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Stannis' Kingsguard

King Breakspear

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Every other person who has/had a claim to the Iron Throne like Dany, (f)Aegon, Renly, hell even Robb had some kind of Kingsguard. But Stannis, doesn't have a Kingsguard. Why? Because he's so awesome he doesn't need one. /end troll

If Stannis were to finally sit upon the Iron Throne and have a Kingsguard, who do you think should be in it? He probably wouldn't take anyone who didn't support him from the beginning since he is Stannis "forgiven but not forgotten" so probably some knights who were with him all the way. Don't know which ones though since those knights/small lords want lordships as their reward.

Also, hi everyone ^_^. Long time lurker, first time poster.

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Wun Weg- The giant is big and befriend Shireen

Balon Swann- if balon lives

Devan Seaworth- because he is being a good squire

The Hound- after the Hound return to being the Hound. He is also hated by Stannis' enemy the Lannster

Brune- He could be a goof member

Loras- to make the Tyrell not rebell

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Stannis would believe that the KG in kings landing are his, they are just serving the wrong king.

Apart from Jaime who would be condemned to die, so he needs one KG of his own, at least. Also the fact that 4 of the other members of the KG were named by Joffrey or Tommen (Ser Balon, Ser Loras, Ser Osmund, and Ser 'Robert Strong') so they're not real KG either. So if that were the case he should still have at least 5 of his own KG (that's not even counting for the fact that the other two are completely useless)

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Apart from Jaime who would be condemned to die, so he needs one KG of his own, at least. Also the fact that 4 of the other members of the KG were named by Joffrey or Tommen (Ser Balon, Ser Loras, Ser Osmund, and Ser 'Robert Strong') so they're not real KG either. So if that were the case he should still have at least 2 of his own KG

In any case he probably could replace them with some King's Men, they're loyal to him after all.

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Well yeah, but the question is why he doesn't have a KG now, which basically fuck knows really.

Probably didn't really need one for the time being. So far he was either on Dragonstone, an island that he closed off with loyalists or in battle surrounded by his soldiers.

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Probably didn't really need one for the time being. So far he was either on Dragonstone, an island that he closed off with loyalists or in battle surrounded by his soldiers.

Yeah, I mean one reason I just thought of (might have read it on this forum and just remembered it though, can't remember) is that since the KG are heavily connected to the faith (the primary part of this is that there are Seven of them) Stannis wouldn't really use them because 1) He's more or less an atheist and 2) He's officially converted to the Red Faith

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I think he doesn't have a kingsguard because he think he's entitled to the Kingsguard. Sure he'll probably have most of the current members killed if he takes the throne, but he doesn't want a knock-off "rainbow guard" type thing.

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Stannis might keep Swann because he might know that Balon Swann is a great fighter and is more honorable then most of the current King's Guard.

Stannis doesn't read the books. I think he'll chuck any KG that have been appointed since Robert died on principle, and any who were appointed before he died for failure to fulfill their duty.

If there's an exception, it's probably Loras, but only if the Tyrells are still in power.

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LC Richard Horpe

Ser Clayton Suggs

Ser Rolland Storm

Ser Justin Massey

Ser Godry Farring



Man, I love Stannis but this list makes me wanna puke. Pretty much only Storm and Massey are ok.

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