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Theory – There Must Be Another Hidden Targ


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I have a new theory about why another person must have Targaryen blood who has not yet been revealed to be a Targ. I know that whenever some has a new theory at this point, either it is not really new or it has one or more big holes. So I acknowledge there may be problems with the theory, and I am ready to be proven wrong. I also know that most people hate the idea of another hidden Targ (one, i.e., Jon, is more than enough). Finally, I recognize that the premises for my theory are premises that some people simply reject, but hear my out first.

The main part of my theory that I think is new is based on the fact that GRRM was not going to have dragons originally. So what was going to be special about the Targaryens if they were not going to have dragons? From what I have read, the Targaryens were going to be “fire dancers” or have the ability to manipulate fire (not fireproof—just control fire). I wish I could find the article that said this, and if I am mistaken, I admit my whole theory falls apart. If someone has a link to such an article, please link to it.

One of the big debates I have seen on the boards is whether a dragon rider needs to have Targaryen blood. This argument is relevant if the final battle involves the three dragons riding into battle against the Others. While theories can be developed that Targ blood is not needed for dragon riding, that argument would be harder to make if “fire dancing” rather than “dragon riding” were the Targaryen power. A Targaryen might not be needed to ride a dragon, but how would a non-Targaryen develop the Targ power of “fire dancing” if the story had been written that way by GRRM without dragons?

So if the dragon must have three heads, and if we know that Dany and Jon have Targ blood, who is the third head of the dragon? I know some people think Jon alone is the three-headed dragon, but there are three dragons in the story, so it seems to make sense there will be three dragon riders in the end. If the idea of three dragon riders is replaced with three “fire dancers” in the end, then there have to be three Targs fighting together in the end. I know GRRM has said that a dragon rider does not necessarily have to be a Targ, but I think he is playing a word game there—meaning that a Targ bastard, for example, is not a Targaryen but has Targaryen blood. The question that GRRM did not directly address was whether a dragon rider needed a certain amount of Targaryen blood.

Perhaps the third Targ is not so hidden, i.e., Aegon (or (f)Aegon), who likely has Targ blood even if not the “real” Aegon (Blackfyres and Brightflames and Bittersteels have Targ blood after all). But the foreshadowing strongly suggests that (f)Aegon dies in DoD 2.0. So he might right a dragon (I think he probably does), but he seems unlikely to live to the final battle, so he cannot be the third head of the dragon. I know many people when asked list him as one of the three heads, but I don’t see how he can be the third head if he is dead at the time he is really needed for the final battle, and if he never becomes aligned with Dany and Jon. The three heads of the dragon appear to me to be the three aligned Targs who fight together to win the final battle. (f)Aegon does not seem destined to be part of that team.

As Rhaegar said in the HotU visions, “There must be one more.” Who is the third head of the dragon—who is the other Targ? By process of elimination, Tyrion seems to be the best candidate, which means A+J=T. Yes, I know people HATE that theory. But there are other clues that Tyrion could be a Targ (hair color, eyes mismatched, “no son of mine,” etc.—go to one of the A+J=T threads for a more complete analysis). But the real question I have for doubters is if there must be three Targs fighting together in the final battle (because the dragon must have three heads) and if (f)Aegon will be dead by that point in the story, then doesn’t there have to be another hidden Targ, and if so, who can it be?

Anyone agree with me? For those who do not, what are the holes in my theory?

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I think you're right about the bastard part, though I doubt Tyrion is one. I see Jaime/Cersei being far more likely due to their personality traits and beauty. It was mentioned that Aerys took certain "privileges" during Joanna's bedding ceremony. Plus having Tyrion be Tywin's only legitimate son would be hilariously ironic.

Also I really want to see Jaime riding a Dragon.

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I'm 99% sure that an SSM stated the third head "was not necessarily a Targ" which could be taken a few ways.

If the only requirement is that three Targs of a similar generation are needed, it makes no sense for Rhaegar to say there must be a third. Viserys, Rhaenys and Aegon were all alive when he made that statement. The popular opinion of this seems to be that Rhaegar was only counting his own children.

Or, there were other criteria for the three heads, such as fulfilling certain prophecies.

If you need another hidden Targ for your theory (other than Jon), Tyrion seems to be a frontrunner. We also have the missing descendants of several Blackfyres as you mentioned. Also missing are the descendants of the first Daeneyrs and Maron Martell. It's mentioned they had several children. The frontrunner for their living descendant seems to be Darkstar IMO. Or, if the current Martell's can trace back to Maron, it could be any of a number of Martells.

So yes I agree we'll be seeing more Targs.

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Personally, I think Targaryen ancestry probably matters. But being a Targaryen means being a legitimate son of a Targaryen male.

So even if ancestry does end up mattering it could be a non-Targ with Targ ancestry. Laenor, Laena, Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey were all Velaryons with Targ ancestry.

Addam (of Hull) Velaryon's brother also had recent Targ ancestry, but could have been Quentyn-ed had he kept trying. One succeeded, the other didn't.

Arianne and Trystane Martell are two with known Targaryen ancestry, as are all of the Sand Snakes.

Young Aegon seems likely to have Targ ancestry. The lord and bastard Velaryons likely have at least distant Targ ancesty.

And of course Stannis and Shireen have Targ ancestry.

So there are known options without getting into possible secret ones.

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And of course Stannis and Shireen have Targ ancestry.

As well as anyone else descended from a Targaryen daughter wed into another house. Which would make practically every Lord Paramount's family suspect.

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As well as anyone else descended from a Targaryen daughter wed into another house. Which would make practically every Lord Paramount's family suspect.

Robert Arryn (assuming he is Jon's son biologically) and Harry the Heir also two more possibilities, as one of Jaehaerys I's daughters married into House Arryn.

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Anyone agree with me? For those who do not, what are the holes in my theory?

One of the biggest holes is that the story and GRRM's conception of it have changed over the years. It may well be that at the time Aegon would have been the third Targaryen rider, but that the introduction of dragons proved a tempting way to include more of, say, Tyrion. After all, the Targs as fire dancers means that the entire Ironborn plot in Slaver's Bay can't have existed in its current form, and yet the story still includes it. A conception of a story can change in a week, and GRRM spent quite a bit of time before even AGOT was published.

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Jon is the secret Targaryen. We have solved the mystery but it doesn't mean everybody else who reads the books have done it. As far as the book go, there is only two Targaryen: Aegon (maybe) and Dany. They're waiting for the third one, which might be Jon. And if Aegon is fake, some other.

i have a feeling that a Velaryon will emerge. there is just too much of them in the Rogue Prince and TPATQ. I mean the bastard of Driftmark could possibly be important later on.

Yeah, I hope too. House Velaryion was quite prominent back then, and now they're suspiciously quiet.
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