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Jon Snow IS everything you think/hope he might be.

Sword of the Morgan

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I've been reading these boards for a while, but have never posted anything before, so bear with me. First, I just wanted to mention how great it is to see how many people love this series as much as I do. It truly is a fantastic world to escape to, one that you can really delve into, as these boards show.

Now, this is not anything groundbreaking, but I just wanted to post it to give my two cents on what I think is the biggest storyline of the series:

At this point I am pretty much convinced that Jon Snow is not only a Targaryen (R+L = J) but also Azor Ahai and the Prince That Was Promised. GRRM has a soft spot for cripples, bastards and broken things, and I think that we'll see such characters play huge roles over the course of the final two books (Jon, Bran, Tyrion and Jaime). As for Jon, I don't see any realistic outcome to the Tower of Joy mystery than him being the offspring of Rhaegar and Lyanna. Everything fits too well in the Ned dream sequence and Ned never talking to Jon about his mother but assuring him that he is of his blood. Ned Stark is nothing if not an honorable man, and I don't think he'd ever have fathered a bastard, even at war at a young age. He's not built like that. However, I do think he'd "sully" his honor with a promise to his dying sister to keep her son safe, even if it meant he'd lie to absolutely everyone he loved in the process. The honorable part of the deed is that he sullied his own honor to keep Jon safe for his entire childhood, so his dishonor is actually one of the most honorable things he's ever done. That fits Lord Eddard Stark better than fathering a bastard.

So Jon is a Targaryen, which immediately qualifies him for AA/PTWP speculation. The rebirth factor of the prophecy has been a topic of heavy discussion, and Jon's smoking wounds and Bowen Marsh's tears during the stabbing certainly seem to fit the salt and smoke aspect of the prophecy better than anything I've seen from any other character. And this momentous event really seems to be leading to a rebirth of some kind. How he'll be reborn I don't know, but I refuse to think that Jon is dead, because he really seems to be the main character (if you want to peg anyone as the main character), as he is Ice and Fire combined, and this Song maybe really be his story more than anyone elses.

Jon, reborn, seems to be in position to fulfill the AA prophecy and use Longclaw (Lightbringer) to defeat the Others as they descend on the wall. Obviously there are a lot of details and other factors involved with this potential invasion, but it seems to me that Jon is the logical hero to lead the fight against the Others.

The only thing that gives me pause is that GRRM is always a wild card. The readers being able to predict this makes me nervous regarding its validity. However, I also think that GRRM never expected this kind of popularity from the books (how could he have?), and with that popularity has come people delving into the texts with incredible detail. Perhaps he thought the Jon Snow secret would be less obvious than it actually came to be. And we do know that many of the biggest events/storylines in the books are foretold in ways that seem somewhat obvious in retrospect. So maybe this is one that is so big that it just comes across as more obvious before we actually see it happen.

Anyway, with these books one always has to think they could be wrong, but I really do think that GRRM has always loved Jon Snow and had the grandest of stories planned for him. I do not think Jon will end up on the Iron Throne, though. That's anyone's guess, but I do believe that he is a Targaryen (maybe his name isn't even Jon?) and AA/PTWP. I don't see any other way.

Thanks for reading.

Valar Dohaeris.

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Jon is Jesus, y'all.

Jon is boring as hell.

I also doubt grrm has written a story in which one person is a savior of everyone and everything. That would not only suck and cheapen the narrative but it would turn asoiaf into a more mature Star Wars.

Star Wars with swords and boobs.

There is more to the story then Jon people. And the chances of him leaving the nw are slim, the vows are taken for life, and preclude him from any throne. Even with r+l=j no one would beleive him and he would have no way of proving it.

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Welcome to the forums! We are Legion indeed.

Jon may or may not qualify for AA/PtwP, I side with those who don't really care, as long as GRRM comes up with a sensible (read, not all prophecy-related) conclusion to most plots / subplots.

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Welcome to the forums!

While I agree that Jon will likely be the person to lead people against the Others, I think it would be wrong not to recognize the people who will aid him as heroes too. It'd be pretty cheap if Jon just waved hand and singlehandly defeat the Others.

Also, I'm of the opinion that while he is the son of Rhaegar, there would be no way for him to prove that he is.

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So Jon is a Targaryen, which immediately qualifies him for AA/PTWP speculation.

This just came to mind, and I'd like to hear an opinion because I don't think I've seen one on this yet: why would being a Targaryen qualify Jon as PTWP? Certainly Azor Ahai was not Targaryen as the Age of Heroes consisted of First Men. The Targaryen's have been in Westeros for 300 years, why would the PTWP prophecy revolve around Targaryen's?

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This just came to mind, and I'd like to hear an opinion because I don't think I've seen one on this yet: why would being a Targaryen qualify Jon as PTWP? Certainly Azor Ahai was not Targaryen as the Age of Heroes consisted of First Men. The Targaryen's have been in Westeros for 300 years, why would the PTWP prophecy revolve around Targaryen's?

Because he would be of Rhaella/Aerys line, which was prophesied to be the line in which PTWP will be born... GHH prophesied it...

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This just came to mind, and I'd like to hear an opinion because I don't think I've seen one on this yet: why would being a Targaryen qualify Jon as PTWP? Certainly Azor Ahai was not Targaryen as the Age of Heroes consisted of First Men. The Targaryen's have been in Westeros for 300 years, why would the PTWP prophecy revolve around Targaryen's?

Because the woods witch had told Aegon V or Jaehaerys II that AA would come from the line of Aerys and Rhaella. I agree though that it doesn't necessarily have to be a Targaryen. Maybe the woods witch was wrong? Who knows.

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Because a woods witch had told Aegon V or Jaehaerys II that AA would come from the line of Aerys and Rhaella. I agree though that it doesn't necessarily have to be a Targaryen. Maybe the woods witch was wrong? Who knows.

No. We've never heard the prophecy. The fanbase has been arguing for years on who the giant Sansa is supposed to slay is.

There is no proof that the prophecy was interpreted correctly.

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