Roberts?

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I liked the second episode better than the first one, especially the part where Reese actually lost that hand-to-hand fight with the assassin. It showed that while Reese is certainly very skilled and tough, he's not invincible. On the other hand, I didn't like what I felt were two deus ex machina moments, first the blue truck that barged in at just the right instant to prevent Reese from further pursuing the girl, and then Reese arriving at just the right instant to save Finch and the girl from the assassin.

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Finally watched ep2. Happy to see some backstory (and another "Other" in the cast). I'm hoping that this show will continue to dole out flashbacks - it makes "chase of the week" a little more interesting for me.

Did Finch mention the Founder's death was a result of the inconsequential list dump in the pilot or am I imagining things?

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JC gives off a serious Christian Bale vibe, even if he does look quite a bit like Eric Roberts.

The show should hire Eric Roberts to play his evil older brother.

Eric as an evil brother or plastic surgery saboteur storyline would be great. This is a type of show that doesn't need to stay completely realistic, it can veer off into to somewhat over the top storylines.

The Maid of Woodlynne,

Not that I recall. In the flashbacks Finch (who didn't have his limp yet) was not interested in the inconsequential list at that time. The Founder was putting forth the same reasons Finch gave to Reese when he was recruited.

Finch and the Founder (don't remember his name) seemed to be close friends, I got the feeling they were partners, but Finch was obviously a silent one while the Founder was the face of their company.

Unless they go for some twist I don't see coming, it looked fairly obvious they are going for a storyline where the Founder was killed, probably in the same incident that injured Finch, and that's what changed his attitude towards the inconsequential list and intiated his search for a person like Reese he knew he's need to inlist to help him.

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Thanks Drawkcabi - good to know I'm not the only one thinking along those lines.

Finally watched ep3. I'm hanging in there mainly because I enjoy the flashbacks, and the fact that the cop is not a complete idiot. I'm sure someone else has already mentioned it, but the Gordon/Batman relationship brewing between them is entertaining enough to keep me coming back.

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Still watching the series but my interest really seemed to have peaked with the pilot and steadily gone down the last two episodes.

These individual cases are killing the show for me. I know that this is what it's supposed to be about but damn it you got to make me care about these people, not make them so freaking bland!

The beginning of episode 2 was awesome with the elevator scene. I want more scenes like that, not necessarily because I liked the violence, but the set-up was very cool, we didn't need to go into a long back story of the target we know the routine pretty well after the pilot. Either spend the time on imaginiative and badass rescue scenes or make the targets more interesting.

Reese could use some more personality too, right now he's all Batman and no Bruce Wayne. Have him interact more with the people he's trying to help. I know he's this brooding world weary ex special forces guy but he's shown he has a bit of a playful side. Another thing that makes the list people boring is all their backstory given in exposition from Finch's Big Brother technology. Reese needs to be a bit more of an infiltrator, the way he did with the bank robbers was kind of good but still needs to be better. Give him glasses and let him play the mild mannered schlep for part of the episode and then when the time is right he turns into Bad-Ass Man and gets the bad guys.

And yes, play up the relationship between the cop and reese, the cat and mouse game their playing is one of the better things about the show.

I'm still sticking with the show but what I feared would happen is happening. Three episodes in and the forumla is all ready established. If they can mix it up a bit more, make Reese less of a one note character I still think this show has potential, even if it doesn't want to be series with an intentional planned out arc.

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I'm still sticking with the show but what I feared would happen is happening. Three episodes in and the forumla is all ready established. If they can mix it up a bit more, make Reese less of a one note character I still think this show has potential, even if it doesn't want to be series with an intentional planned out arc.

Well, the mastermind of last week's episode killed his henchman and was gone before Reese arrived. Maybe he/she will become a recurring antagonist.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This show is starting to grow on me a bit. But it's weird seeing Ben be a good guy. And Reese? Is there a reason he's doing the whole low grumbly voice bit? Is that his real voice or are they trying to go with the whole Batman thing? It was one of the most annoying things about Sin City and it could rapidly become the most annoying thing about this show.

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Gale from Breaking Bad and the Observer from Fringe! Nice crossovers in this episode. I don't normally go in for Episode of the Week shows like this, but there's something oddly compelling about this show. I think it stems from the fact that the cop on his tail is vaguely competent. Adds an extra dimension to what would otherwise be a fairly standard action show. Battle on two fronts, as it were.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmmm.... I might be gong out on a limb here when I say that this is the worst thing JJ has ever been involved with.

I mean, come on... Whilst moonlighting undercover as an entry-level grunt in his own company for seventeen years, mysterious billionaire gimp develops super-dooper snooping computer to prevent the next 9/11, but the only output you get from said computer is a social security number. Really?

The show has its moments (some of the action is cool), but the stories are pretty lame, and riddled with plot holes.

The 7.9 rating on IMDB is bogus. They should move the decimal point one space to the left.

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I mean, come on... Whilst moonlighting undercover as an entry-level grunt in his own company for seventeen years, mysterious billionaire gimp develops super-dooper snooping computer to prevent the next 9/11, but the only output you get from said computer is a social security number. Really?

The social security numbers of the "unimportant" persons aren't the computer's total output - they're just what Finch managed to have sent back to him without alerting the US government. If he'd tried to get more, the risks of his backdoor program being detected would be much higher.

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That makes sense, thanks for reminding me.

Still doesn't excuse the poor writing.

One of the worst moments in episode two came when Finch and the Girl had to abort their escape from the hotel because Mr Baddie was coming up in the lift.

When they run back into their hotel room, you clearly see the wall directly opposite the hotel room door. But when Finch looks through the spy-hole, he has clear a view down the entire corridor.

...He’s going for the fuse box. He must be about to turn off the lights in the hall... He’s gonna see the light under our door... Quick, turn all the lights off...


They’re in a hotel in downtown New York. I guess all the other rooms must be empty, eh?

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I got to tell you, I never liked Lost, but never gave it much of a chance.

I liked Alias in the beginning but I got sick of the endless resets/revisions.

So for now Person of Interest if my favorite Abrams program especially the last 2 episodes which, imo, got the show back on track after episodes 2 & 3 which I thought were a real downgrade since the pilot.

I guess that means G + M = J

Who are G and M? I'm not that good with remebering names. But regarding the last episode I'm pretty sure it's leading up to John Reese being the son of the cocktail waitress that was killed in 1973 by the mafia boss henchman that had the knife stuck in his chest in 2011. I missed the mention of what happened to the mafia boss himself, he must be John's father and he may be still alive.

So someone went after the guy that killed Reese's mom, then killed Sully (Dan Hedaya) because he knew something they didn't want getting out. I doubt it was Reese doing this, but the show is going to make us initally think it was him. It's going to end up being somebody who knows about Reese and also knows about Emerson, maybe someone else who worked on the machine? Maybe Emerson's partner is sitll alive or someone who worked with them?

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That makes sense, thanks for reminding me.

Still doesn't excuse the poor writing.

One of the worst moments in episode two came when Finch and the Girl had to abort their escape from the hotel because Mr Baddie was coming up in the lift.

When they run back into their hotel room, you clearly see the wall directly opposite the hotel room door. But when Finch looks through the spy-hole, he has clear a view down the entire corridor.

...He’s going for the fuse box. He must be about to turn off the lights in the hall... He’s gonna see the light under our door... Quick, turn all the lights off...


They’re in a hotel in downtown New York. I guess all the other rooms must be empty, eh?

At one point in the episode Emerson said he bought out the entire floor to better protect the girl, no other guests coming to that floor or room hotel staff that they don't know about.

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