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Jaime and the Kingsguard


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It's been on my mind for quite a while now : do you think Jaime will eventually leave/be dismissed from the KG ?

I thought it was a 50/50 possibilty reading the books, but the fact that it's been brought up twice in six episodes this season, and Jaime's 'willingness' to give it up for Tyrion makes me think they're trying to have us take a hint.

So, foreshadowing or minor deviation (sort of) from the show ?

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I think Jaime will soon be disliked again in the realm.

I'm not sure why (I am very behind on the books atm)

but after watching and enjoying Game of Thrones both from HBO and mr Martin himself, you learn that all you love will be taken away.

As for him leaving the KG.. I'm really not sure. I don't think he will, not yet anyway.

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I seem to think that Jaime's redemption arc will hit a major snag some where along the line. Whomever the next king is after Tommen croaks (could be soon in the books if we follow Marg's prophecy) will likely not keep him in the KG. If Aegeon (fAegeon to most) wins the throne would he honestly want the man who stabbed his grandfather as LC of his KG? Dany? Stannis? Wild candidates (Jon? Martells?)? No one is going to want him there. As for leaving on his own, it will never come to that decision because of events coming that will force him out although I think that the show has been hinting rather heavily towards that (another reason I don't think it will happen).

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Don't know about his future with the Kingsguard, but I have this crackpot idea about him dying to protect Daenerys. It would kind of make up for killing her father.

He doesn't care about Aerys. Aegon, Rhaenerys and Rhaegar are another matter, though.

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It's been on my mind for quite a while now : do you think Jaime will eventually leave/be dismissed from the KG ?

I thought it was a 50/50 possibilty reading the books, but the fact that it's been brought up twice in six episodes this season, and Jaime's 'willingness' to give it up for Tyrion makes me think they're trying to have us take a hint.

So, foreshadowing or minor deviation (sort of) from the show ?

He will die

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It's been on my mind for quite a while now : do you think Jaime will eventually leave/be dismissed from the KG ?

I thought it was a 50/50 possibilty reading the books, but the fact that it's been brought up twice in six episodes this season, and Jaime's 'willingness' to give it up for Tyrion makes me think they're trying to have us take a hint.

So, foreshadowing or minor deviation (sort of) from the show ?

There is going to be a new regime. The new regime (whether led by Aegon, Dany, or Stannis) will not keep Jaime on the Kingsguard. Provided he survives Stoneheart, he's going to find himself out of the job sooner or later.

Specifically defending Cersei, and all that is left to decide is whether he choices to die or not

Why would Jaime die defending Cersei, when he has already made the choice not to?

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I think Jaime will soon be disliked again in the realm.

Well everyone in the realm dislikes Jaime, ever since he killed Aerys, and this hasn't changed.

Even members of House Lannister do not like him that much.

It's been on my mind for quite a while now : do you think Jaime will eventually leave/be dismissed from the KG ?

I thought it was a 50/50 possibilty reading the books, but the fact that it's been brought up twice in six episodes this season, and Jaime's 'willingness' to give it up for Tyrion makes me think they're trying to have us take a hint.

So, foreshadowing or minor deviation (sort of) from the show ?

Jaime has already left the KG.

He was last seen with Brienne in the Riverlands.

He abandoned his post and chose to follow Brienne.

Perhaps he will return to his KG duty but the situation between him, Brienne and LS will have unpredictable consequences.

In any case, I doubt that Jaime will become Lord of CR and marry.

In the tv series I don't think that they were trying to foreshadow anything, in regards to Jaime's offer to marry and settle down.

In the books the interactions between Jaime and Tywin are limited.

Jaime, still not convinced that Tyrion might be innocent, refuses his father's offer to marry Margaery. His dismissal from the KG is wishful thinking from Tywin's part.

“You do.” Lord Tywin rose as well. “A duty to House Lannister. You are the heir to Casterly Rock. That is where you should be. Tommen should accompany you, as your ward and squire. The Rock is where he’ll learn to be a Lannister, and I want him away from his mother. I mean to find a new husband for Cersei. Oberyn Martell perhaps, once I convince Lord Tyrell that the match does not threaten Highgarden. And it is past time you were wed. The Tyrells are now insisting that Margaery be wed to Tommen, but if I were to offer you instead—”


In the tv series, Jaime knows that Tyrion didn't do it and he is willing to do anything to protect his little brother.

I believe th

I believe that the scene in e6 when Jaime agreed to leave the KG was simply mirroring their dialogue from S1

You're blessed with abilities that few men possess. You're blessed to belong to the most powerful family in the kingdoms. And you're still blessed with youth. And what have you done with these blessings, eh? You served as a glorified bodyguard for two kings... one a mad man, the other a drunk.The future of our family will be determined in these next few months. We could establish a dynasty that would last a thousand years... or we could collapse into nothing, as the Targaryens did. I need you to become a man you're always meant to be. Not next year, not tomorrow... now.

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There is going to be a new regime. The new regime (whether led by Aegon, Dany, or Stannis) will not keep Jaime on the Kingsguard. Provided he survives Stoneheart, he's going to find himself out of the job sooner or later.

Why would Jaime die defending Cersei, when he has already made the choice not to?

Because if he defends Cersei and deliberately loses he can end all the Lannister madness without actually dooming his kids to execution

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Because if he defends Cersei and deliberately loses he can end all the Lannister madness without actually dooming his kids to execution

Oh jeeze, didn't even consider that possibility. But I'm assuming his burning of the letter coupled with Cersei asking for Qyburn's champion means we're getting an UnGregor defending her.

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Specifically defending Cersei, and all that is left to decide is whether he choices to die or not

Because if he defends Cersei and deliberately loses he can end all the Lannister madness without actually dooming his kids to execution


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Because if he defends Cersei and deliberately loses he can end all the Lannister madness without actually dooming his kids to execution

In this scenario, he wouldn't actually be defending Cersei, but pretending to while having the intent of letting her die. You didn't specify this in your previous post.

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If Jaime dies for any Targaryen, it'll be Jon or fAegon. The thing Jaime most deeply regrets in his life is that he wasn't able to protect Rhaegar's wife and children. While, yes, Dany is Rhaegar's sister, she holds no meaning to Jaime. But if Jaime hears, Rhaegar has a living child,he would whatever he can to help them.

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He will definitely meet his end still being the Kingsguard. He will kill Cersei and go face to face with Tyrion. Jaime will not fight Tyrion and Tyrion (probably on a dragon) will kill him.

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If Jaime dies for any Targaryen, it'll be Jon or fAegon. The thing Jaime most deeply regrets in his life is that he wasn't able to protect Rhaegar's wife and children. While, yes, Dany is Rhaegar's sister, she holds no meaning to Jaime. But if Jaime hears, Rhaegar has a living child,he would whatever he can to help them.


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