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How widespread is warging in Westeros?


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I have a theory that the ability to warg was a gift given to each of the 100 houses (kingdoms) as part if the pact with the CoF.

Each House got a special "familiar"

Some are obvious

Stark = Direwolf (magical)

Targ = Dragon (magical)

Greyjoy = Kraken (magical)

Connington = Griffin (magical)

Skagosi = Unicorn (magical)

Mormant = Bear

Blackwood = Raven

Probably amongst wilding remnant kingdoms you would have houses who were familiar with

Dogs (6 skins)


Shadow cats

probably Mammoths

Also I suspect that we will find that there is a warg link between

Manderley = Whales (they are sea going and huge and blubbery in appearance

Ryswell = Horses

Tully = trout

Baratheon ancestors = Stags

I think somewhere in the stark ancestry there will be a house (?Flint) who warg with squirrels, since both Arya and bran have been called squirrels)

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If bloodravens statistics are anywhere close to correct, 1 out of 1000 ppl have some ability then that would means there are loads of wargs out there.

I don't believe that house gift theory though.

Pretty sure that statistic is a lie, or misleading at best.

Think about it. There's dozens(or hundreds?) of ravens in the cave with bloodraven and he says every single one has the remnants of a singer. Yet currently there's only 3score (60) living CotF. So within the lifespan of some ravens their population went from ~50,000-500,000 to 60? I doubt it.

Even if you take him to mean on average 1 in 1000, yet higher for certain populations (all CotF?), thus lower for others (almost no one south of the Neck) it's still as if the CotF went from hundreds down to 60 only in the past few years... still seems odd.

Either way I'm pretty sure warging is a First Men thing, maybe linking back to those wildlings that bred with the Others to breed "half human" children... maybe linking with the offspring of Bael the bard through the "Starks" descendants...

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Based on what I've read so far, it only seems to be among the North and beyond the wall.

Warging, correct me if I'm wrong, is an ability from the Children of the Forest.

Now, how did Westerosi people get this ability? That is a good question.

As far as we know, for a fact, the Stark children received this ability from their attachment to each one of those pup Direwolves.

Maybe it has something to do with the Direwolves themselves? I don't know.

Maybe the Stark children always had the warging abilities in them and it remained dormant until the direwolves arrived? I don't know.

Maybe the 3 Eyed Crow went around all of Westerosi and chose specific individuals and decided to give them these abilities? I don't know.

But what we do know is that the Stark kids and quite a few Wildlings have this ability.

But I am 100% sure that how anyone in the region of Westerosi acquired these abilities, the Children of the Forest are involved with it somehow.

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Take off your 21st century X-Men influenced science fiction spectacles people.

It is not a genetic gift. It is a spiritual one. Magic is not about the number of midichloriants in your blood, but about a spiritual blessing that is linked to your family.

And because it is spirit based magic, it does not follow logical patterns, but is linked to other non- measurable things like omens, portents, significant alignments of the rivers of spirit etc.

In other words, even though the Starks are spiritually blessed by the Old Gods, it does not follow that 1 in every X number of Starks will have the Gift, or that only those who are particularly devout worshippers of the Old Gods - which would exclude Sansa for example - will receive the Gift.

There is a greater divine plan at work, which is why 6 Stark kids are wargs in one generation. It is not because Eddard and Catelyn's chromosomes were the perfect match or some other pseudo scientific explanation.

It is because of magic.

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House Farwynd of the Lonely Light are supposed to be able to be able to warg into seals. If that is true it has nothing to do with the Old Gods. The Ironborn have followed the Drowned God for a very long time indeed.

I doubt one could warg into a trout. It's mentioned that warging into animals that are radically different to humans (prey animals, birds) has a negative effect on the skinchanger. Warging into something with such a simple brain might be very dangerous.

And sometimes a sigil is just a sigil. Do House Westerling warg into clams?

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