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Who would you kill? (probable spoilers)

KJR the PR of TaFW

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Why Bran?!

I find him to be the most boring and uninteresting POV in the series, even more so than Aeron and Brienne. I never really liked the overt fantasy elements of the series, so Bran's story is my least favourite. I don't have anything against Bran personally, just his story. It's so massively disconnected that it's hard to get engaged with it.

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Since the OP specified POV characters, I WAS going to say I'd have a hard choice between Cersei and Victarion but one of the posts above reminded me otherwise. I think my difficult choice would be between Cersei and Aeron. Cersei at least is amusing in her insanity, so that right there answers it for me, I pick Aeron.

For the second part of the equation, it depends what you mean by 'bring back.' I'm wondering if by 'bring back' the OP means to get a mulligan because if that were the case I think I'd go for Ned straight off. If we could get a do over I'd fix so that Ned never died. But, if the choice of 'bring back' means that another POV character becomes an UnCat, I'd have to regretfully decline. It seems to me that the UnDead characters are lacking something of their humanity and depending on the severity of the deficit, it leads to lots of trouble. I think Lady Stoneheart needs to be put out of her misery and I'm hoping that happens soon. I'm hoping that she learns of her children's true fates (or some of them), and can die and rest in peace. Ironically, even though I think that's it's best that the dead stay dead (unless we're doing a rewrite and doing it mulligan style), I'm a little tempted to say I would choose to let a POV character go UnDead, so long as we continue receiving POVs from them. We'd finally get a peek inside one of their minds, LOL, but still, I think a no is best.

Good answers and explanations. And Aeron - I SO agree with that choice. Some others said Victarion, but even though I don't like Vic much he's at least interesting. Aeron is a complete douchenozzle, PLUS boring as watching paint dry.

If I could get a do-over, I think I'd rather fix it that Catelyn somehow survived the Red Wedding - maybe spirited away by the Blackfish in a boat at the last minute or something. This wouldn't change the outcome much - she'd still be the vengeful Stoneheart character, just way better looking. She could still be leading the BWB and hanging every Frey and Lannister she could get her hands on, but with the added drama of her still being mortal, and the possibilities of her finding out that some of her children still live. As the Ironborn said, the dead may never die. I think a proper French Resistance-like BWB let by Catelyn and the Blackfish could have been an awesome narrative.

I'm OK with Dead Ned staying dead. It's far too essential to the plot as we've come to know it that he not be around and his family go on without him. He's pretty much the Duke Leto of ASoIaF.

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