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  1. Eh, I am not a fan of file 770, but that aside, it's all really speculation at this point. Edit: Yah that's a lot of name. o.O
  2. So uh, the entire Hugo Admin team just quit/resigned, and everyone on twitter is really mad, but I'm not sure why.
  3. How were the sales for Rejoice, a Knife to the Heart? I'm assuming not good just by the lack of awareness I see that it even exists, which is sad, I thought it was amazing.
  4. Hmm, I wonder what Tor thinks of as their top priority these days. Looking at the schedule I don't see anything really huge, but my tastes probably don't match up.
  5. Ah yes, I remember CA/UK always getting the Malazan books way before us here in the colonies.
  6. Amazon says late november, and Erikson says Karsa isn't in the first book.
  7. Oh, duh. For some reason I thought you meant ON Angel.
  8. Oh, I wish I still had my Bakker discussion bingo card from way way back. Already got a heart in the butt space. That is very hard to answer without spoilers and lots of dirty laundry. Short version, due to, hmm, "miscommunication", Bakker and his publisher hate each others guts, then after the final volume came out the fan community kind of split in two who ALSO hate each others guts. The threads here go way back and I'm reading them now and well, someone needs to at the LEAST make this into some sort of audio production. Ahem. I digress.
  9. TazerFace is SHOCKED. TazerFace needs his fainting couch.
  10. That explains a lot. TazerFace will have to go check out this start publishing place, but they do not sound fun.
  11. TazerFace's first post wonder's if Smylie has a physical publisher for his book, as TazerFace went to Pyr's website a few months ago and it seems like Pyr no longer exists, which makes TazerFace somewhat sad but makes since considering some of their more bizarre decisions.
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