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Who is your favorite character from each house?

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Please try to mention at least four Houses, and as many more of them as you like but try to mention at least four. Your favorite character can also be a villain, that doesn't mean you approve of evil deeds just that you find the character particularly compelling or like how smart he is or for other reasons.


Jon Snow

I find his story compelling and I particularly like his story as it developed at the point when Qhorin Halfhand came with the plan to be killed and Jon to join the Wildlings. A crow who became a traitor to keep his vows and later on became in love with a wildling woman and left his wildling companions to rejoin the Watch, reevaluating the watch's goals and seeing the greater threat that the Others are while now distrusted by some of the crows and their prejudices against the Wildlings.

2nd place Ned and Sansa



Tyrion more so for Clash of Kings I really enjoyed him effectively rulling as hand in ways that Ned couldn't yet with less honor than Ned. Deviously smart, witty, can't keep his mouth shut, has a compassionate side to him but also an ugly side. His father doesn't respect him, his sister despices him, yet he does save the Lannister cause but without getting his proper recognition. Also there is a tendency for him to be getting into trouble and in trials. His inner turnmoil with being a dwarf, his experiences with women and the way he treats women (including Shae) makes him a tragic figure. While he does have a good heart in my view he can abuse others and cause harm, but I do find him compelling. He looks for true love at whores and at Tysha but lovewise I see disappointment for him.

2nd place Jamie



I like Stannis because he sounds simple at first but he is actually a more complicated and real character once you get to know him and his personal history. Ambitious, entitled yet also taking about his duty (and meaning it), and on his two sides we have Mellisandre which represents the ends justify the means with Mellisandre means not always being very acceptable and on the other we have Davos, the honorable smugler whose Stannis has both cut fingers off for smuggling and rewarded for saving him. Between Duty, honor, entitlement, and a survivor skill and pragmatism Stannis is a survivor and one of the remaning options for king that to my eyes seems one of the better options. His actions in the recent book, have made me to like him even more. When it comes to Stannis against Bolton I can't but root for Stannis. And of course he was the one who appeared to save the Night Watch from the Wildlings.

2nd place Robert



I like Catelyn, I like her as a person and I admire her courage and other qualities but I also find her interesting. I like how in a foreign and difficult environment she adjusted. I like how she tries to make the best out of a situation and how she fights for her family in various ways. The only negative aspect is that I would have rathered she wasn't as cold to Jon but then again I am not so sure. The flaws of the characters make them feel more real and like them more, so being too perfect would probably make her worse. She is a tragic figure but a fighter who gives everything to aid her loved ones in the ways that she can while still being a character with basic decency and some principles. And while things get worse worse and she has more and more loses she endures. Until a complete tragedy strikes and she loses everything remaining in her. Lady Stoneheart on the other hand is well a tragic end for Catelyn as was the Red Wedding.

2nd place Blackfish


Maester Aemon

A humble, and seemingly the most sane Targaryen from those we have seen who is more comfortable at serving than ruling it seems. His History is quite interesting, having an opportunity to become King yet denying it, becoming a Maester and serving in the Night Watch for long, having thoughts of abandoning the watch during Robert's rebellion. Always offering sound advice. With other Targaryen's motto being Fire and Blood, Aemon is a refreshing and surprising Targaryen.



His backstory is interesting but I most enjoy his schemes and the way he attempts to manipulate others and grow steadily into power. His obsession with Catelyn is also fascinating. And behind major events of the series including the war and Jon Arryn's assassination you will find Littlefinger. He makes for a most effective villain and at times I had been so impressed by him and how he started as the ultimate underdog and how he has risen that to a small percent I was wishing for his victory. In truth though I mostly want him to fail and crush and burn due to Sansa, and so he would also pay for the suffering he caused. Despite his villainy I like reading about Littlefinger and his schemes.

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Stark - Eddard

Honourable, noble, loving, kind, tragic. It's difficult to see a good man undone by what would normally be seen as strong personality traits.

Lannister - Tyrion

I'll admit that I don't sympathise with his character as much as I did at the beginning, but he's still one of my favourites.

Baratheon - Stannis

True king of Westoros and a BAMF.

Tully - The Blackfish

As much as I love Edmure and like Cat, the Blackfish is just awesomeness at its purest. Honest, gruff, experienced, honourable.

Targaryen - Gotta agree with you here and go Aemon

Tyrell - Loras

Arrogant, overconfident, skilled. What's not to like? Plus, an online ASoIaF character test told me I was Loras, so there's that.

Martell - the Red Viper, Oberyn

Not much to say on this one, unfortunately. Made a lasting impression on me in a few scenes, and I was sad seeing him go.

Bolton - the snake Roose

Cold, conniving, calculating, treacherous, cruel. Another one of my favourite characters.

Greyjoy - Theon

He is without a sense of identity and place, and this leads him down dark roads. A character who actually feels guilty for what's he done and seeks to directly atone for it, unlike Jaime's so-called redemption which consists of sending one woman on a hapless search and threatening Edmure with catapulting his child against a big wall.

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Stark: Sansa

Lannister: Cersei/Jaime hybrid, like one of those "who is the most beautiful person in the world" where they take all the best parts of celebrities and stuff. I just can't stand Tyrion atm.

Arryn: Can I count LF here, since he married one?

Tully: Edmure

Greyjoy: Asha, although I do like Vic+monkeys

Tyrell: Garlan. I refuse to believe his a murderer, I refuse!

Martell: I'm assuming Sand Snakes and Quentyn don't count, so Arianne, I guess?

Targaryen: Rennifer Longwaters

edit: oops, forgot Baratheon: Stan the man

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Stark: Jon , Does what he thinks is right , cuts the head off Slynt himself

Lannister: Jammie , Not perfect , but held his silence about the Kinglaying

Baratheon: Stannis The true King , wants to earn his Kingship , promotes a base born hand

Tully: Brynden Where is the Fish ?

Tyrell:Garlan . Trains against 3 men , also seems kind and honest by his actions at the Purple wedding

Martell: Oberyn The Snake enough said

Targaeryen: Aemon

Greyjoy: Victarion The iron Squid

Tarly: Randall A Hard man , I see him as a younger Clint eastwood

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Love this topic!

For Targaryen, I'm gonna pick Jon (because I think he is of that house....plus, I want both him and the Stark character I picked below - hope that's not 'cheating') - second would be Aemon

For Stark, Arya, although I like them all (except don't know much about Rickon and used to (not really anymore) want to shake Sansa till all that naive 'knight in shining armour' stuff fell out of her!)

For Lannister, Tyrion - but Jaime next, as I love the way his character is unfolding

For Tully, Catelyn and next, of course, would be the Blackfish, but I'll have to admit that I'm none too fond of Edmure

For Martell, Oberyn, the Red Viper

Samwell and Brienne from their houses, of course

Mormont -- the old bear (don't like Jorah much these days at all), although I like the Mormont ladies, too

Greyjoy -- don't really like any of the 'iron men', but at

by the end of ADWD I just feel so sorry for him that I'm pulling for him now

For "House Direwolf", it's got to be Ghost

For Clegane, it's Sandor, which probably goes without saying, but I do have a soft place in my heart for the Hound

For Baelish, it's Petyr, of course, since he's the only one I think we know, but I do find him rather fascinating

For Tyrell . . . it's definitely the old lady (forgot her name) - don't like any of the others very much at all, except don't know Willas, so I guess he could be pretty decent

For Baratheon, it's difficult. I guess it'd have to be Stannis, although I don't like his rigidity or what often comes across as self-righteousness, but I like a lot of quotes from him, and I liked that

he gave Jon a little nod of agreement when Jon beheaded Janos

For Freys . . . not sure that I could pick any of them except, perhaps

Edmure's little bride because at least she cried on their wedding night because she knew what her family was planning

And, of "House Wildling", it's definitely Tormund (Har!)

My edit -- I'd have to give Yygritte a top rating for "House Wilding", I almost forgot about her (see, I know nothing), but Osha deserves an Honorable Mention, too

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Baratheon: Stannis

I like the roughness of his character and that he does not take shit from anyone, like when he made Davos his Hand. He also happens to be the only one of the supposed kings that I would like to see on the throne. Even with all the Melisandre business he seems to be the only one sane and mature enough to rule.

Greyjoy: Theon

He has done a lot of terrible things (especially in ACoK), but I always felt kind of sorry for him.

Lannister: Jaime

Two weeks ago it might have been Tyrion, but I think I prefer Jaime now. He's just a perfect example of how a good man can be perceived as a terrible person because of a few bad choices he makes. Kevan Lannister is also kind of a badass, though it's hard to judge someone who hasn't had all that much to do in any of the books.

Martell: Oberyn

He was just a very interesting person. Too bad we never got to know him better.

Stark: Robb

Well, I don't have to say that the Red Wedding was particularly painful for me, do I? I loved the way Robb was portrayed. Every time he had to make tough decisions that effected thousands of people I was reminded that he is only a boy, who was thrown into the game of thrones way too early. Sansa would be a close second.

Targaryen: Dany

I liked her a lot more in the beginning when she was still married to Drogo and even though she has made a lot of bad decisions since then I still find myself rooting for her.

Tully: Catelyn

I don't really like any of the Tullys. Edmure or the Blackfish have never made any impression on me. I do kind of sympathize with Catelyn, but I never cared for her. Her taking Tyrion captive is still one of the most stupid things a character has ever done in the books.

Tyrell: Loras

He's kind of badass in the books, which is why I'm so disappointed with the casting for the show in this particular case.

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OK, only living characters and no bastards (by name or blood, as they're known now):

Baratheon - Stan the Man, of course. All hail his grace!

Lannister - prior to ADWD I would have said Tyrion, but I didn't enjoy his story as much as I used to, so it's Jaime for me

Tyrell - the old lady whose name escapes me right now, was it Olenna?

Martell - Arianne

Greyjoy - Asha (tie with Theon, but I gotta side with the ladies^^)

Targaryen - no such thing as a favorite Targ

Tully - the Blackfish

Arryn - hmmm not exactly much to choose from

Stark - Arya

The noble house of the sworn brotherhood of the Nights Watch - Jon Snow What? They're not a house? It's not cheating if they have their own sigil! :P

Borrowing ideas:

House Wildling - Val

House Direwolf - Ghost

House BAMF: Ser Barristan

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House Stark: Jon Snow (whoever thinks Jon is not a Stark goes through the moon door :P ) for he is smart and just as a leader. He definitely is his father's son: Ned (second favorite Stark) Honorable mentions to Arya and Lyanna.

House Lannister: Jaime. I know he made mistakes but he seems to be in the right path now, i quite like him, the only thing I'd never forgive him is the killing of Jory :frown5: Honorable mention to Kevan Lannister, seemed like a competent man, i hated to see him go.

House Baratheon: I quite like a couple of Robert bastards but since they are not legally Baratheons, I'd go with Stannis. Not a fan but i think he could be a decent king getting rid of Mel and stopping burning people alive. Honorable mention to Shireen.

House Targaryen: Maester Aemon, I suppose, he seemed to be a nice and competent person, quite sane for a Targ :P Honorable mention to Rhaegar Targaryen.

House Tully: Brynden Tully,for he is the only Tully I don't want to slap hard, they are boooooooring and lame. No honorable mentions here.

House Greyjoy: Asha! Because she is an awesome, capable woman who will rule the Iron Islands. Honorable mentions go to Theon (I hated him, I felt sorry for him, I love him, i have a lot of feelings about Theon) and Victarion, I enjoy his chapters a lot.

House Martell: I don't really like the Martells or care especially about Dorne. The only character I have enjoyed was Oberyn so I suppose it's him.

House Tyrell: Same here, I don't care about the Tyrells. At least the Queen of thorns was fun to read about.

House Umber: Great Jon Umber!!!!

House Reed: Meera

House Mormont: We barely know them but i root for al the ladies: Maege, Dacey :frown5: , Alyssane and little badass Lyanna!

House Manderly: Wyman and Wylla.

House Seaworth: DAVOS!

Brothers of the NW: Edd

House wildling: Mance and Val

House direwolf: Ghost!

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Stark - Arya

She never disappointed me, her chapters were among the best, even when she travelled back and forth in the Riverlands.

Lannister - Jaime

Used to be Tyrion, but he turned boring. Jaime became an instant favourite when he got a POV, didn't even have to wait till he loses his hand. He just has a Han Solo-ish lovable rogue aura. And then he goes back for Brienne and breaks up with his stupid sister. And he's sort of a true knight, or tries to be, despite being all disillusioned.

Tully - Catelyn

Despite her mistakes, I could always relate to her. She's flawed and that's what makes her a believeable character. I only wish she stayed dead, she suffered enough when she was alive... although hanging Freys is a good activity.

Martell - Oberyn

He's the reason I'm all "meh" about other Martells. Oberyn was awesome.

Baratheon - Stannis

Robert was a dick (although I love him too), Renly was a traitor and an usurper. Stannis looked like an embittered baddie at first, but he slowly grew on me. He knows how to get shit done, and he GETS IT DONE. He defends the realm. He doesn't give a damn about your birth, he wants honest and talented advisors. He trusts his Davos. He has a very sarcastic sense of humour and generally pwn's people all the time. Oh, and that one time when he wiped the floor with Victarion's fleet. If only he would get rid of Mel and started executing his enemies the Nrothern way instead of burning them.

Arryn - no one

We don't know much about Jon Arryn, although he seems like a good man, and Sweetrobin is... Sweetrobin.

Tyrell - Olenna

Lady HBIC, who should totally be played by Maggie Smith or Judi Dench. She's badass.

Greyjoy - Euron

A dangerous, sexy pirate troll with a Don Giovanni vibe. What's not to love?

Targaryen - Baelor Breakspear

This gentleman was a true knight and a wise prince, a good Hand of the King and a honourable man. I cried so hard for him.

Mormont - Jeor

All Mormonts kick ass but the Old Bear is also adorable. Badass Grandpa characters ftw. Runner-up: Lyanna who scolded Stannis. :D

Bolton - Roose

Not many to choose from, but Roose is a BAMF in his quiet way. He has a certain elegance in his depravity and he's apprently a good husband. He's also clever. Killing Robb? At least he stabbed him openly, not in the back.

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House Stark: Bran the climber, the dreamer, the greenseer, the flyer, the boy with a crush on Meera

House Reed: Meera agile, skillfull, loved by Bran

House Seaworth: Davos the best Hand Westeros has ever seen (afaIk). I hope his Whife will never have to read his touching last letter, but hear it from himself.

House Tarly: Samwell Jon´s best friend. I hope he´ll be in the future small council as Master of Mind. (or ArchMaester or whatever..)

House Tully: Catelyn (or is she a Stark or Un) for asking: "...will that bring me Ned back?"

House Tarth: Brienne for her endurance, dry humor and the story of the "Just Maid" .(and there weren´t many to choose from)

House Targaryen: Jon for always wanting to see Ghost juggle.

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Stark-Sansa, i got no idea how, or why, or...what! lol but there she is at the top of my list

Targaryen- Dany, were you expecting Maester Aemon?

Baratheon- Stannis, I hate Renly and Robert so...

Tully- Lysa, lol that chick is craaazey!

Martell- The sphnix, all the others suck, unless that was the tatterd prince that died, in which case Quentin is fucking awsome!

Tarly- the dad "She's not quick, the sword is!"

Tyrell- idk... G-ma maybe?

Lannister- Tyrion mother fucking Lannister, nuff said

e.t.a ah yes

Greyjoy- Reek!!!

Frey- Cleos Frey, def the coolest/most painful death. and its pre RW

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House Stark: Ned.

Gods, I love that man, and all of his honourable decisions. Also Arya is amazing.

House Lannister: Jaime

I would have said Tyrion but he creeped me out a bit in ADWD. I liked his arc in that book, don't get me wrong, and I still like him, just the brothel scene and the drinking and etc was all pretty unpleasant so I'm going to have to go with Jaime. I just enjoy every one of his chapters and he makes me chuckle like Tyrion used to. Haven't lost faith in Tyrion though.

House Baratheon: Stannis

I think I would have liked young Robert, the true steel, before all the drinking and whoring and marital raping and allowing Cersei to demand Lady to be killed... I also quite liked Renly (I know, I know.). Hated Stannis at first but he's grown on me I guess, so I'll pick him as my number one.

House Targaryen: Aemon

I like the sound of Rhaegar too I guess, and I did like Dany in books 1-3... Oh, and can I say Jon yet?

House Tully: Brynden

the Blackfish. Although I don't hate Cat as much as some people on these forums. But the Blackfish is by far the best Tully.

House Greyjoy: Victarion

...apart from all of the burning virgins and stuff, and beating his wife to death. He may be a bit of a fool, but he's so badass and grumpy it makes me smile.

House Martell: Arianne

I hated Arianne at first but she has definitley grown on me. I thought she was just a scheming, warmongering slut but she actually has personality and is fiesty. Runner up: the Viper, obviously.

House Tyrell: Queen of Thorns

- technically a Redwyne I suppose, but she's so great. Runner up: Margaery. "you vile, scheming evil bitch!"

House Umber: Greatjon Umber

He needs to get loosed from the Twins and start roaring and ripping Frey heads off. Soon, please.

House Mormont: Jeor

...or Dacey. But the Old Bear was such a good guy.

House Manderly: Wyman.

The North Remembers. One of the best moments in the series.

Brothers of the NW: Edd, also I love the Pyp/Grenn Banter. And I DO love Sam as well.

House Bastard: Jon

I had to find a category for Jon seeing as he's my favourite character. So Jon Snow. Also, I love Gendry. The Sand Snakes are pretty cool too. Especially Sarella/Alleras.

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