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Sounds like hell.

As far as guilds/groups handling Shadowmourne, yeah, it'll mostly be a matter of if they want to dedicate some or all of the Primordial Saronite drops to one character to get that one started on the questline. I'm guessing the splinters will be either 30-50% chance of one per boss (quest item, so if multiple people are working on it, they can progress), or 100% chance of one per wing-ending boss.

At the moment, and I'm guessing this will carry over, our 25-man group splits the crusader orbs evenly between the two core guilds. If we continue doing this, well, it won't do much for our two shadowmourne potentials; other than the fact that I'm not sure we'll see a primordial saronite per boss, and the 1 night a week this will stay at... both dpsers I can think of who might go for it are in my guild. And I can promise I'll be asking for some of them for tanking gear.

Had a sloppy (1 wipe on valks, 2 on anub) ToC25 last night, but picked up the chest off of beasts. This means that I'm in really excellent shape on hit and expertise both, as well as feeling reasonably good about my ability to live.

With the patch, I'm going to be trying to squeeze out enough time for one or two heroics on a most likely unstable server before my D&D game tonight, especially as I believe the show I would normally watch is on hiatus for no apparent reason.

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I ninja-transferred too, but I did it after ninja-reactivating, so nobody even noticed. Funny how that works out.

It really sucks that things are going downhill for you guys, though. One of two guilds I was ever in that I really felt comfortable in, and of the two, you guys had by far the best human beings. (The other guild was often a hell of a lot more interesting, though. Funny how that works out.)

So... did anyone with a reasonably complex interface try the PTR or do research to find out whether there's going to be a lot of stuff breaking with the patch? I'm pretty concerned because my entire setup is based on a couple rather complex and unique addons I use in place of traditional action bars (Macaroon and OPie) and I won't really be able to function without them. I know minor patches rarely break addons anymore, but I don't think I've actually been present for the release of a major content patch since... probably when Naxx40 was released. I might have been playing when Sunwell was released, but I don't think so.

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So the fun continues. My rogue class leader just ninja transfered to go with the person who transfered because I asked them to not make half of an ex guildies face their forum avatar. :bang:

We have 2 other rogues, one of whom hasn't been on in weeks, and the other is pissed that his friend/CL transferred. I was down 2 officers the past 2 raids, I know one missed because his modem went out but the other just didnt show. My warrior CL hasnt made a raid in a week, our only other 2 warriors are both recruits one is maybe ok but just said he can't raid until January, and the other is both bad and annoying.

I have to miss the first 2 nights in ICC because I get to drive through a blizzard tommorow to go to fucking FARGO ND for a meeting the rest of the week.

But at least I've got elemental shaman who are to stupid to face the correct way on Yogg to avoid the pink insane lightning that I'm screaming at everone to not get hit by for the last 12 times its come out of yogg's head. I mean its not like with all 4 watchers up there is a grean piller of sanity restoring light that they could have run to or anything. If only someone would have asked people over vent to watch their sanity.

Sounds like you need a new rogue, too bad my guild just made me an officer, now I'm tied to these guys :P.

Really they're great guys but we've only cleared 10 ToC regular and still have not passed the Keepers in Ulduar. Now that I've got a little more pull I'm gonna start jumping on their asses and pushing them to do better. I know we have the skill, but they're all so focused on "we can't one shot everything so why even try other stuff" which in one state makes sense, but we have one shot everything, just not all in one go lol.

Looking forward to the new 5 mans and the new raid. I'll be missing our big Thursday raid night for an office party, but I'm gonna try to push them into ICC tonight to at least get a good look at the first boss/bosses and grab some measly Argent Verdict Rep.

Good Luck in your 3.3 endeavors everyone!

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It really sucks that things are going downhill for you guys, though. One of two guilds I was ever in that I really felt comfortable in, and of the two, you guys had by far the best human beings. (The other guild was often a hell of a lot more interesting, though. Funny how that works out.)

Oh its not really that dire, We are still the second best guild on the server, despite the losses, and some of the recruits are really good. Its just more catharitic to bitch about the bad ones, or in the case of the elemntal who got MC'd on Yogg, one who has been with us since Kara. Although it is a bit disconcerting that when we killed Yogg, it seemed like half the raid got the achievement. :P

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So... did anyone with a reasonably complex interface try the PTR or do research to find out whether there's going to be a lot of stuff breaking with the patch? I'm pretty concerned because my entire setup is based on a couple rather complex and unique addons I use in place of traditional action bars (Macaroon and OPie) and I won't really be able to function without them. I know minor patches rarely break addons anymore, but I don't think I've actually been present for the release of a major content patch since... probably when Naxx40 was released. I might have been playing when Sunwell was released, but I don't think so.

I was just asking a friend. He said XPerl got broken. I've been VNC'd to my home machine for the last hour, trying through a dismally slow response time to check for updates to my addons. I noted OPie (which I use just for portals and such) wasn't updated yet, but most of my addons, while they show an update in the last week or so, don't show a 3.3 tag on wowinterface.

Most should be updated by later today, though.

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Oh its not really that dire, We are still the second best guild on the server, despite the losses, and some of the recruits are really good. Its just more catharitic to bitch about the bad ones, or in the case of the elemntal who got MC'd on Yogg, one who has been with us since Kara. Although it is a bit disconcerting that when we killed Yogg, it seemed like half the raid got the achievement. :P

I don't know - I think it was rather entertaining having about half the raid want to B-rez the shammie so that he could be killed again!

need to figure out how to configure Grid. I use some customization of add-ons, but not really a whole lot so I'm not overly familiat with some - just want to switch from Xperl as the raid frames to Grid, specially for the Anub HoP seems like Grid has a much more glaring "I'M GONNA GET RUN OVER" indicator than just the skull Xperl gives.

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XPerl broken? I'm almost glad to hear that. Every time I re-set-up my interface I end up trying XPerl, thinking that since it's still the most popular, it must not suck anymore. And every time I end up hating it. But this time I just barely don't hate it enough to go through the trouble of finding and configuring something that I'll actually like. If it's broken that'll give me the push I need to get rid of it for good.

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Well supposedly it's already fixed, though the xperl on wowinterface doesn't tag it as 3.3-ready.

I don't think X-Perl is providing the skull; it's showing the skull that got put on by the boss mod, more likely. I don't know if Grid has anything special.

X-Perl I'm pretty happy with. It could be a lot more lightweight I'm sure, and I don't use a great deal of the features, so I'm considering looking at something more lightweight. The one featured on mmo-champion a couple weeks back perhaps. Really all I need is frames, debuff highlighting, and range check. Any suggestions?

While I'm at it... any suggestions on nameplate mods? I didn't like Aloft, and I'm not particularly impressed by Cael's, and those are all I've found.

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For Grid, you need to get a special Grid addon (I believe it's GridStatusRaidIcons).

You might try vuhdo (I think that's right) - it's a lightweight raid frame system with not much in the way of special stuff, but it's small and unobtrusive. I'm using xperl personally but I think I'll be switching to Grid; I don't need it to be huge, and xperl takes up a ton of space and isn't nearly as customizable.

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I don't like this new board. I surf of my blackberry and the "jump to last unread post" function seems to be gone now, so my posting here is a serious pain in the ass. Just FYI. I'd someone knows how I can get that function back, pls let me know.

It works fine. It's just that it doesn't work for any thread you haven't viewed yet after the upgrade.

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Xperl just seems to have this crazy mix of bloated too-many-features and bizarre random lacks in the ability to configure them in a sane way. For example, as far as I can tell, there is no way to have your player frame be a fixed size in all situations. Some situations - druid forms is one I encountered - will cause it to add an additional bar (mana in this case) making the frame taller, and only some of these can be disabled. And there's no way to configure target of target's target aside from 'identical in size etc. to target of target' and 'disabled.' And the default party settings cause debuffs to overlap other party members and even if there is a way to configure this to be sane, there's no way to do a 'test mode' so you have to actually be in a party with people with lots of buffs and debuffs while you're configuring it. Which is a good way to make a bunch of other people annoyed and impatient.

It's just... it's been the most popular unit frames addon for approximately forever, and I can't reconcile that with its extreme shittiness, so my brain shorts out and is incapable of perceiving it as worse than 'good but maybe not the best' unless I'm actually actively using it and seeing its failures.

I need servers so I can do something less pointless than rant about an addon.

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Just FYI. I'd someone knows how I can get that function back, pls let me know.
At least on mine, if you click on the time part (so if a post says 'two minutes ago' click on that) you'll get the unread posts. At least that's how it appears to work on my iphone, which has similar annoying issues.
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Already went through all the new instances on normal. Nets you a sweet 6 Frost Emblems too!

Doing the Heroic Versions now.

The new 5 mans are short, sweet and the bosses are interesting. On Heroic, they are even more interesting (Our tank ran in on Devourer of Souls before I was done explaining and got himself and the healer instagibbed. I DK DPS tanked the last 20% and we did it though).

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We managed to sneak into the first two dungeons (on heroic, naturally) but the instance servers just won't cooperate for the third. All five of us went in completely blind.

The Forge of Souls was okay, but much, much easier than I expected, about comparable to the original Northrend heroics. We basically just facerolled and powered our way through the encounters without any kind of real need to pay attention to the strategies it seemed you were supposed to use.

The Pit of Saron wasn't a whole lot harder, but damn is this an awesome instance, and will probably become my favorite unless HoR is even better. Cool story events, but with much less time wasting than CoT:Strath? Check. Fifty foot tall version of Mr. Smite? Check. Fighting your way through a collapsing cave? Check. Evil pink mohawk gnome? Check. Scary dragon rider guy? Check. We even got a BoP epic from trash. It's got it all.

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